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less likely to shoot female survivor?

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Where are all the women on this island hiding?! This is expansion material right here folks.

Chernarus isn't an island. :s

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Chernarus isn't an island. :s

It wasn't meant in the most literal sense, more about it being a portion of land cut off from the rest of civilization and surrounded on all sides by an impenetrable barrier.

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Shit thread is shit. Op question is pointless as Arma does not support women soldiers, also stop being cunts to women.

On a side note I was in a server with you last night Lisa and was going to ask if you were a female as it seems the zombie genre attracts women, LFD has a fair few female players I'm told. But this thread is a good example of why I decided to not bring it up.

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I'm not sympathetic to what gender a survivor is. A survivor is a survivor; they could be a bandit, they could want my precious beans. If you point your gun at me or follow me I will try to lose you. I don't know what is going on in your head, and I certainly don't want to stay long enough to find out.

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I don't like playing video games with girls, especially in a game like dayz, they're prone to rash decisions and they can't handle stress very well (this applies not just to Dayz of course). I don't kill people unless I'm cornered or having a bandit party with friends, knowing they were female wouldn't deter me, I'd also refuse their companionship, I don't need another girlfriend.

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I don't like playing video games with girls' date=' especially in a game like dayz, they're prone to rash decisions and they can't handle stress very well (this applies not just to Dayz of course). I don't kill people unless I'm cornered or having a bandit party with friends, knowing they were female wouldn't deter me, I'd also refuse their companionship, I don't need another girlfriend.


Prone to rash decisions like posting misogynistic horseshit on web forums?

Someday I hope you are lucky enough to have a daughter, then you can look back to the days when you thought of women as having no value as companions other than to serve as a "girlfriend" with appropriate shame.

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I never said I hated women, I just don't like playing video games with the majority of them. Maybe your experiences have been different.

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This topic turned into:

TC: "U ever shoot girls?"

Kid: "girls dont play"

Girl: "hi im a girl"

Kid: "id rape a girl irl"

White Knight Kid: "men are pervs im good man lets have e-love"

When a real girl shows up everyone starts acting up, there's either sexist idiots or white knight idiots.

The internet, its like Diamond Armor soon as people put it on they feel invincible. Anyone says this shit IRL will most likely get their faces punched in.

To answer the question PERSONALLY I believe gamer girls are evil (I live with one I should know) if they are smart and evil they seem nice until they get what they want from you and shoot you in the back AND if they are truly smart and evil they will just use you to protect them until you're no longer useful.

I know this is what I would expect from a female rolling in my group, Men are usually nicer to chicks. I'd have her get in soften them up and kill them all :D they may be evil but they can be more damn loyal then any of us guys.

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I'd like to blow your heads off right now...

The "hardcore" community (as laughable as that sounds) is the one most flooded with sexism/rape jokes. Most kids think it's funny.

Indeed' date=' its sad really, it shows their age when the post things like 'id take her to a barn and do those other things' its really tragic, and I dont think they realise it highlights how little female contact they really do have!

I'd like to blow your heads off right now...

The "hardcore" community (as laughable as that sounds) is the one most flooded with sexism/rape jokes. Most kids think it's funny.

it seems to be the one with the most generalizations too....

Oh and it might help if you actually answer the damn question posted on the tread.

Who is generalising? you saw a female in thread.. some guy made a douche comment about 'other things to do' (lol hurr durr sex) and then you said youd be doing those things..you literally fit the profile. forever alone eh buddy?

in response to the actual question, I think using a girls name/avatar is always an advantage, as it will slow down the internet cool guys alot who think they are gonna somehow meet a girl.. romance her with their eskillz. and she will turn out to be a romanian supermodel dying for you to take her away from it all!

seen it for years on wow and other such games. if there is a choice to be a female Id pick it. not just for the hesitation, but for the smaller profile it would give my character overall.

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I'd like to blow your heads off right now...

The "hardcore" community (as laughable as that sounds) is the one most flooded with sexism/rape jokes. Most kids think it's funny.

Indeed' date=' its sad really, it shows their age when the post things like 'id take her to a barn and do those other things' its really tragic, and I dont think they realise it highlights how little female contact they really do have!

I'd like to blow your heads off right now...

The "hardcore" community (as laughable as that sounds) is the one most flooded with sexism/rape jokes. Most kids think it's funny.

it seems to be the one with the most generalizations too....

Oh and it might help if you actually answer the damn question posted on the tread.

Who is generalising? you saw a female in thread.. some guy made a douche comment about 'other things to do' (lol hurr durr sex) and then you said youd be doing those things..you literally fit the profile. forever alone eh buddy?

in response to the actual question' date=' I think using a girls name/avatar is always an advantage, as it will slow down the internet cool guys alot who think they are gonna somehow meet a girl.. romance her with their eskillz. and she will turn out to be a romanian supermodel dying for you to take her away from it all!

seen it for years on wow and other such games. if there is a choice to be a female Id pick it. not just for the hesitation, but for the smaller profile it would give my character overall.


no you moron my first post on the first page where i answered the question.

and who the hell cares about romance in this game, im very happy there is no socializing/facebooking going on around here its all utilitarian. and thats why i KNOW thats the smarter bandits out there will certainly get the female skin for the advantage it gives in combat.

Social/internet romance and god knows what other stupidity never crossed my mind whos th e"forever alone" guy now?

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In the game? I generally would identify that speck in the distance by how it moves and fire before giving it a chance to wave its gender at me. Unless that person has been active/friendly in the chat.

In real life? I'd probably be less likely to shoot women, but then i'd also be less likely to A: survive in general B: shoot any survivors at all.

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Women of the world-

you have my apologies. If you're ever being griefed ingame, I'll gladly help you hunt teenage virgins.

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I would more likely shoot a female surviviour.

women are treacherous, and cannot be trusted.

They only act in what is good for themselves. In an apocalyptic setting, they'd kill just for a can of beans.

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I would more likely shoot a man surviviour.

men are treacherous' date=' and cannot be trusted.

They only act in what is good for themselves. In an apocalyptic setting, they'd kill just for a can of beans.


Fixed that for you but they probably would kill you if you had nice shoes. or bag...

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This topic turned into:

TC: "U ever shoot girls?"

Kid: "girls dont play"

Girl: "hi im a girl"

Kid: "id rape a girl irl"

White Knight Kid: "men are pervs im good man lets have e-love"

When a real girl shows up everyone starts acting up' date=' there's either sexist idiots or white knight idiots.

The internet, its like Diamond Armor soon as people put it on they feel invincible. Anyone says this shit IRL will most likely get their faces punched in.


I freaking like you right now for this comment :3

But it is true you can't really trust girls in this game.

I'm not one that would stalk you or attract attention on purpose,

Some guys have wanted to meet with me ingame just cus I'm a girl, But I'm not going to because I don't trust anyone

I've been alive for around 23 days, most part on my own. just looking for good loots.

If I see a small group from 1 guy to 4 in the middle of the open, I'd shoot them with my sniper, no mercy.

Also, funny part; I've experienced twice, that 2 guys walked or crouched right past me, Didn't even see me, and I killed them because I didn't want them to notice me :D

They didn't even know where it came from

Why do some guys think Girls can't game?

Just scared or want to annoy the crap out of them...

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I think this quote is pertinent.

Bernard Shaw (being honestly eager to put himself on the modern side in everything) put himself on the side of what is called the feminist movement; the proposal to give the two sexes not merely equal social privileges, but identical....Bernard Shaw took the line of saying that women had been soldiers, in all occasions of natural and unofficial war, as in the French Revolution. [but] when women have fought in revolutions they have generally shown that it was not natural to them, by their hysterical cruelty and insolence; it was the men who fought in the Revolution; it was the women who tortured the prisoners and mutilated the dead. - G.K. Chesterson

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Ahhh women in gaming, once again I'm left wanting to cringe by the misogynistic comments of certain "gamers". Seriously when are we going to grow up about this whole thing? These comments make you, the entire male population and gaming look bad.

And in response to the question I'd treat a female the same way as anyone else I meet in this game....very suspiciously.

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I shoot everyone on sight, so no, I discriminate against everyone equally.

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How can you shoot women or children?

Easy! You just don't lead 'em so much!

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How can you shoot women or children?

Easy! You just don't lead 'em so much!

omg full metal jacket :) my fav movie, good quote, repped

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