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Doyle McPoyle

My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

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I was running around for 2 hours looking for food... I have 3 canteens of water and all I could find was soda. ><;

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I was running around for 2 hours looking for food... I have 3 canteens of water and all I could find was soda. ><;

heh, found a lot of food at the supermarket but two dead bodies

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[suggestive and off topic. Removed. Direct complaints/questions/rants towards Ubi]


This may or may not work.


This was unexpected, and is a win. I love boobs. All shapes and sizes and colors.

Good job ma'am. Lovely.

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy

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This isn't a thread about me anyway.


It was the second you posted a picture of yourself.

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This was unexpected, and is a win. I love boobs. All shapes and sizes and colors. Except large overly-nipply ones. Too much for one mouth to handle.

Good job ma'am. Lovely.


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yeah... she did say she was 14 in that picture didn't she.... lol

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Phil, I have on in my possession a healthy supply of blood packs, morphine, food and drink. If you do need some supplies - don't be afraid to ask.


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Dr. Phil,

Why do parents try to explain sex using 'the birds and the bees'? Birds and bees cant mate togeather!


Edited by zenatsu

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I am less of a doctor, I collect items and if someone asks for something, I would gladly give them it (If I have it of course) and I would probably never open fire on someone unless I was attacked first.

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[suggestive and off topic. Removed. Direct complaints/questions/rants towards Ubi]


This may or may not work.


This was unexpected, and is a win. I love boobs. All shapes and sizes and colors.

Good job ma'am. Lovely.

I've seen that pic on /b/

Almost won the 'miss camwhore' award I think.

Google my friend, google.

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy

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I've seen that pic on /b/

Almost won the 'miss camwhore' award I think.

Google my friend, google.

Wait what? I was on that stupid 4chan site? WTF? Hang on, I'm going to PM you.


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I've seen that pic on /b/

Almost won the 'miss camwhore' award I think.

Google my friend, google.

Monster is a girl, thank you very much.

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Phil, I have on in my possession a healthy supply of blood packs, morphine, food and drink. If you do need some supplies - don't be afraid to ask.


Awesome, but I'm fairly stocked up thank you.

Dr. Phil,

Why do parents try to explain sex using 'the birds and the bees'? Birds and bees cant mate togeather!


I assume it's a Caucasian thing because I've never received that talk and only see it in movies.

I am less of a doctor, I collect items and if someone asks for something, I would gladly give them it (If I have it of course) and I would probably never open fire on someone unless I was attacked first.

Be sure to tell others that but from a distance. I've tried helping others and they would always end up shooting me for no apparent reason. Guy never got his transfusion.

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Just making sure that you know I'm here to help as well. I get squeamish around other people, but if you can contact me, I'll be more than happy to help out.

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I'm going to be on in a little while and I could use a blood transfusion and some matches. Do you guys ask for goods in trade?

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I'm going to be on in a little while and I could use a blood transfusion and some matches. Do you guys ask for goods in trade?

No(or at least not me), if you still need help send a PM.

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No(or at least not me), if you still need help send a PM.

Thanks, but I actually just got killed, I ran all the way to Starry and I was on my way back to camp, stopped next to a lake to get water, and BOOM HEADSHOT. lol.

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I just went through Starry, Novy, NW & E Airfields and through many other cities and found nobody. Very creepy. Maybe they all turned into zombies?


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I just went through Starry, Novy, NW & E Airfields and through many other cities and found nobody. Very creepy. Maybe they all turned into zombies?


And this is which server? Sounds safe... I like safe.

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And this is which server? Sounds safe... I like safe.

US195 - though normally there is always somebody at the NW Airfield and Starry. Makes no sense.

Anyway, how goes the helping Phil?


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US195 - though normally there is always somebody at the NW Airfield and Starry. Makes no sense.

Anyway, how goes the helping Phil?


It's going alright I suppose. Tried helping a guy(his location could've been anywhere) but he ended up bleeding out. Tried helping out another guy but his friend helped him first. Still waiting on some other people. Maybe i'll be able to save them this time.

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This sounds great and I wish you the best of luck. As a new player myself I aspire to one day be able to help people myself. I remember my first encounter with a person; He stood there and said nothing, then I said "friendly?" over the mic. Apparantly he wasn't.

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This sounds great and I wish you the best of luck. As a new player myself I aspire to one day be able to help people myself. I remember my first encounter with a person; He stood there and said nothing, then I said "friendly?" over the mic. Apparantly he wasn't.

happens very often unfortunately. Glad to see you're a nice person!

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:D Yeah, I've realised that by now. But I did meet one nice chap that saved me from a couple of bandits and fixed my leg up, asking nothing in return.

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