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About yankee_1776@live.com

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. yankee_1776@live.com

    Realistic to shoot on site?

    It's just as bad to watch people defend this sort of behavior.
  2. yankee_1776@live.com

    Want to know WHY I SoS?

    Not everyone wants to be shot at by every CoD psycho with a gun because the shooter is enjoying himself. You wouldn't have such a DC community if people were not so scared of being killed thinking they instead have a chance to socialize. No one trusts anyone anymore, the massively growing number of people who shoot on sight have ruined what we used to have in DayZ.
  3. A real zombie apocalypse wouldn't be limited by a gaming engine and the idea that you can't press the restart button. Bandits would exist, but in gangs and few would kill simply for the pleasure of killing. Communities would develop with their own law systems and militia who would prevent attacks upon a settlement by all but an opposing army. The danger would increase as the distance from the settlements became greater, bandits would lay in ambush for a traveler who entered their territory, but a bandit clan might try and sort a regular supply chain out by extorting those travelers, offering protection in their territory exchange for part of the supply. All of this is impossible in DayZ due to limitations in the engine. At best the environment in DayZ would represent the first couple months of the disaster where no one has any contact with anyone else and are so desperate for food, water, and ammunition that they are willing to kill for it. Yet even that presents it's own dilemmas that would not sync such a social breakdown with DayZ. In the end we have to remember that this a game, and games need to have enforceable rules and some degree of social order.
  4. yankee_1776@live.com

    Bandits, Paranoids and Scumbags

    That stuck out, and I didn't read the rest because of it. ;)
  5. yankee_1776@live.com

    Bandits, Paranoids and Scumbags

    Murders prey upon people, taking advantage of anthers civility to ensure they get the first shot and kill, often calling out "friendly" before shooting them to help them gain advantage when the opportunity presents itself. This creates a hostile and distrustful gaming community with limited social interaction opportunities, an environment counter to the purpose of online gaming. This impairs community growth and is counter-productive for positive communal experiences, as we can see in just about any topic on the forums. This is highlighted in the Fort Friendly attempt to create a friendly ingame environment for players who want to come and socialize, possibly even finding team members for a party and pick up basic supplies. Despite the initial success of the project It attracted people who just wanted to kill other people and brag about how they destroyed a communal project within just two days. The case is furthered by the fact that just a month ago the average life expectancy was over 4 hours, with murders being far less common than it is today, and banditry was actually 'positive' and immersive thing. Now people are shooting each other for no reason and causing major upheavals within the DayZ community. Banditry has been hijacked by the CoD murderers and this has caused a massive and sudden drop in life expectancy to just 35 minutes. You say that those who are upset by pointless killings represent only a "minority" but what proof do you have? Forumites represent a very small percentage of the community who are largely voiceless in game. Yet developers use it as a sample of the larger customer base on many occasions. if you have a forum community of 1000 people, and 80% are unhappy with X feature, chances are they will accurately represent the much larger community who do not post on social forums. I don't see many people at all asking that PvP be removed, and i'd be quite against the idea.Instead it needs to be tweaked, possibly opening up Opfor for bandits (or murders now I should say) and turn off friendly fire- or reduce the damage inflicted by it. This way murders can't antagonize the community at will, and survivors can see that they are a bandit and not friendly. This would largely eliminate the biggest complaints within the community and still provide PvP that makes the game so paranoidly fun.
  6. yankee_1776@live.com

    DayZ Group (Bandits)

    Are zombies too difficult for you to get by and get the gear yourselves? Fair warning, give any info here and I'll hunt your group down.
  7. yankee_1776@live.com

    Punishing bandits? Shut up, seriously.

    Thats why you're out making whining topics right?
  8. yankee_1776@live.com

    I dislike lootmaps.

    Sadly thats just the way some people role. They look for every advantage they could possibly get, from disconnecting and maneuvering to another sever before coming back to the original, to mining loot. If it didn't also effect me I wouldn't care, but the fact is people who use programs such as loot finders and cheating do effect me, so I do care.
  9. yankee_1776@live.com

    It's The End of the World, So let's Kill Each Other!!!

    Player skill has nothing or very little to do with it. I've seen plenty of people I could have killed if I had so chosen to, because i'm not a senseless CoD kid who only thinks about themselves. If i want to slaughter other players I would play Deathmatch.
  10. yankee_1776@live.com

    Punishing bandits? Shut up, seriously.

    You're butt-hurt, you like to dish it out but you can't take it.
  11. yankee_1776@live.com

    Bandits, Paranoids and Scumbags

    So you're the type who takes advantage of the people who try and remain civil toward each other? You're killing the game dude, and would get put into place if people knew what you do.
  12. yankee_1776@live.com

    Punishing bandits? Shut up, seriously.

    The butt-hurt is strong with this one. If you act like an asshole to other people, other people will do the same to you. Deal with it.
  13. yankee_1776@live.com

    Does Anyone Have Tips on How to Avoid a Firefight

    Be patient, always travel the longer and safer routs and not the open ground. Scout a town before you enter it, and join severs with less people. If you come across someone and you don't want to make contact, just head right back the opposite way. Go into the wilderness and stay away from the spawn locations on the coast.
  14. yankee_1776@live.com

    Looking for partner.

    What sort of partner? Because I mean if it's sexual you might wanna try zoo.
  15. yankee_1776@live.com

    Friendly FIRE? Yea I did it.

    1. Friendly fire, isn't. 2. Oncoming fire has the right of way.