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Role, Side arm & Primary

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Hello there laddies!

I was just wondering what kind of weaponry you guys use.

My Load out:

Secondary: PDW, if someone sneaks up behind me I would rather use a PDW to unload a clip into him

Primary: Lee Enfield, Reliable gun ammo is very common, accurate

Role: Over watch, I prefer to stay back and watch my buddy from the hills

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Primary: M4A1, ammo is a bit hard to come by but a good double tap puts down most targets

Secondary: G17, damage is low but ammo is plenty. Flashlight is a bonus on night servers.

Role: Spotter/Point man. Either role works for me. I can watch a sniper's back or lead the rush into a battle.

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At the moment.

Main: MP5 SD

Side: Glock 17 (handy for looting cities at night with the torch attatchment.)

Role: Hunting Snipers.

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Main: AKM. I find these to be extremely common at Balota Airfield and surrounding deer stands which makes it super easy for me to grab just minutes after spawning. Not to mention it's one of the best guns for PVP (along with Enfield).

Side: M1911 (best handgun, IMO).

Role: Wreaking slobs.

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Primary: DMR (Shares Ammo With Secondary)

Secondary: M14 Aim (For Close to Mid range)

Sidearm: G17 (Just a Back up. Light is Also Useful)

Role: Designated Marksman (Mid to Long range encounters) (Battle Rifle for everything else)

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Primary- lee enfield (best pvp rifle, also my MK 48 and SVD got randomly deleted)

Sidearm - M1911. 1 hit kills zombies.

Dont need flashlights got NVGs

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Primary - Usually an Enfield, but when I get the chance to find them, I switch out between a Remington in close quarters and an M14 for long to mid range. That M14 is all but automatic with Enfield stopping power and twice the loudness. So worth it.

Sidearm - Either an M1911 or a Revolver. Usually a revolver, even if I get seven rounds with the M1911.

Role: Overwatch with Enfield/M14, point man with Remington

Mind you, this is my favored load out. I take what I can when I bite the bullet.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 7:34 AM, SGTFledge said:

Primary - Usually an Enfield, but when I get the chance to find them, I switch out between a Remington in close quarters and an M14 for long to mid range. That M14 is all but automatic with Enfield stopping power and twice the loudness. So worth it.

Sidearm - Either an M1911 or a Revolver. Usually a revolver, even if I get seven rounds with the M1911.

Role: Overwatch with Enfield/M14, point man with Remington

Mind you, this is my favored load out. I take what I can when I bite the bullet.

You can combine revolver ammo into 1911 rounds. Yes you will spawn a. 45 out of nowhere

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m249 SAW (looted it from some guy's tent, i also found about 7 200rd belts with it lol)

Makarov (somewhat quiet, gets the job done most of the time, common ammo)

role: paranoid loner i guess,

although if the server population is low i tend to go on a zombie killing rampage

Edited by oh_fudge

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hello there

No specific role, It changes depending on the situation.

Main: Generally AKM, easy to find, ammo plentiful, accurate, good stopping power.

Second: Colt 1911 Good Zed stoppingpower, plentiful ammo, fairly quiet.



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Role: The hero Cherno deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

Main: Fists

Secondary: Batarang and Batclaw.

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  On 7/18/2012 at 7:50 AM, Red_Sky said:

Role: The hero Cherno deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

Main: Fists

Secondary: Batarang and Batclaw.

You watched the Dark Night on TV a couple nights ago did you not :)?

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Primary MK 48 for 0-150 meters, when I fire my main CQB gun I need something that drops shit fast

Secondary DMR in backpack for 150 meters + , looking for svd thoe

Sidearm M9 silenced for those eagle eyed zeds

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  On 7/18/2012 at 8:10 AM, MartinCB said:

Primary MK 48 for 0-150 meters, when I fire my main CQB gun I need something that drops shit fast

Secondary DMR in backpack for 150 meters + , looking for svd thoe

Sidearm M9 silenced for those eagle eyed zeds


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Secondary: G17

Primary: DMR/M4A1 Holo

Role: Spotter/overwatch

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Primary: BAF AS50

Secondary: Revolver

Second Primary: M4A1

Role: Overwatch and backup hence the M4A1

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Main Remington 870 with flashlight. Using slugs ammo is everywhere range 250m

Secondary 1911

Back up m4a1 havent had a call to use yet thinking of dumping it for more room for supplies.

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Secondary: Trusty m1911.

Primary: Cobra.

Role: Lone wolf running though the forests to discover cities and looting them sneakily.

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Primary: M16A2 Its accurate, not that loud and cheap. Gave my M14 Aim to a friend whose game isnt lagging like hell :)

Sidearm: M1911

Role: Loner in desperate need for a car, but with no success ----> CarJacker at the Edges of the Map

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Primary: M107 with Bizon SD in backpack

Secondary: M1911

Role: Lone Sniper, occasionally team up with friends as a sniper/spotter

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Primary : m107

secondary primary : m4a1 cco sd + nvg

role : Sniper

and secondary : the trustworthy makarov pm

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