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Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

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wanted to help but i'm to far north to arrive in reasonable ammount of time :( (but to all defenders good luck).

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So now I'm lying north-west of the fort on a rooftop...maybe you can tell me some targets to shoot...and no I dont want to shoot inside the fort...I want to kill bad guys...

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Are you talking about me? I'm the only one wearing a ghillie suit so I guess you think a ghillie is not in DayZ? You can find them in Berezino and the many downed helis around that area. Also are you one of the guys who just happen to find about 3 or 4 DMRs for your group that is shooting us?

You were the AS50 ontop of the highest building with letters on it?

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OP make sure to perman ban any ghosters and purpose dc'ers. Freeside Trading Co. group is having success keeping things in check.

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OP make sure to perman ban any ghosters and purpose dc'ers. Freeside Trading Co. group is having success keeping things in check.

Iirc you cant ban anyone for other than racism/cheating

Edited by Ejaculacid

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I'm all for jogging down your way (although I'm practically at Devil Castle lol) but I'm a little concerned about security/location.

2 things : Ideally I would love to take an overwatch position, which I believe this stronghold desperately needs and can bring my M14 Aim to the defensive. But. I avoid Cherno like the plague and have only ever done my city looting in Elektro or Zino. I don't know the city at all :(

Can anyone provide some good overwatch positions please and I'll start the trek down, possibly stopping off at a few deer stands to try and bump my supply of DMR mags. I will ensure to stop off at the fort first though (to introduce myself lol) plus I currently have 4 morphines which may come in handy.

I will announce my entrance upon arrival on this thread but are you guys on a teamspeak or ventrilo or anything yet?

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You should of constructed it in open ground, you're easy murders for me when your sat there

Edited by Ejaculacid

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I was just killed trying to get into fort friendly.

I said "friendly" via text chat and was asked over voice, I tried to reply but someone shot me.

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go to the kellys-heroes teamspeak, ppl are usually on that

No one else seems to be on the Day Z teamspeak channel :(

Any chance we could adopt this? I know bandits and such could join but is there any way for the host to disable the permissions/set password unless proven friendly?

Sorry I I'm being a complete nub, never used teamspeak before.

EDIT: I guess that all depends on whether the server host supports this movement. Blah.

Edited by Addicted

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I'll try to check it out. Fully expecting nothing but a burning ruins and a lot of corpses.

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I'm at International hotel...i Come over to the fort and light up a chemlight...hope you wont shoot me again...had an AKM at the back and an 1911 in hand

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Loving the idea, it's way outside the box. I know that bandits are being asshats, but really be persistent and this should work out great.

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where there 4 hours ago, we were 8 survivors, i just logged in again 40 mins ago and there were two dead ppl, guess the bandits shot everything to pieces

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I think playing on a server without name-tags is a bit counter-productive for this project. Today at the high point there were 7-8 people inside the fort and once we started going out for scavenging supplies, I was massively confused who was friendly and who was not. There were several occasions I had a clear shot on what were probably bandits, but I didn't know for sure. Since everyone looks exactly the same, it's impossible to tell.

In the end there was me and 2 other survivors left standing, there are so many towers and buildings overlooking the area that it's really not a safe place to stay without overwhelming numbers. We decided to gather whatever supplies we needed and to get the hell out of there before more bandits showed up for the turkey shoot.

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I'm close to Cherny, going to log in shortly, is the fort under friendly control again???

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i was just in cherno looking went past hotel no one there and couldnt find the fort, it is UK 7 right??

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Didn't find anything there....but i found one zombie! that knocked me out and ate me ):

I joined UK 7 - hosted by Kelly's heroes (same one you're in)

Is it maybe the wrong server???

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You were the AS50 ontop of the highest building with letters on it?

Yeah, then I got sniped.

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the server works for me, however i agree with the fact that it would be easier to do this on a server with nametags

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Are you guys in UK 7 - hosted by Kelly's heroes???

Yes, that's the correct server. It's a completely fenced off area (with sandbags and barbed wire) and the only entrance is a ladder up a walkway.

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Cool, joining now. Same name as forum. I'll post once im outside cherny.

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