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Suggestions for the DayZ standalone - thinking outside of the limitations of an Arma 2 mod.

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This is something very small, that when you're laying down in the bottom of a tree, or a hedge, and you can't see because of the shrubs, and when you lay on them, they just crush down, and come up 30 seconds later.. I was just thinking that they should stay down for longer, or you could cut them with a knife or just pull them up, and they grow back in lets say, a couple of days real time. I know the growing time is unrealistic, but still, I think this is a good idea, because when I hear a shot and want to see what's going on, the last thing i want to do is reveal my position by repeatedly going back and forth to crush the shrubs down.

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Okay, so my idea is to add a new item to the game.

the beam radio ,

It's called an LOS (line of sight) radio like the Harris 7800 or HCLOS. Useful but requires lots of power. I hope you have a generator in your pocket.

Edited by thebirdolux
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Awesome ideas! Some are just to detailed... for example the medical suggestions. These suggestions are 'great', but they would be very hard to code for and would take a lot of time to learn. Not to mention how much harder it would make it for the solo survivor!

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I would like to see some rag-doll in DayZ: SA! Rag-doll would make this game a lot more enjoyable.

  • Running on "Arma 2.5" engine. Will include rag-doll physics, an updated Chernarus map, and new weather system.


Personally, i think it would be cool if zombies could tackle you to the ground and you have to use your sidearm to kill them, then get back up

Edited by RyanK
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I have no idea if this has been suggested yet but I believe this could be a good way to tackle the non HUD problems!


The first stage when you're starting to feel hungry/thirsty/sick/whatever your in game character will think like this:

"I'm starting to feel a bit hungry", and in one hour or something like that you will have heard that, let's say, 2 times.

Next stage would be: "I'm really hungry, I have to get some food." And again, maybe play that audio sequence 2 times on 45 min or whatever.

Last stage: "If I don't eat something very soon I won't make it." Maybe play that 3 times over 30 minutes. Just make sure it's not too often to irritate the player.

And what I mean with that the character thinking it, is that he really do think this. Not speaking out loud or something. Who the fuck would run around alone speaking to himself that he's hungry?

I think this would be a pretty simple mechanic to implement in the standalone and would not be irritating or anything, if done right,

Just record some phrases and play them so the only one hearing them is the player!

Think about it Rocket! ;)

Edited by Timmooboy

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I have a couple of ideas some taken from other suggestions but i have thought about them and thought of improvements:

1: I saw a thread about a mist that was dangerous caused coughing and was basically poisonous and basically a mist of infection, The idea was a big group of zombies would cause a pocket of mist and when mist hit big cities a siren would sound etc. well i got thinking and personally i think the whole weather system should be revised, i know this is a massive amount of work with coding and making it all unique but I thought if you had a revised weather system we could incorporate a proper weather pattern for example the whole mist idea rather than zombies causing it have a constant cloud which would travel around a path set by the weather system it could break off into multiple clouds etc this could also open up other things like the suggested gas masks stuff like that and also possible other weather option as i would really like to see something along the lines off seasons, which would take advantage of the temperature feature. for example when it gets to around november possibly snow or ice i don't mean dramatic amounts but maybe patches on the floor or roofs covered by it this could change gameplay by adding stuff like being able to see footsteps making it harder to hide with ghillie suits (possible different camo for example snow camo ) making water harder to get as lakes start to freeze more of a battle with temperature i think this would greatly improve the dynamic gameplay which this game is famous for.

2. more animations i would like to feel as if i was my character and it was real life scenario so new animations for simple things could largely improve the game for example:

Possible backpack opening animation take the bag off of back and open bag possibly look inside see cans of drink ammo magazines then a inventory screen pops up

possibly remove the ammo counter from the hud and make it so you can check how many bullets are in the magazine

and just general small animations like putting nvg's on your head instead of appearing or have them constantly on the head but you need to turn them on with a switch

what i would really enjoy is vehicle animations doors, Actually opening the bonnet when repairing stuff like that

3. also going along with the seasons and weather patterns maybe adaptive clothing, for example its night or winter and your freezing your temperature goes down so you put a fleece coat on stuff like that also more than one camo to adapt urban more grey to blend in with towns and cities, snow camo to blend in with snow and also different coloured ghillie suits as when grass starts to get darker or leaves start to fall in autumn ghillie suits can change with darker more lifeless plant life rather than just green. Or if it makes it easier be able to swap individual bits of clothing for example keep the standard civilian clothing but with a jacket to keep warm or camo pants.

4. I think gun mechanic should be revised a little for example you find guns on the floor stashed away etc so i doubt they have been cared for or maintained so possible gun jamming incorrect bolt reload on bolt action snipers scopes get dirty and eventually thermal or night vision goes fault starts to flicker or switches on and off this would mean people can't just stick with one weapon and would stop the whole get good guns then that's the end of the game sort of game play this would mean people would also have more of a use for tents if they are still in the standalone as they may need to go back to camp and get a new gun since there's has stopped working properly.

5. im not sure about others or if this is even possible but i enjoy a good display of physics personally what i would enjoy is say if a car is travelling at 60 mph down a road and it is shot at and a wheel gets punctured i would like to see them lose control or possibly even have the car flip around or if you hit the front of the car instead of the engine just becoming unusable possibly making it so the radiator starts to leak so as they drive away about 15 minutes later and the engine cuts off because its over heating and you can choose either waste bottled water and cool it down and attempt to repair it with bandages or leave the car stuff like that.

and finally 6. personally repairing a vehicle i think is to easy i think it should be a bit more challenging for example you find a broken down car you go up to it lift the bonnet (see animation part) and have a look i think you should have a diagnose feature find out what's wrong with it so it could be you lift the bonnet examine it and it says the radiator has spring a leak or the exhaust has broken (could cause noticeably more noise or smoke) you should be able to find a pile of engine parts in a factory and take the right parts for the car and say when you come to fix it you have the bonnet open and basically it could be like a mine game were you could pull off the broken part and reattach the new pieces and it would last longer use less fuel or go faster but also have the option to just repair engine and it would function but not as good as fixing the individual problem.

These are all just ideas hopefully to be either judged and dismissed or parts taken from it to create something better or just add improvements this is all just something i would like to see more of an opinion rather than a suggestion :) any feedback but be great.

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Just a small suggestion, but I didn't see it anywhere, but an maybe haunted looking mansion with dead trees around and with squeaky doors, and floors? It would would fun to loot a large building, especially when you have to move slowly and very cautious when opening/closing doors. Maybe a secret entrance? - one that's not too hard to find like pull the lever and the fireplace will turn around - that kinda stuff. Also possibly scary portraits of people as if they are looking at you, and maybe a little history about the mansion itself? e.g.

"It was said that Lord Vigaro of the Manor used to live here several generations ago. Kids that kick their ball over were to afraid to go nearby this house. Apparently, it was believed that this house was haunted, although several kids brave enough to enter the mansion had not been seen again. And it got even worse after Vigaro's death, It seemed, that the new house owners fled the house within 3 weeks, and several construction workers went missing during the demolition of this mansion, so it was called off. Now, it seems, at times, a more safe and welcoming place rather than staying outside and risk being infected or attacked."

Edited by Bombolz
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Just a small suggestion, but I didn't see it anywhere, but an maybe haunted looking mansion with dead .....

No, no backstory, although a big entereable building is a nice idea, and maybe hidden rooms is also a nice addition, theres crazies all around the world who believe in the apocalypse and they prepare for it, but we all know its mostly the military that will survive, some safe rooms and gun depots are hidden from normal eyes, so you could enter a mansion and there could be a hidden keypad to open a hidden safe room, not too hard to implement, but a nice idea.

Secret entrances like that would not fit the game itself, its too much the spooky cliche, but if we could make a base we such possibilities than maybe yes

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its too much the spooky cliche

I guess so, but in a way, it seems to me that the game itself isn't as scary as 1. When I first played the game, and 2. As much as I think it should be. Rocket said that he was going to make it a more scarier world, so I thought that this might add to it.

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And another suggestion - now this depends very much on the number of people purchasing the game, and how many people the server can hold. I think that the map needs to be bigger, possibly 2 major islands (about 65-85% of the map in Dayz mod atm) and several smaller islands surrounding it. Also the islands are connected by a bridge, or you could get a rowboat or something to cross, or even swim it and probably get sick. The contents of the island may be something like this - The bigger island have much bigger towns and cities (since in my point of view, an infection would be much more fun in big cities), and the smaller island would be the danger zone - military places, lots of ambush and sniping spots, but also a area with good loot - though I'm not saying all the good loot are on a single island. And as I said before, a revised weather system. Times when there are lots or little sunlight, lots or little rain so that it isn't the same, and fog, DEFINITELY fog - especially in higher areas like mountains. And 1 more thing, also with the character customization, I was wondering, whether or not the type of clothes you wear affect temperature in any way? Like a singlet comparable to a military jacket as well as a jumper and t-shirt underneath? Will this affect temperature in anyway?

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I guess so, but in a way, it seems to me that the game itself isn't as scary as 1. When I first played the game, and 2. As much as I think it should be. Rocket said that he was going to make it a more scarier world, so I thought that this might add to it.

well, i think scarier not in a spooky way, like the horrors where its more psychological that actually a physical threat, maybe he meant in a more normal way, almost as scary as the first time you see for the first time, i remember i couldnt even do shit, i got so spooked, and then i remember my first firefight, oh my god it was like i was having a heart attack, if zombies had that, oh my god that would be wonderful.

Also, from one of rockets early interviews i believe i heard him say that new maps will be sold separately, but maybe cherno plus has islands with bridges and a river system, i doubt it

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I would like to see more type of zombie monsters to be added into the game.

For example, some giant mutant zombie like Tyrant from the Resident Evil. Player will randomly bump into Tyrant, it can't be killed, only can be knock out for a short while or temporarily driven away. It will drop unique loots when driven away, and will come back for revenge in the future.

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I would like to see more type of zombie monsters to be added into the game.

For example, some giant mutant zombie like Tyrant from the Resident Evil. Player will randomly bump into Tyrant, it can't be killed, only can be knock out for a short while or temporarily driven away. It will drop unique loots when driven away, and will come back for revenge in the future.

No -.- just no. This would ruin the game immensely. Yes, there needs to be more types of zombies, but not some overpowered mutants. By this I mean, zombies dogs, bears, even crows, or even zombies piranhas, and the difference between a fat zombie (slower but more health), a normal zombie, and a thin one (faster but less health) and a soldier zombie (normal speed but more health) etc...

So if you want a mutant zombie, go play resident evil, or left 4 dead, that's what they are there for.

Edited by Bombolz

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Also, from one of rockets early interviews i believe i heard him say that new maps will be sold separately

What? If maps are sold separately, how would that work out? Where will my character spawn if I played on one map and joined another, or do I need to create a character for each map? That also makes me think of an idea, I wouldn't exactly call it a suggestion because I'm not sure what impacts there are or even whether it is a good/bad idea? But anyway, what about being able to create more than 1 character?

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Another thing I've been thinking about a few times:

Making Bullets and Magazines/Clips separate Items.

(Of course this goes hand in hand with a revised Inventory + Item System)

So, Bullets + Shells are sorted by Caliber and Every Weapon has it's Caliber that it uses. This makes Mag Conversion unnecessary and adds Realism.

Plus it nicely plays together with the Reloading System of ArmA 2. If you reload a Mag, the half empty Mag stays half empty until you refill it.

And it adds to the Survival and Tactical aspect. If you have 30 rounds, but only one 7 round Mag, you have to refill the Mag everytime it's empty (and that takes time).

And it fits well to the extreme Rarity of Items that, in my opinion, adds a lot to the Survival aspect and is better than the abundance of Guns+Ammo that is present right now (And not only because of Dupers, even on Private Servers, I feel like there are too many Guns.).

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I generally hunt animals to sustain my hunger, so I thought, what about being able to hunt birds? Now this would be hard, but I think it would improve your aim, and it could be fun taking a risk of firing multiple shots before you actually hit one.

And since it is hard to actually hit one and find the body, maybe your pet dog could be a retriever, and certain items should temporarily boost your skills which may or may not have negative side effects. E.g. steroids, and adrenaline injections, energy drinks, that kinda stuff.

Edited by Bombolz

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Hi all.

In this three months of playing Dayz, I've created my own idea of how the game should be. Anyone that played enough, knows that unfortunately, the pure aspects of survival are a little put away, because the 90% of times, a player dies by another player's hands. Most players kill on sight.

My suggestion is:

- in bigger cities, in random time intervals, must be dropped a military squad (AI controlled) with the purpose of restabilish order and law, clearing the city by zeds and snipers. They will shoot at bandits and let survivors enter in the safe zone of the city. To do so, the number of zombies spawned must be doubled and made as continuos flow, so that after a while all soldiers die (running out of ammo), but survivors can help to make this delayed as more as possible

- who choose to be a bandit, has to deal with his responsibilities: they cannot enjoy the free access in the city, but they can risk entering safe zone, being a bandit to the bone :) (have the balls?)

- in game there are too few usable vehicles (not so realistic). More vehicles=more fun=more map exploring.

- bandits must have a price put on their head.

It may appear that in this situation, bandits are being disadvantaged, but in my opinion, this isn't true. In this way, being a bandit has more sense and it's more fun, on the other hand, being a simple survivor is more similar to reality.

In my opinion, this are more balanced in this way, and it can be made easily. What do you think about it?

Edited by chaosmachine

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Hi all.

In this three months of playing Dayz, I've created my own idea of how the game should be. Anyone that played enough, knows that unfortunately, the pure aspects of survival are a little put away, because the 90% of times, a player dies by another player's hands. Most players kill on sight.

My suggestion is:

- in bigger cities, in random time intervals, must be dropped a military squad (AI controlled) with the purpose of restabilish order and law, clearing the city by zeds and snipers. They will shoot at bandits and let survivors enter in the safe zone of the city. To do so, the number of zombies spawned must be doubled and made as continuos flow, so that after a while all soldiers die (running out of ammo), but survivors can help to make this delayed as more as possible

- who choose to be a bandit, has to deal with his responsibilities: they cannot enjoy the free access in the city, but they can risk entering safe zone, being a bandit to the bone :) (have the balls?)

- in game there are too few usable vehicles (not so realistic). More vehicles=more fun=more map exploring.

- bandits must have a price put on their head.

It may appear that in this situation, bandits are being disadvantaged, but in my opinion, this isn't true. In this way, being a bandit has more sense and it's more fun, on the other hand, being a simple survivor is more similar to reality.

In my opinion, this are more balanced in this way, and it can be made easily. What do you think about it?

it looks more like your 3 months were actually 3 hours...

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l hope you Will revisit the damage System and add a little bit more realism to it, for example more damage when hitting vital parts, even a makarov should take someone down in 4-5 shots, and bigger rounds even less

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Iv been writing this over the last few months and Il post it up now, I will slip it in and a mod can repost it elsewhere if they feel like it.
My opinion is a mix of my friends and mine after 4 months together on this game.

Cheers Pvt Jace


Any .50 Cal Rifle

Any Thermal Rifle

Unlimited usage of a GPS or NVG

No barbed wire inside buildings

No tents inside buildings


3 Hr Battery life NVG, NVG Use battery which can be found.

5-6 Hr GPS Battery life

Any car can be stripped of parts with tool kit.

Any car can have fuel stolen from.

Torch can be used with any sidearm

Torch is applied to tool slot not secondary slot.

Torch light attracts Infected.

Infected numbers are multiplied by 2/3x inside of Large cities & Military camps

Dehydration leads to passing out or blurred vision

Larger amount of fixable and drivable cars

Large amount of bikes

Small Light airplane added as drivable.

Ability to drag dead bodies

Generator with flood light ( fuel powered )

Personal Notepad

Cooked meat rancid after one week

Colored Hats, Shirts, Pants for initial survivor so we can identify each other.

Faster boats

Far more boats

Fishing docks have tuna can loot

Run Speeds with backpacks variable.

Camo netting throw over for cars

More Bin fires

More major towns towards centre and far corners of map

Less Kamenka spawn rates

-Last but not least: The ability to hide a bag on the ground like a tent, to allow users to leave valuables behind before entering towns. Wiped after server restart if not claimed.



Flare handheld, Flare gun, Small Firecracker, Pipe bomb, Molotov, Walkie Talkie Set 1km

Wire Cutters, Repair toolbox, Smoke grenade, Tear Gas, Gas Mask, 3Hr NVG Battery, Bricks.


Bear Traps, Tank Trap, Barbed Wire


Standard small, Standard Medium, Standard Large, Camo Medium, Camo Large



Hatchet Axe, Baseball bat, Shovel, Pick Axe, Small plank, Small Pipe, Kitchen Knife, Hunting Knife, Machete, non-camo camping tent


-Pistols: Makarov PM M1911 Revolver

-Hunting Bows: Compound & Long bow

-Hunting Rifles: CZ550 Blaser R8 Sauer 202

-Combat Rifle: Lee Enfield

-Shotguns: Double barrel shotgun Winchester 1866


-Storage: Camo Tent

-Side Arms: PDW G17 M9

-Military grade Scoped Rifles: SV98 M24 SV Dragunov DMR

-Military grade Battle Rifles: M14 M14 Aim

-Military grade automatic Rifles: M4A1 M4A1 CCO M16A2 M16 FN-FAL M4A1 Holo

-Military grade automatic LMG: M249 Saw MK 48 Mod 0

-Military grade automatic SMG: All current Dayz Mod variations.

-Military grade Shotguns: M1014 Remington 870

-Rebel grade automatic Rifles: AK-74 AKS-74U AKM

-Attachments: Silencer attachments for M9 M4A1 PDW MP5

-Explosives: HE Nade, Ball bearing Charge, Land Mine, Satchel Charge, Roadside IED

Edited by pvtjace
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AKM=AK47 with static wooden stock. AKS=Folding stock

Remington 700 is pretty much the M24, so that would be a waste of modelling time.

May i suggest a .357 or .44 magnum, a .22 LR pistol (Ruger .22?),

a Mossberg 500 without its buttstock, a M1928 Thompson (Drum mag and forgrip) or a PPSh41 for the eastern block setting. Maybe a Nagant rifle aswell maybe? And of course, chainsaw?

Just throwing in some weapon suggestions, please no flaming :)

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A quick weapon wishlist addition:

KSVK- 12.7x108mm anti-mat rifle. Comes with PSO scope, so there would be no zeroing and it would require skill for use.

Wikilink- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KSVK_12.7

I've had the privilage of using the wepon before after picking it up off of a hacker. It feels right, it sounds like awesome incarnate, and it has extremely rare ammunition.

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Some Powerful Handgun, like the Desert Eagle, .44 Magnum, Smith&Wesson 500... Loud, Rare Ammo, difficult to handle, but really cool and devastating.

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