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Dr Wasteland MD

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I could use morphine at three rivers pretty badly. I have some STANAG, STANAG SD, and 2 DMR clips if someone is around and could rescue me.

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I'm in need of a Medic ASAP. A door rocket my world last night. Not only that buy I got hit with another bug. It knocked me unconscious, broke my leg, and left me bleeding. When I woke up I tried to bandage but my character would not stop crawling at all. Finally got that fixed and now i'm left with 95 blood, all the way from 12,000! So, i'm stranded in a little house!

Help will be much obliged, and if need of payment, I don't have much but I can give you a makarov.

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I'd like to thank Merino, Lynx and glamb. They all offered to help, I took Merino's offer first but he seemed pretty busy so Lynx helped me out instead. Gave me the morphine I requested - Simple as that.

Thanks a lot man :) - Also to Merino and glamb.

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great job ! nicely done ! guys ... pls go on like that !! :D

Nothing more to say ... just

THANK YOU and big THANKS to Merino :D

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I am signing in and ready to help. Please friend me on steam and request assistance there!

in need of morphine' date=' i have a blood pack to trade. east of nw airfield, can get on skype to communicate.


I'll help you out. Friend me on steam and let's communicate there.

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If you guys don't answer this then who will be my hero?!

I've just managed to escape the debug wilderness, whilst suffering dehydration. Eventually, I stumbled into Kamenka, desperately looking for a can of soda. Unfortunately i had tagged some zed's in the process of trying to pick up a can of soda, and started to bleed. (By this point I had 7 minutes worth of blood whilst dehydrated and bleeding).

After finally managing to lose them i've found myself in Kamenka with 2.5k blood sitting in the train station.

Character name: Not A Zombie

Location: Kamenka (Train station, along the tracks)

"I need a hero!" :)

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Hi again, a friend just saved my life so i don't need help anymore : D

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I'm in need of a Medic ASAP. A door rocket my world last night. Not only that buy I got hit with another bug. It knocked me unconscious' date=' broke my leg, and left me bleeding. When I woke up I tried to bandage but my character would not stop crawling at all. Finally got that fixed and now i'm left with 95 blood, all the way from 12,000! So, i'm stranded in a little house!

Help will be much obliged, and if need of payment, I don't have much but I can give you a makarov.


Uh, maybe you should leave us some more info, particularly where you are..

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you guys rock! friend of mine and myself needed aid, took a good 2 hours for it but thats the price you pay living in a zed infested wasteland. Didn't need the help in the end for me or my friend but meet some cool chaps so big thanks! keep it up

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I ended up breaking my legs by getting stuck in a tree after exiting a vehicle. If anyone can bring some morphine a little bit west of the deer stands that are NW of pustoschka, i'd much appreciated it.

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All is good now. Merino is a god. Very very good person he is. As I said before, last night I had broken legs and 96 blood. I talked to merino and told him where to go to find me, and I log in and like a miracle i'm at 12,000 blood, no damage. Good as new! haha! What in the world happened while I was at work? So, I told him thanks but i'm all good now. Though the building I was in, I was sitting their chatting with merino on steam, and I see in the background of the overlay and zombie run through the wall and start attacking me! No idea why, I didn't even move!!!

So, I took of running, killed the zombie, and than ran into a survivor. A few bullets were exchanged, but no one got hit. We were having a standoff both hiding behind trees. I told him I wanted no trouble, just escaping town. He didn't say anything and disconnected.

After the zombie attacking me it brought me back down to 8,000 blood. Merino was in the area, stopped by, healed me, AND gave me two morphine shots for the future.

Great guy he is indeed, highly recommend him. We hung out their and chatted for a bit, watching as two people raided the small village I just came from, with zombies attacking them. Than we went our separate ways.

Thank you guys for creating this thread. The best idea ever. Hopefully your names get recognized as a cease fire if you are spotted!

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Hello people!

Well I am in Chernogorsk with around 1500 blood and would love if I could get a blood transfusion! If any medic could come that would be great! I will give my location only to a medic on the list.


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Hello people!

Well I am in Chernogorsk with around 1500 blood and would love if I could get a blood transfusion! If any medic could come that would be great! I will give my location only to a medic on the list.


Most medics, myself included, will not come to Cherno. Get out of there and I can help.

Also, I'm on again.

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Hi Doctor would look for some help here... im in deep trouble... im down at 4600 blood with temp at 30 and im bleeding at the end of airstrip in the radio tower. Any help will be quite appreciate :) i can try to left the airstrip if ya want but might die :S

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I've gone on steam and asked for Merino for help (actually I just sent a friend request, cant message him until he accepts), but don't know when that might be. I am playing on Aus/NZ servers but if ping allows will go on server of medics choice.

My character says: "I am alone, armed with only a M1911 and have blood bags, epi-pen and morphine, need a blood transfusion ASAP, am now around 3000 blood and can't see, my vision is blurred and I can barely walk. Please respond if you can help me! I don't want to die! I'm not sure where I am, I have no map, but am close to a smallish town, so I may be able to read the sign although in Cyrillic and write it down, but I don't know if I'll last that long. PLease someone I'm begging you"

(This is the furthest I've ever gotten in DayZ and would really like to avoid restarting)

OK I think I know where I am, Pogorevka it would seem. I am currently hiding out in the church.

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UPDATE: Irenicus lives to fight another day! MerinoMedic came along and fixed me up incredibly fast!

I am astounded and really touched by this apparently small thing, one can do on a computer, but that means so much more than that! I think that goes for both parties :) Feeling good about helping others and feeling hope in humanity at the random act of kindess, as it were. Both are positive things and I guess, a different outlook on how you might play this simulation.

Hopefully the good people reading this know what I'm on about, others will roll their eyes :) That's ok. Takes all sorts mate, all sorts. That's the world, dayz or real, people will be dicks, but people can also be incredibly kind.

Merino you are a legend! :heart: Thank you so much! You have inspired me to want to do something similar for Australian servers and just wanted to let you know!

See people, this is what being a decent human being is about. People like this are so precious! Love it!

I will follow this thread and try to help out where I can now too, though I am thinking I should aquire more experience first :)

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Merino you are a legend! :heart: Thank you so much! You have inspired me to want to do something similar for Australian servers and just wanted to let you know!

Thank god. Cause I'm deathly afraid of taking care of the players on the NZ/ANZ servers...imo, they're the most trigger happy of the lot... :P

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I'm on right now for the next hour or two. If you need help, hit me up and I'll make my way to you. Just take note of the following places I'm reluctant to go to down below in my sig

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Just want to thank Merino medic for getting me help in a very hostile elektro last night . i was totally boned with 2000 blood unable to see or walk. I was bandit food for sure but merino came to the rescue so to speak, although he couldnt make it himself he did one better. he organised a team of professional snipers to come and escort me to a hospital which was an amazing experience .it started in the school in elektro thats where i was dying . we left the school to move to the hospital. i started moving with one of their guys i see zombies dropping like flies around me but no sound ! then i realize there is a sniper with a great shot and a silencer on the hill behind us! never have i felt safer in dayz it was fantastic . thanks to all involed Q , IKO, and Merino you've made a friend in the wasteland if you ever need help just shout . keep the peace

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Sorry to break it to you but there are no silenced snipers 3:

Also, this idea is quite cool indeed but I'm wondering how neutral you are(medics) and how you'd feel treating people clearly bandits or murderers.

Are they equal to you or would you refuse to help?

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Sorry to break it to you but there are no silenced snipers 3:

Also' date=' this idea is quite cool indeed but I'm wondering how neutral you are(medics) and how you'd feel treating people clearly bandits or murderers.

Are they equal to you or would you refuse to help?


ah i didnt know that ! He must have been very far away for it to be that silent . I think medics should heal all they lose nothing if they are killed as they only have as much as is needed to heal that patient. although i suppose its up to the medic or emt dealing with the situation

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Sorry to break it to you but there are no silenced snipers 3:

Also' date=' this idea is quite cool indeed but I'm wondering how neutral you are(medics) and how you'd feel treating people clearly bandits or murderers.

Are they equal to you or would you refuse to help?


I thought about the exact thing a while ago. I haven't been in the situation yet but if I ever should be I came up with a course of action: if my patient emits the characteristic heart beat sound I will think about how I experienced that person so far. Typically when I get a request for help I talk to the person for at least 30 minutes, usually longer before I can get there at all. If I have the impression that the person is not being honest with me or is generally 'dickish' or asks me to come to NWA, into Cherno, etc. I might deny seeing them in the first place since it would be dangerous for me as well. I also base how much extra supplies I give to my patients on how I experience them. Nice guys who are obviously grateful get extra morphine shots so they don't run the risk of being stuck again due to one unlucky zombie hit. Sometimes they don't need it, but I do offer them. If somebody is rather impatient or unfriendly they only get the bare minimum treatment and for example no Epi-Pen once they're stabilized to get them back on their feet immediately. So far that has only happened once or twice in 27 patients though.

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