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I got killed by a server hopper. I quit.

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Nothing to do with me, and nothing wrong with pink.. but my 6 year old daughter is asking why I can't make all my text pink.. I don't have the heart to tell her that I don't really want to :(



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I was sitting in the shower room of the barracks in the airfield waiting for my friend to connect so we could continue. Somebody hopping servers and looting the barracks from server to server connects, shoots us both, then disconnects 5 minutes later. I quit. I'm not looking for any more crash sites. Not scavenging any more buildings. I quit. Too many people shoot first and ask questions later. I really wish I could just have my own passworded server so I could avoid shit like this.

Peace. I give up on DayZ.

The problem isn't that I died. It's that people are able to server hop around with no penalty at all. I had my back to the wall, anybody running in and opening the door would have gotten 30 rounds in the chest. But because this jackass was server hopping, he was able to spawn in behind me and kill me, and then when my friend finally loads in and opens fire on him while he's looting the barracks, he disconnects out.

This mod is pretty fucked. I'm going back to ACE until something prevents people from server hopping and alt-f4 bailing.


So either you confused your own story or this has happened to you twice. If it's happened to you twice in the same spot you're either bad at the game or you're the one server hopping.

If you back was against the wall he wouldn't have been able to shoot you in the back. Just saying.

You also have no proof it was a server hopper. Could have just been a guy who was logging in... like your buddy.

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So many assholes are posting..

You shouldn't give up yet, these exploits will be fixed eventually and the community needs as many non-bandits as possible out there. Come back every now and then to look for a patch that might help the problem, or just stay away from highly contested areas.

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How can you say its a bad community.

I wouldn´t say it´s a bad community but I would say there are alot of people complaining about people disconnecting but very few people complaining over, for example, serverhopping for gear.

Just sayin...

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I was sitting in the shower room of the barracks in the airfield waiting for my friend to connect so we could continue. Somebody hopping servers and looting the barracks from server to server connects, shoots us both, then disconnects 5 minutes later. I quit. I'm not looking for any more crash sites. Not scavenging any more buildings. I quit. Too many people shoot first and ask questions later. I really wish I could just have my own passworded server so I could avoid shit like this.

Peace. I give up on DayZ.

Just wait for the full release of the game, MAYBE it will get better.

About the flamers, just ignore them, i bet most of them are responsible for what you just said in your post - server hoppers, griefers, etc.

I love the game, i love the idea, but the community is ruining the experience for me too, but what the hell, we can't keep the kids away from their computers forever.

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The problem isn't that I died. It's that people are able to server hop around with no penalty at all. I had my back to the wall, anybody running in and opening the door would have gotten 30 rounds in the chest. But because this jackass was server hopping, he was able to spawn in behind me and kill me, and then when my friend finally loads in and opens fire on him while he's looting the barracks, he disconnects out.

This mod is pretty fucked. I'm going back to ACE until something prevents people from server hopping and alt-f4 bailing.

Your story is starting to fall apart. You had your back to the wall and yet he spawned behind you?

You and your friend logged out on another server and logged in there after you got there from another server....server hopping.

The other guy just got the drop on you first and now you are whining.

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I stopped reading after "I was sitting in the shower room of the barracks" because I could fill in the gaps after. I remember my first time in the barracks, I learned a good lesson that day.

1. Don't go in the barracks alone.

2. Don't go in the barracks if you don't need to.

3. Honestly stay away from the barracks.

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OP! It's okay! You can tell us what really happened in the shower after you dropped the soap!

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Get over it I got Fus Ro Dah'd by a zombie and be punched me and I flew through a wall and died this is what it looked like not even kidding.

Ironically I heard that theme when i got hit.

Edited by Trolling R3bel

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Hmmm, I wonder what reason you could have had for your friend to connect in the barracks... hmmm... server hopping maybe?

exactly what I was thinking

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I have been playing for 2 days. Here is a tip from a noob: Don't disconnect when you are in a high yield loot area. I learned this literally on my first day. Disconnect under a tree in a forest. Sorry you are leaving the game but the problem is with you and not the game and community. Dayz if far from being a Utopia. I don't expect why you think it should be. Server hopping? Big deal. Move on.

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I sat in an unpopulated server's barracks last night waiting for server hoppers. About 30-45 minutes in to my camping, someone was nice enough to come strolling in to the barracks, when I unloaded no less than 100 M249 bullets in to his body. Thanks for the NVG's, bro!

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OP's frustrations are legitimate. Server hopping is not punished, or even discouraged. Possibly the biggest immersion breaker ever. I still love it though, warts and all.

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I sat in an unpopulated server's barracks last night waiting for server hoppers. About 30-45 minutes in to my camping, someone was nice enough to come strolling in to the barracks, when I unloaded no less than 100 M249 bullets in to his body. Thanks for the NVG's, bro!

you camped in the barracks and killed someone that "strolled" in

don't front like you were combating "server-hoppers"

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It's alpha if you can't handle the broken-ness of it atm you should leave until it reaches beta and try it then

I just lost 5 As50's and 10 M4sd and I think 3 extra nvg to a server getting Blacklisted (seattle 100) and I won't quit because its fun to get it all back again.

Edited by Reaven1911

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you camped in the barracks and killed someone that "strolled" in

don't front like you were combating "server-hoppers"

I don't get what you're implying. Are you saying I was also server hopping, or it was just some random non server hopper that I killed? I don't deny that I have server hopped when I first started playing. But, with my experience, it's not even worth it. Never once found anything good, and 80% of the time I was killed by someone else. So, now I am the one to camp the unpopulated servers looking for the hoppers. Much better loot that way.

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I was sitting in the shower room of the barracks in the airfield waiting for my friend to connect so we could continue. Somebody hopping servers and looting the barracks from server to server connects, shoots us both, then disconnects 5 minutes later. I quit. I'm not looking for any more crash sites. Not scavenging any more buildings. I quit. Too many people shoot first and ask questions later. I really wish I could just have my own passworded server so I could avoid shit like this.

Peace. I give up on DayZ.

Evil prevails when good men do nothing.

Don't quit so easily.

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I don't get what you're implying. Are you saying I was also server hopping, or it was just some random non server hopper that I killed? I don't deny that I have server hopped when I first started playing. But, with my experience, it's not even worth it. Never once found anything good, and 80% of the time I was killed by someone else. So, now I am the one to camp the unpopulated servers looking for the hoppers. Much better loot that way.

yeah, I'm saying the guy you killed might not have been a server-hopper. maybe he was, but you're camping one of the better loot spots in the game, so server-hopping or not, someone's gonna come along eventually

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yeah, I'm saying the guy you killed might not have been a server-hopper. maybe he was, but you're camping one of the better loot spots in the game, so server-hopping or not, someone's gonna come along eventually

Oh no, he was definitely a server hopper. I am constantly pressing P every minute or so to check if anyone is joining the game just to make sure they don't spawn in the spot I'm camping. He was in the server for no more than 5 minutes before I shot him. I forget his name though because it was a bunch of numbers and letters.

Edit: Even though that guy was a server hopper. I really don't care if they're a server hopper or not. The chances of them being friendly are slim to none.

Edited by Kozmas

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