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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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Its a pity you can't take medical helicopters across servers with you haha

Come with me if you want to live..

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I'm at pusta now, not actually in the town but close by. Anyone offer assistance? I can move further north if required.

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Its a pity you can't take medical helicopters across servers with you haha

Come with me if you want to live..

if tht was the case, RMG wld have our jobs :P

EDIT: May I advise my fellow medics to clear their PM boxes? I just looked at mine and it was close to full ><

Edited by kalskirata

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I'm at pusta now, not actually in the town but close by. Anyone offer assistance? I can move further north if required.

Keep heading north west

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I'm located in the hospital closest to Elektro in Chernogorsk. Inside the tent. I've got blood bags. Send me the server and time to charles.xrandolph2@gmail.com

I'll be there

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Me once more, cant send Pm and cant add you on steam.

But since my last Pm the situation has changed slightly. leg still broken but new location due to the update I guess.

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On standby and ready to help. Any patient in the South-west (excluding the locations in my signature) will receive priority before any others in the West

Could not send PM...

Hi! I have had little luck contacting Wastland M.D fellow and I need help. Broken bone and I could use some blood if its not to much trouble. I THINK Im close to the quarry by the radiotower up at a hill close by.

atlest the quarry was my last know location but the 1.7.2 update seems to have messed that up.

Are you free?

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Hi all

Im on service from now on till in maximum 3hours.

My position is between polana and Berezino!

Ill be watching tv in the meantime :P

Need help ? add me on skype: schnarre0815

edit: still playing I Think ... the last patch version ....so anybody "oldschool" need medical assistance ?

Edited by Aggroschnarre

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I need help badly, I'm in the Hospital in Chernogorsk, or whatever the big city near Elektro is called. I have blood bags already.

My blood is low, like 500 something.

Help. I'm offline so I won't be killed. Send me an email at charles.xrandolph2@gmail.com or add me on Steam: owatch


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Alright guys, im off now cause I have work. Ill be back on later tonight 9pm pst to take patients, stay safe all!

Also ill be looking to raid a hospital, if someone would like to provide overwatch or boots send me a pm. any gear that is not medical you'll get to keep.

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Guys no one will run a rescue mission to such high PvP areas, not only is it a massive distance to travel but the chances of dying upon arrival is very high

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Guys no one will run a rescue mission to such high PvP areas, not only is it a massive distance to travel but the chances of dying upon arrival is very high

No, does the hospital count? Even in an empty server?

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I need help badly, I'm in the Hospital in Chernogorsk, or whatever the big city near Elektro is called. I have blood bags already.

My blood is low, like 500 something.

Help. I'm offline so I won't be killed. Send me an email at charles.xrandolph2@gmail.com or add me on Steam: owatch


Help me help you? If we go to an unpopulated server and meet up in ******.

You are in hospital right,in elektro? think you could make it?If so bring me something for my legs.

I need you more then you need me here... I�ll see what i can dig out of my pack for you if you �re on.

Intrested in 1911/revolver ammo?

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No, does the hospital count? Even in an empty server?

Well the hospital is in the city which is a hotspot so yes it counts, not only that but its the time, most medic's are at the top of the map helping players who have been alive for a while with hard to get gear.

not many are willing to travel for 3 hours to heal to then walk back up

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something went wrong post got all messed up

Edited by Jack_D

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Jack, I have something to fix broken bones I think. Morphine or an auto injector I believe. Like I said, contact me at my email or on steam.


Steam: owatch (Here is my user via a mod I made: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=79528254&searchtext=

It looks like the others won't help us, and I am in Chernogorsk

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if tht was the case, RMG wld have our jobs :P

EDIT: May I advise my fellow medics to clear their PM boxes? I just looked at mine and it was close to full ><

Then why cant I send you PMs!?

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Im on 4k blood, I really need help. Stuff is going blurry.

I don't really have anything to give you, I hope someone will just help me.

If you kill me you won't really gain anything. Most important thing i have is the ALICE pack./

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Jack, I have something to fix broken bones I think. Morphine or an auto injector I believe. Like I said, contact me at my email or on steam.


Steam: owatch (Here is my user via a mod I made: http://steamcommunit...254&searchtext=

It looks like the others won't help us, and I am in Chernogorsk

Steam name. Verfurhen

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