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About UkropyPrivyet

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. UkropyPrivyet

    German military vehicle: LGS Fennek. An Easy addition to SA

    Maybe you should specify that next time rather than listing it off the way you did and making it appear to by the Vodnik and BDRM that you're talking about.
  2. UkropyPrivyet

    German military vehicle: LGS Fennek. An Easy addition to SA

    If you HONESTLY buy into the BS Russian propaganda that either the BRDM or Vodnik can survive sustained small arms fire, let alone an anti-vehicle mine, then god bless you boy. Seriously, those things are constructed of pot steel and are about as thick as the armor on an M113. As for the Fennek being 2035 technology? Damn, you need to learn some before you talk some, because the Fennek was designed in the 90s and has existed as a functioning vehicle since 2000.
  3. UkropyPrivyet

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    I'd love to see this type of stuff in game; I can definitely see how some of it would provide a great advantage to the player.
  4. UkropyPrivyet

    Banning for inappropriate behaviour...

    Yeah, we know that every government oppresses their cititzens to some degree; just so happens you live in a nanny state that cracks down on its subjects harder than most. All you've proven by saying that you'd spend a night in the cells is that your countrymen cannot handle freedom nor do they want true freedom, so they allow the government to restrict human rights.
  5. Don't even get me started on ArmA III, because the mods are the only thing that are complete about that game. Nah, I paid for it and there's a forum with a suggestions tab up, I'll voice my suggestions (be it in a way that you consider it positive or negative) as soon as I notice an error.
  6. You're right, but that's bad ethics and most construction companies won't do that, and they most definitely won't let you live in it because of the problems it would cause down the road. "Anyone who has a problem with the state of the Alpha can take a hike." So as a PAYING customer who has supported Bohemia for years, I'm not allowed to voice my opinion because it's not favorable? Must be nice living in purchase justification land, buddy boy-o.
  7. They knew it would sell as well as it did; that's one of the reasons they released it as a standalone rather than a DLC pack or keeping it a mod. Thanks for using housing as an example. In case you don't know this, construction companies don't sell houses that are 10% finished and allow you to live in them while they build it. It's nice to see that the developers of this game read the forum. I clearly stated I was playing the earliest build of the mod, which was obviously far from finished but it was less buggy than the current game is. That being said, of course it will be because a mod of a finished game is much easier to make than a game that is partially from scratch. While I understand it's an alpha, there's still little excuse for stuff going on like it is in the original picture. I mean the upside down handguard is something that I'm sure is easily fixable, so why not quickly hotpatch it? Maybe it's not and I'm wrong, but I know that the suppressor being placed at the end of the muzzle device sure is. the attachment point of the suppressor could be the same place as the muzzle device, and you wouldn't even have to remove the muzzle device (for now) because the suppressor completely envelopes it.
  8. What's currently in available to the public in the standalone is miles ahead of the mod? I don't think so buddy. I played the mod the second day it was out and it had more content then than the current game does, not to mention it actually ran better than the current game. "IT'S AN ALFER" is a cop-out; if a game's not ready to be released, then don't offer it. If you think the game is ready to be released and is in the state of this game, then it's not ready to be released.
  9. Not the first company to be incompetent when handling firearms and it certainly won't be the last.
  10. That handguard looks pretty funny too...
  11. UkropyPrivyet

    For Better Aim

    Who ever said that it would completely stop rifle sway? I'm not sure if you've ever actually gazed upon a rifle in real life let alone held or fired one, but propping the barrel won't stop the rifle from swaying. It will significantly reduce sway, but it wouldn't get rid of it entirely, and it would definitely require a bit of set up time (due to the game's engine) as well as would make you decently vulnerable as there's a span of time where you can't fire on set up and on take down.
  12. How about the VZ58? Chernarus is based off of the Czech Republic afterall, would be nice to be able to get their long-issued service rifle. How about the CZ-805 BREN as well?
  13. UkropyPrivyet

    This one is for disconnecters..

    Disconnecters actually do need a penalty, I mean, this shit has got to stop. It happened to me TWICE yesterday. First time it happened we were on a night raid to cherno and the guy shot at us, so we walked in the direction of his muzzle flash, and he immediately disconnects. We wait right next to where he was, and as soon as he spawns in, we shoot him, where he promptly disconnects again and robs us of loot. The second time was maybe 3 hours later, when it was bright out. Some guy named Mick attacked our camp and I shoot him with a DMR and that fucker disconnects. I mean, seriously, its bad enough to disconnect while being assaulted by someone else, but when YOU start the attack then leave to deny your loot to the player who killed you because YOU fucked up, that's just a bitch move. I think they should make it like World of Warcraft where after you press log off you have to wait 10 seconds and if you are shot at while logging out, the time stops.
  14. UkropyPrivyet

    Bandit Forum

    To be honest, there shouldn't be any clan announcement threads. If you're gonna form a bandit clan, do it quietly with a few close friends so no other clans or survivors know about it.
  15. UkropyPrivyet

    Helicopter WTF

    From what I've been told, the Huey isn't available in this patch, which would mean that it was hacked in. If it truely was hacked in, I'm sure the hacker could've just turned off the program they were using to manipulate the server and, just like that, you're helicopter is gone and you are dead.