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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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Even if we had our own distinctive skin at our disposal, we'd still getting shot at on a regular basis. Isn't that the third time your char died this week? Tip of my hat to your enthusiasm, though! Just 1 minute after the KIA message, this follows:

SoulShaper2, I'm gonna recommend you for the bounce back medic of the year award!

Haha thanks man!!! if it helps i went to elektro and got a makarov and M16, i then met an unarmed survivor and took him the the school where i gave him my makarov for a pepsi, then i helped another survivor look for a better back pack in the grocery store and gave him directions and then went to the hospital where i revieved fire froma LEE, i dodged it got to the hospital stocked up and now on my way to help a patients :P i have died twice today alone while getting meds and helped a player who has been on for a total of a day :P im really liking helping people since i can die and get equiped in over 10 mins if i spawn right (40 if not) where as helping people gives more flavor to the game

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Haha thanks man!!! if it helps i went to elektro and got a makarov and M16, i then met an unarmed survivor and took him the the school where i gave him my makarov for a pepsi, then i helped another survivor look for a better back pack in the grocery store and gave him directions and then went to the hospital where i revieved fire froma LEE, i dodged it got to the hospital stocked up and now on my way to help a patients :P i have died twice today alone while getting meds and helped a player who has been on for a total of a day :P im really liking helping people since i can die and get equiped in over 10 mins if i spawn right (40 if not) where as helping people gives more flavor to the game

dude congrats thats badass. everyone i meet tries to kill me or spawn helicopters from their backapacks. if i can help let me know you rock

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dude congrats thats badass. everyone i meet tries to kill me or spawn helicopters from their backapacks. if i can help let me know you rock

im glad someone thinks so! i was shitting it the whole time xD and well i could really do with an over watch tomorrow if your on and willing?

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I play as a medic. Name in game is Red Cross (Medic). I generally carry a lot of medical supplies and very limited ammo. Most of the time, I tend to stick to using an axe.

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Yeah Soul that's pretty awesome! I always get shit scared when I need to go to high concentrated areas... I always get paranoid of snipers so I sit in cover for ages unless I'm with someone, lol

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Hey. I managed to fudge up a raid on Balota's military complex and lost half of my blood.

I'm in desperate need of blood, but I know you guys don't do trips into Balota (and I don't blame you) so my question is to you, knowing I am where I am, where would be a good place to meet a medic? I've been looking at a map, planning my escape route from this damned town and I don't see a whole lot of nearby landmarks to flee to where I can receive aid.

Where would you guys want me?

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Hey. I managed to fudge up a raid on Balota's military complex and lost half of my blood.

I'm in desperate need of blood, but I know you guys don't do trips into Balota (and I don't blame you) so my question is to you, knowing I am where I am, where would be a good place to meet a medic? I've been looking at a map, planning my escape route from this damned town and I don't see a whole lot of nearby landmarks to flee to where I can receive aid.

Where would you guys want me?

I currently have 2 patients in balota, i will patch you up tomorrow if your on around 8am GMT

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That'd be about four in the morning my time, I wouldn't be able to make that I'm afraid.

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After Action Report

So today after meeting up with a fellow medic (kalskirata) we made our way to a patient named: IrishBros who we patched up and in exchange he gave me a Ghillie suit, however upon putting it on i lost my MP5 (1 clip) My M9SD (2 clips) and most of my med supplies, we all split up as i had to go for tea and after coming back made a raid to elektro, it was short lived. Never mind eh? :P

Upon respawn i find im at balota! i hit up the stands (finding a M16) and go to the airfield where i see a black dot trailing red running round, i run and see its a player being chased my Zeds, i run to him saying "get behind and patch yourself" and start shooting Zeds, when there all dead i turn to the player and have a chat, by myself as it takes him forever to type, i find out hes been running for ages and now only has 5000 blood and that i saved his life. I decided to let him tag a long even tho hes been playing a day in the hope he learns a few tricks (not being arrogant just saying after playing so long i know few tricks with zeds etc) we hit cherno and i find him a Lee and a makarov, i go to loot the hospital and get enough morphine to knock out a elephant at this stage and we set off to a patient, i explain to him what im doing and he starts calling me doc :P long story short after an hour server resets and were back in cherno, we join a differnet server and while hes joining i go loot the hospital, i get supplies and hit up a few flats finding us both a compass and ammo for his Lee, on the last flat i die (as mentioned in a previous post) to someone screaming at me after i say im friendly and a medic. I tell my new friend over steam to GTFO and go on a low pop, i give him directions to a patient (but not saying why hes going there so he doesnt try to heal etc, i still havent taught him that)

My new respawn is what i posted earlier, i picked up M16 and a mak, gave it to a player and helped another one find a crow bar, i then helped a third survivor find a better rucksack and how to pick it up. I move on after getting thanked but as i leave i try to help save people by saying, "hey btw dont shoot on sight, you end up killing people like me" and to my surprise he says he wont =O on my way to the hospital i come under fire (which should have been obvious due to a dead body, but being the idiot i am i risked it) i ran inside and grabbed more blood and morphine then you can shake a stick at before running back out and into the woods, i set off towards my Two patients at balota but due to server teleporting me i end up at the outskirts of elektro again after walking 30 mins, this happens again but on the outside of cherno so i call it a night.

If anyone can the 3 people at balota that would be nice howerver if not i understand, i also got a patient at "Pass Sosnovy" that needs assistance, please add: duck on steam.

sorry if this AAR was boring, its my first time writing one! :P

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I contacted RMG and put in an request for medical help. Unfortunately a friend logged onto skype just right before they contacted me so I no longer needed help. But they were quick with a response and I appreciate the thought :D

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I'll be on and in the NE, with PLENTY of medical gear in about an hour. Patients or Medics (for resupply) feel free to contact me.

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I currently have 2 patients in balota, i will patch you up tomorrow if your on around 8am GMT

Yep I'm one of the patients waiting.... soul has been trying to get to me all night .... gotta give him thumbs up +1 what

with all the crap with the update and him getting whacked..... will try again later today as I'm still alive except for being hungry still 5k blood....

Thanks again for all your efforts Soul much appreciated....cheers

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I could do with some med support i was hiding behind a bush close to some rocks i went prone to look at map and my legs broke after traveling for 2 hours a rock almost kills me :( all i have in return is my gratitude and a m104 shotgun with lots of slugs. I'll be on for another hour if anyone is near by i'm just north of Khelm.

I'm off ill hit you guys up tomorrow.

Edited by Irishbros

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I managed to get out of Balota without killing myself. In trying to find a safer position further north I wound up running in circles though, ended up on the edge of Cherno. Managed to get my canteen refilled at the very least. Still in need of a transfusion, but I'm in a much safer position in the woods north of Cherno instead of the middle of Balota.

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ok i am at grishino with 2k with blood and starving i just need some blood and food and tanks to kyle.ver.2 for the patch up last nigth

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Hey guys need a blood transfusion, have the required stuff just need the assistance.

Location:Barn building east of Pusta, North of electro. I can move if needed.

Contact: Add me on steam if you you can help =]. Steam name is Drunz.

Thanks guys.

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Anyone going to help me? ( I posted earlier and got no help)

I'm North of the Southern Military field. I need food, but carry blood for the transfusion. Please help me.

Add me on Steam: owatch

See the logo next to my name, its the same on steam, so look for it.

Edited by Shard

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Anyone going to help me? ( I posted earlier and got no help)

I'm North of the Southern Military field. I need food, but carry blood for the transfusion. Please help me.

Add me on Steam: owatch

See the logo next to my name, its the same on steam, so look for it.

If my car is where I left it, I should be able to make it to you. Sadly, that was 4 days and 3 patches ago...

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Anyone? Please! Come on Kyle!

I can't rely on anyone until I am added as a Friend on Steam.

Because that is where I will post additional Information

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Anyone? Please! Come on Kyle!

I can't rely on anyone until I am added as a Friend on Steam.

Because that is where I will post additional Information

I'm trying, I'm near berezino, and the car is near the black forest.

Have you tried farming zombies for their beans?

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Hi, if anyone would be willing to meet me somewhere around where I am I would very much appreciate it. I'm near a barn north of Solnichniy. Ready to crawl west as fast as possible. I have 2k blood and a broken leg. My steam name is InternetTAB, I have neither morphine or a blood bag though.. Thanks for the time.

Edit : NM, Stairs made me bleed, no bandages. Doh!

Edited by internetTAB

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I'm trying, I'm near berezino, and the car is near the black forest.

Have you tried farming zombies for their beans?

I shot 3 just before I logged out, but I don't want to get in any more combat. Especially with my blood level. And lack of bandages.

I'll be here if you need me. Better to get the info over Steam though. I won't be posting positions and Server information over this thread

Edited by Shard

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im glad someone thinks so! i was shitting it the whole time xD and well i could really do with an over watch tomorrow if your on and willing?

.....i should be in Zele by tonight to try and help willy so probably not might be able to do both if i push it

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Yes I shot 3 just before I logged out, but I don't want to get in any more combat. Especially with my blood level. And lack of bandages.

I'll be here if you need me. Better to get the info over Steam though. I won't be posting positions and Server information over this thread

My ambulance has been stolen :(

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