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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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Huge props to Trooper. He hiked 3.2km, ran for 20 minutes, found me in the pitch darkness, and healed me from less than 500 blood to full. Grade A good guy here, I appreciate it!

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If anyone is in need of medical assistance PM me or Message/add me on steam Vendetta131. I'm currently near the Airfield just north of Kabanino. NW area of the map. I'm limited on Med supplies at the moment but in the search for more. If anyone is interested in teaming up as a medic/body guard team let me know too

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so what happens if someone calls a medic and they are a bandit? I was just curious... I just started playing this game and I think the service your providing is pretty cool but freaking bandits... :/

That just happened to me, sort of.

A fellow medic asked me to take care of someone in need of blood transfusion at Green Mountain. When we met, I realized he must have been in a very bad shape, blurry vision, no colors etc. And since he chose an US server with evening ingame time (most other servers kicked him: high ping), he just couldn't see me, even though we stood 30-40m away from each other, and keeps running past me two times. I tried to direct him back to the treeline via direct channel because he started running around in the open then, when he suddenly passed out - out there, in the open, 50-60m away from the treeline, no cover...

I prepared my inventory for a quick transfusion and rushed to his collapsed body. And there it was... the distinctive heartbeat sound I heard only few times before. Never in this context though.

However, I didn't have the time to judge him - that's not my job anyway - but was rather relieved that he passed out, because I was able to give him the transfusion and get back to cover before he regained consciousness. Sorry if I acted a bit reserved around you (the patient), I just didn't want to take any risks in that situation, no matter what your background story might be.

But on a side note:

As I said somewhere else before, I think bandits are great! The suspense they add to this mod is priceless.

Edited by Lynx

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Hello, I was ambushed by a group of three bandits while moving through Zelenogorsk about twenty minutes ago and am now to the south of the town (not in it). I managed to kill one of them, but was critically wounded as I escaped. I'm now down to 1300 blood and am in desperate need of a blood transfusion. If anybody in the SW is available to assist, I'd be willing to give my morphine auto-injector and some food/drink. I'll be watching this thread, if you can help, please PM me or add me to Steam (http://steamcommunity.com/id/lulian) and I'll provide a map with my location. The bandits were heading somewhere towards the north or Green Mountain last I saw.

Edited by Lulian

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Urgent medical attention needed on GB 1 in Elektro, im in need of a transfusion and am at the hospital currently and have many blood packs.

Thanks in advance.

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Urgent medical attention needed on GB 1 in Elektro, im in need of a transfusion and am at the hospital currently and have many blood packs.

Thanks in advance.

I can help you, I'm in Elek.

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need medical assistance at Prud lake. i have all the required items just need someone to apply them to me.

no laughing at me Brian lol

Edited by Charlieraf

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Ey guys! I apreciate your work, thank you!

And....please...can you help me? I lived for 2 days but i have lost a lot of blood....im around 500, i almost cannot see nothing and i have been wandering for too long, taking resources...i have been tried to help myself but now...im too weak to keep searching for matches to light a fire and take a feast to regain blood...sadly of all is...that i have blood for a transfussion but i need your help medics!...

Send me a PM please and i will tell you my location, i can say is... South-east for now.... i can donate a painkiller and the blood transfusion used in myself

Thanks in advance!

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Damn this game! Ran 4500m to a patient and got kicked. Spawned in the wilderness with all my gear gone, logged out & back into another server and spawned with all my gear near Elektro, lol. Time to start running again :P

Gotta love it! Bugs? Nooo... :rolleyes: My brother (a noob) and I are gonna team up for some action in a bit. The hard part is just to find each other. Explaining too a young kid (oh, well, he is 18!) with no clue how the game is and e.t.c is harder then you might think.

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I can help you, I'm in Elek.

Thanks again for the help.

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Ey guys! I apreciate your work, thank you!

And....please...can you help me? I lived for 2 days but i have lost a lot of blood....im around 500, i almost cannot see nothing and i have been wandering for too long, taking resources...i have been tried to help myself but now...im too weak to keep searching for matches to light a fire and take a feast to regain blood...sadly of all is...that i have blood for a transfussion but i need your help medics!...

Send me a PM please and i will tell you my location, i can say is... South-east for now.... i can donate a painkiller and the blood transfusion used in myself

Thanks in advance!

I can help if you tell me your proper location. I don't know if you realise, but there are 2119 servers currently, so nobody is going to run over to your location to find you...

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Takaramono (Rodalfe) helped me out a lot after encountering another player who repeatedly swung at me with an Axe had reduced me to a mear 4567 blood. I was dying i managed to get to the hospital bandage my self and sit tight in Elektro, i then asked for help on the server. No one replied so i decided to post in this topic and they replied . They came to Elektro and game me a much needed transfusion, once i was healthy i was instructed to take any supplies i need from their pack. I took a tin of food, a can of pop, a map and off i went.

Thank you so much you have aided me and i shall survive another day. If anyone is more deserving of a spot on the list then it certainly is Takaramono (Rodalfe).

Blynx out.

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Dont worry, thanks anyway for caring!

If anybody near Chernogorsk can help me with a blood transfussion...pleease! :P

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Dont worry, thanks anyway for caring!

If anybody near Chernogorsk can help me with a blood transfussion...pleease! :P

I'm not far from Chernogorsk. ( In Elek ). I can come but you'll have to wait 5-10 min.

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Hey, I'm about halfway between Cherno and Elektro and need a blood transfusion. I've got the blood on me, as well. Any help with this would be massively appreciated <3 :D

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need medical assistance at Prud lake. i have all the required items just need someone to apply them to me.

no laughing at me Brian lol

I am next to Gorka. If you still need help, PM me.

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Just back online again, still needing help.

I urgently need a medic at the Southern barracks at the NW Airfield. I have just found a M136 but it seems like one of the doors in the barracks thought I shouldn't have it and shut itself on me and broke my legs and I have ~5000 blood. My friend (Whom I know in real life and was beside me at the time) tried to go out to get me some aid, but unfortunately failed and got himself killed. So i'm begging someone to come to my aid as this is my very first time finding an incredibly rare weapon like the M136, and I would very much like to be able to use it later on down the line, thanks!

If rescued I would be more than happy to be a bodyguard for whoever saves me, they just need to ask me on Steam if i'm free and i'll do my best to come help escort you to your rendezvous with your patient!

Steam name is Flam3

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Hey, I'm about halfway between Cherno and Elektro and need a blood transfusion. I've got the blood on me, as well. Any help with this would be massively appreciated <3 :D

I can come, i'm nearby.

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Hi Med. team!

Im crawling at southern parts NW airfields with 2k blood right about now. i'ld gladly return back to forests and hunt down some animals to restore hp, but im all blurry and fainting all around.

If someone is aviable please reply

Steam name: CornHoliO [FIN]

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all sorted cheers cole a random survivor came past and picked me up so there is hope for the human race yet!

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