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Suggestions for the DayZ standalone - thinking outside of the limitations of an Arma 2 mod.

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Shea's suggestion:

Have the radio be an item you spawn with, so that you can have frequencies to chat with your friends on. Server specific radio, without the risk of public chat alerting nearby enemies would also be an outstanding addition to multi-player dynamics in this game. Both Banditry and Heroism. Think:: you and your buddies are going raid a small town, break the squad in half take separate freq's; now you have coop built in. No need for other programs even. On the other hand, (*poke* *poke* now that we have new skins!) for those who tend to avoid banditry and be more on the heroic side, radios are a feature that could contribute to the idea of home servers where players get to know each other....

Peacefully hopefully ^_^

Feast like a sultan, I do

Upon these ideas

I wish could become true

Edited by Shea

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edit: @The OP of this thread, i did post a link to my ideas earlier in this thread, by now the list has been extended to hold more ideas (you may have already integrated some in the OP). I would mostly like to point you towards the 'Compilation' section in the thread linked below, these are compilations on various topics that i reformulated based upon my own thoughts as well as various individual threads of others in the suggestion forum, i also got some great feedback on some of them which made it possible for me to 'perfect' the OP's, there is some great stuff in those threads that adds to the (what may seem like pretty much complete) lists you have going in your OP.

These Compilation threads also hold that much details, that they may well be worth linking from one of your spoilers for as far as the topics match. And seeing these are compilation threads, some of the suggestions also hold links to the individual threads that discuss the topic in even more detail than i was able to do in the compilation...

In regards to compilation threads i would also like to point towards this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45284-control-old-industry/ and this thread aswell: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/35399-restructured-loot-tables-pretty-long-post/

if they haven't been mentioned here already!

----------------original \/

If i didn't post them here already, i would strongly suggest reading through this list of ideas: http://dayzmod.com/f...tions-for-dayz/ ... there are links to the actual threads incase you want to see the details and some discussion on them...

AND DO READ the Compilation threads! These are largely build by the suggestion forum community, as i put all sorts of ideas on a certain topic, together in one thread. These are extensive threads giving largely complete suggestions on a particular topic, they are also fairly detailed so they can 'almost' be implemented straight away :)

Edited by L0G!N

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  • Randomize loot spawns, make the online loot maps as useless as possible.
  • Hide number of current players at the server, so you don´t know if there are 5, 10, or 40 players.
  • If a player is killed by a zombie, his dead body turns into a zombie (npc), carrying his stuff, you hill him, you loot him.
  • Make weight important (speed, thirsty, hungry)

I like these! Especially the random stuff idea.

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Mkay, brainstorming...

Need complete oil production facilities. That includes oil-wells with huge reservoir tanks, pipes to take the crude to a refinery (or tanker trucks, or both), the refinery per-sé, storage facilities and port for shipping the final product off-shore.

As long as you are on that, add a derelict tanker-ship, anchored or drifting along the coast (not too close). Can function as a base for people with helicopters or boats.

Will be back tomorrow with more ideas.

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Here are 2 suggestions off the top of my head and I'll try to come up with some more later, but wouldn't it be sweet if you could find camouflaged/ Ghillie blankets which could possibly be draped over vehicles in order to hide them from other survivors grubby hands hehe, to make sure this isn't too unfair this would never be in the mod because combined with hiding way off the boundaries of the map it would be totally unfair I think. Secondly what if you could deploy landmines to protect your base? A small wire extends out of the ground that unless someone slowly approaches and disarms with a toolbox would go unnoticed, basically this would serve as a more deadly upgrade to the bear trap and allow additional base/camp defense, Give beans if you like it :P

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Firstly i want to just note how funny the start of this thread is considering now its been picked up by rocket "lets see if this thread lasts till stand alone" etc etc wonder if that guy feels like a tit now?

My suggestion and request i guess is for more zombies in general, and ones that dont sprint but so many you can get really overwhelmed especially when you start firing.

Id also like a much bigger map with diverse scenery and proper mountains etc

The ability to create an on the fly group and better methods of communication.

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Would be cool if you could examine a player body and get clues how they died, zombie, shotgun wound, high caliber rifle etc.

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Some way to barricade doors and Zombie behaviour should be more of flock behaviour. Like when one or a few zombies run or hit a barricaded door, more zombies gets interested and joins in. Every single zombie-movie has a group of people trapped in a building surrounded by zombies. Then you need to be rescued, or fight yourself out. This could cause more server hopping though...

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Some way to barricade doors and Zombie behaviour should be more of flock behaviour. Like when one or a few zombies run or hit a barricaded door, more zombies gets interested and joins in. Every single zombie-movie has a group of people trapped in a building surrounded by zombies. Then you need to be rescued, or fight yourself out. This could cause more server hopping though...

Dont think server hopping will ben an issue with standalone so fear not

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My Wishlist even if some of this already posted:


1. Zombies should be way harder to beat, bodyshots just slow Zombies down ONLY Headshots kill them for example.

2. Zombies get attracted by sound on greater range, they do chain reakt in big citys so you HAVE to be quiet going there or you fight all of them :D

3. Zombies should be verry infectious, not like in the movies that you die for sure, but you should getting sick if a dead rotten one scratch or bite you.

4. a bigger variation of Zombies... like some without legs or one arm near headless ones and so on..would be great for the gamefeeling.

5. Zombies use ALL openings in Houses not just one or accidently two

6. Zombie Hordes roaming


1. less loot overall it has to be a real fight to survive as the things are now u can get loot in 30 min to survive forever.

2. make hunting and using Refill- flasks more important.

3. Good Guns should be the hardest thing to get in Day Z.

4. Ammo should be rare to get to avoid run out of ammo you should be able to get them of dead bodys/Zombies with some kind of tool.

5. Crossbows should be more useful

6. maybe a system where simple weapons can be handmade like a Wood Spear or a Bow if you got a Knife or special tool to craft them.

Inventory and UI

1. Backpack should be more easy to handle

2. getting items out of your backpack should cost some time so you have to think about what you got on your body and what you put in your backpack

3. some kind of trading window would be nice

4. a stamina bar for running cause i dont belive ppl can run with a 30 kg backpack for 2 hours without a break.


1. Female Skins

2. clothing should be decided by player not random

3. Ghillies and camo maybe selfmade?

MAP and Weather

1. Bigger map *g*

2. Most buildings should be accessable

3. Weather impact should be way more important slower movement in Snow and Rain for example or faster need of water/food

4. Rain could be a thread for tunnels and buker if they where placed at the wrong place (happy drowning)


1. House spawning - you spawn in a random city in a house to make the first minutes more exiting and "realistic" like the plague just spread... in this house you have one can of beens and one cola/pepsi sure spawn (and only at spawning for preserve camping) and 2-3 random items like a knife, watch or something like that.

2. first minutes ur are always in panic mode

3. you have no starting gear only the clothes you wear..

4. weight of items you carry should have an impact on moving that would make building a base more important.

5. more Vehicles but mutch harder to repair.

6. refill tank without cherrys at some places like gas stations

7. nerv bikes 80 kmh downhill with a citybike is a bit over the top xD

Bugfixes and Cheaters

No need to tell i think :P

thats my list sorry for bad grammar

Edited by JadeQueen
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What if we made it where the player had a chance to become the zombie? I am not saying control over a zombie but something much more simple.

When a player dies from zombie attack then their body has a chance to actualy become a infected, their body would roam the land as a Z. In a way, it is possible for some costal to see a zombie wearing a set of camo clothing, ghillis, etc. And those zombies, when killed, will have the same loot as the player had before their body became infected. In short terms

  • Player dies from zombie attack
  • Their body is a zombie with all their loot etc
  • Other players can kill that zombie and find their loot

If someone posted this, sorry. I just do not feel like searching the entire forums. It is a lot like Reddit.

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my wishes/ideas:

- Zombie Movement and fighting Animation havet to be completly changed, i think rocket is aware of this Problem, but i think this is one of the MOST IMPORTANT things.

- How about "dead" Zombies wake up if you pass or loot them! I dont talk about Zombies i just killed, but Zombies laying around for Atmosphere reasons. like beside Army Road blocks etc.

- Zombies hovering and beaming trough Doors and Walls gotta get fixed!:)

- I like the Idea with having Zombies in the middle of nowhere, maybe not that much, but once in a while you should get attacked by something in the woods, right now you feel save from Zeds in the Woods....you shouldnt feel save....never!

- Random Chopper Supplie drops, lets say the Gouverment knows about that but cant save you from that island, but maybe drops Boxes with supplies to keep you alive until they find a solution to fight the virus.

- be able to enter every house in the game would be awesome, dunno if this is possible, but it would be freaking awesome! :)

- shooting zombies in legs could slow them down permantly, to make it easier to hit them in the head or escape!

- would if you could use ingame Voice chat to attracted zombies, acciendly or to get them away from a house or something, like saying something or whistle makes them walk slowy in your direction

sorry for the bad english! :/

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Heres a suggestion that problably is impossible but...hey, could be fun to imagine atleast.

Randomized Map.

1. Each server have a random map that will re-generate once a week/month

2. Only fixed locations are gps coordinates of saved tents/veichles and player (restricted so they dont end up in ocean but on beach if bad luck)

3. Key locations (airfields, military camps, main cities etc.) have a minimum distance (ie:1000m) from same kind and another distance (500-1000) from another kind of key location, but:

Example 1: Small villages/towns: can in theory end up surrounding a key location making it HUGE/Be completely scattered as it is now.

Example 2: The double coastline for spawning could in theory become two oposing coastlines (each side of map)/ or turn into one small coastline.

Example 3: Deer stand created in middle of forrest where it really does not belong......

Example 4: Elektro ends up on highest mountain on the whole map/ or deepest valley...

Ignore, laugh or discuss, up to ya`ll, have fun.

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I'm loving the suggestions so far so don't want to repeat any.

I know you've mentioned redesigning the weather system in the future and I'd like to see this interact more with players and how they need to act/survive. Prolonged periods of rain or cold without seeking shelter/warmth or having insulated clothing could lead to illness for example. This combined with seasons (I know, it's a big ask) would really change the gameplay over the course of time. A long winter could mean player bases become essential as will the correct equipment. Spring and Autumn could be similar to the way it is now and summer could lead to a quicker loss of stamina over long distances and the need for more liquids.

One season could last a month in the game world meaning that it becomes a real issue for players trying to survive, perhaps by having to make a suitable base or stockpile meat in time for winter, otherwise they will have a tougher time.

I don't really expect you to be able to implement this in the short term but it's just some food for thought in the longer term.

Much love.

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Perhaps tracking could be a thing? Like foot prints in mud, maybe cans dropped after eating beans and twigs being snapped in the ground.. Might be a bit complicated but it could work. Maybe.

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3 little words... Slutty, Stripper, Zombies!

Oh yeah that's right I fricken said it! What now?

Come at me Ho!

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How about weapon storage for a second primary like a rifle sling or something, and make it so we cant cram a sniper rifle into our backpacks. The weapon would be visible on your back in the sling making you a target, and therefore creating a downside to having two primarys. I also think weight should be taken into consideration maybe effecting stamina, and if you become injured you could be forced to ditch items to get away faster or at all.

P.s Slutty stripper zombies ftw, abit of eye candy ; )

Edited by Ricky Spanish

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My ideas posted in the suggestions section previously:


You can take the clothes from everyone. Taking clothes from zombies increases the chance of getting an infection. Clothes are perishable causing your heat to go reduce quicker depending on there state of repair.

Military zombies harder to kill. But reward is greater clothes wise (stab/bullet/flak vest). Gives you a reason to hunt zeds.

Fishing, gather the rod and tackle from loots spawns to add fishing in ponds for food and the odd rare thing (something important thats only found in ponds making this a necessity for end game). You could make a mini game out of this. i suggest just getting a result every 5-10secs with the chance of it being something about 50% (damn those empty tins and whisky bottles)

Have really aggressive CDC guys in hazmat suits spawn in small groups (or around helicopters) that are shit hot shots and shoot on site. Hazmat suit lootable – reduces chance of infection to 0% and have built in NVG capability but are bright yellow and big.

Trade stations and generally some in-game currency (fall-out bottlecaps). Connects you to the global trade network where people are selling various things. Gone off this idea. Replaced with:

Add currency which is found on survivers and dead zeds, this can be used in vending machines, you would get food from grocery stores, medical in hospitals, and weapons from gunsmiths. Vending machines contain all common and one rare and contents change daily. (gives you a reason to kill zeds)

Make the guns much rarer. And have homemade weapons more common. Parts for a bow, spear, knife, flint axe, etc These should be upgradeable, for instance burning a in a fire place for extra power, different string options, from common vines, to fishing line, to high end carbon bow strings.

Most guns are found in vanilla form allow us to add attachments, reflex, silencer, scope, doorknocker etc. Attachments are rare, perhaps only found in gun vending machines for a large number of currency.

Allow us to harvest the wilderness for remedies to illness, broken bones. Basically anything there’s a medicine for, there’s a bush that does the same thing. Also allow us to poison our weapons with poisness bushes and fish (see above). Even add the ability to plant your own plants that fruit every X days.

Allow us to make bush-traps. For both animals and people. Setting a trap and leaving it in an area and going back to 12hours later it gives an percentage chance of capturing an animal of different types. Capturing a peer leads to broken bones. Again parts for traps are found like home made weapons. Nets, counter weight, stick etc. Animals can be stolen from other peoples traps.

Create water traps that collect water when it rains.

Guns are perishable items like in STALKER making powerful sniper rifles more prone to damage meaning mr.bandit has to work hard and not waste shots on noobs.

Have peoples facial features reflect the ammount of time in the wilderness, a guy whos been alive for 6months is going to have a full beard, while a noob will be clean shaven and pearly white.

Wild animals that are hostel. Bears, Mountain lions, etc Sound indicating you are near a venomous snake (a rattle or something) if it gets too load you’ve moved in the wrong direction and you get poisoned, need to then find a remedy before you run out of blood, either medical or bush remedy.

Rare zombies beasts (infected animals) that roam the widerness looking for survivers.

Zombies bird flocks that require you to take cover or risk being spotted and pecked to death.

Allow us to take cover in tents.

Allows us to create our own simple homes/huts/holes, in combination of the farms idea above, perhaps people will create surviver villages.

Option to spawn as a zombie (or even the rare super zombie).

Dead Charactors become zombies after X number of hours, retaining any loot left on them and the point of tranisition. Allowing them to be killed and looted.

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Most of this stuff is really good even great but alot of it is really anal, way too realistic like different types of food do different things, having organ failure and replacing a battery in a car ect keep the game as complicated as it is not a mechanic simulator (as proposed vehicle changes) and fun to play. simple

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Less Than Lethal weapons. Give us pepper spray and tasers to subdue and disable players without seriously injuring them.

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Sorry if this has been mentioned. I dont have time to read through the whole thread ATM.

-Would love to see DayZ's urban legends come to life. Bigfoot, Slenderman, ghosts, Chupacabra, Loch Ness =) (What I mean some real scary shit to happen in the forest at night) - Never thought that a game can induce such fear at night in the forest. LOL

-Focus the game to be more Zombie influenced, Give reason for a Survivor and a bandit to team up to clear X. Scary zombie moments (I know its been mentioned by rocket it currently sits at a 1/10)

-More homebrew type weapons rather than military. Not get rid of them but make them uber rare.

-Seasonal cycles, Winter, Fall, Spring, Summer

-Force servers to use Day/Night cycles dependent where server is hosted. I hate that people can control this by restarting servers.

-Scripted events - Goverment coming to clear out a city, if your caught in it then...

-Radio chatter where X has crashed.. go check it out. Or crate was with supplies here, go get. Weird messsages you have to decipher.


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Awesome thread. Tons of good suggestions.

My 2 cents:

- No zombie sprinting (maybe a jog). Implement character fatigue and this should even things out a bit, especially if zombies can still attack while moving. Head/leg shots only to disable zombies.

also love the idea of random zombie spawns on map, and some "dead" zombies standing up to attack when they sense players nearby...these ones could be really slow movers.

- Loose ammo. Great idea. Make ammo scarcer. If you find a box of shells, it could only have 2 or 3 rounds in it, or even full if you're lucky. Guns have 1 magazine, extras should be a bit less common than now.

- Barricading a house to set up temporary shelter and hide. Some houses could still be barricaded but not really have anyone inside, or maybe infected inside. PLayers would have the choice to break down door to find loot or enemy/zombie. Barricading would also reduce the need to set up a camp. A group could set up base in a cluster of houses somewhere.

- More End-game stuff (lots of ideas mentioned by others)

- Shopping carts. A rolling tent with a wobbly wheel. gotta do it. Maybe injured players can hop inside and get pushed.

Thanks all for the contributions,

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After reading all the loot suggestions on the front page, I didn't see this:

Looting items makes noise and gradually attracts zombies.

The idea here is to make solo looting more hazardous, and to add a further element of playerskill to effective/safe looting.

2. getting items out of your backpack should cost some time so you have to think about what you got on your body and what you put in your backpack

Definitely this too.

Edited by Flambo

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This man has some great ideas. But i refuse to give him beans for he as enough beans to last him a life-time. :P

Edited by joeman4

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