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About MartinCB

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  1. MartinCB

    funny moment while cooking

    So when you got the pot on did you just drag and drop the rice and it was done or do you need water too ?
  2. MartinCB

    How to Get Away from Zombies the Easy Way.

    The FPS!
  3. MartinCB

    [Video] Short Sniping Montage

    I never disconnect if there isn't a hacker, I mean even when you had taken out 2/3 I was logged in till I saw the weapon. Feel pretty bad for alt+f4:ing now that I know you weren't hacking thoe. Nope I dropped it by a heli crash for an as 50 , didn't want to get banned. Anyhow the story behind us up there was that me and the other sniper whom you killed first had been waiting there for our last mate who had died from a hacker in a previous battle. Anyhow, the sniper guy also had an M4SD which the new guy took from the sniper's backpack and he was trying to get it back. So that is why they were running around like crazy. Although we could meet up, sometime.
  4. MartinCB

    [Video] Short Sniping Montage

    Hehe... Det är fan jag och mina vänner som är där uppe vid stary , du skjuter två av dom så skjuter jag dig sen när ni sprungit fram XD trodde du var hacker pga vapnet, vet att jag logga men efter att jag såg vapnet så var jag säker på att ni var hackers , ville fan inte dö ännu en gång åt en hacker jävel... So what I said in SWE was that it was my group of three person named FunT that they killed, however I stayed up in the bushes and waited them out and managed to get one of them.
  5. MartinCB

    [Video] Short Sniping Montage

    Hehe... Det är fan jag och mina vänner som är där uppe vid stary , du skjuter två av dom så skjuter jag dig sen när ni sprungit fram XD trodde du var hacker pga vapnet, vet att jag logga men efter att jag såg vapnet så var jag säker på att ni var hackers , ville fan inte dö ännu en gång åt en hacker jävel... So what I said in SWE was that it was my group of three people named FunT that they killed, however I stayed up in the bushes and waited them out. I eventually managed to get one of them.
  6. MartinCB

    The DayZ Player Type Guide:

    hahahha Inspector Gadget that is totally me !
  7. MartinCB

    Weapon Nerf Poll

    OK I know keep it simple but I just had to motivate my choice GOOD. THE thing is that with the old damages quiet sidearms were too good since they made barely no noise and were 1 shoot, this update forces the player so either shoot a lot with the slightly louder sidearm but more shots are needed however it brings you the main option to fire just one or two shots with the loud main weapon. This made zombie killing a lot more interesting while still keeping the intense short lived fire fights of arma, really good job done at Bohemia I would say!
  8. Nooooooo please No. These are key components in the game
  9. MartinCB

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Q: when will we get the dog companion you teased us about awhile ago?
  10. My idea is for a fast bandage if you may. Just like a bandage but it will only take a sec to put on and you will still be bleeding but at a decreased rate. For intense zed /player battles. Individual feedback on both ideas:) and write why you dislike or like
  11. MartinCB

    Dayz: When did you lose your ideals

    AWESOME!!! reelly impressive!
  12. MartinCB

    Shopping carts

    Sounds really Good, but a too Big impact on MS won't be necessary since you can still run pretty fast irl, not as fast but still pretty fast
  13. MartinCB

    Role, Side arm & Primary

    Thoe is the same as although ,it's common slang.