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Silenced Sniper Rifles

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i personally disagree with the idea of suppressing a sniper rifle, as it would add more code to random spawns and stuff, and i think those are already screwed up enough. yadda yadda some stuff about me being shot at...

though the idea of being on overwatch and helping those raiding is an interesting idea in itself. i sit on overwatch as well, but i dont shoot unless something has gone wrong. it would be an interesting idea, to add some sort of weapon that can't kill but can distract zombies in a way that isnt a light source or some other thing telling the world you are on a hill. i could see a paintball marker, firing that at the street to start the zombies shuffling that way due to the noise or what have you.

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IMO!!! I think Silenced Snipers would kind of ruin it. Would be hard to locate those snipers -> They wont attract Zombies -> And if you ever locate them ALT F4 :P.

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If suppressed weapons are modelled more realistically ie still bloody loud but *supressed* then Im all for it.

But no Hollywood phut phut silencers please.



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There's already silenced weapon in Day Z. M1911A1 is a very good CQC overwatch weapon. Silent and deadly if hit the head.

Edited by Jacques
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Well if there are zombies near you, then you are WAY to close. Overwatch shouldn't have zombies near them

He isn't talking about zombies near the sniper. He's talking about zombies near the people he is providing the overwatch for.

If they managed to fix the duping problem once and for all, and made the silencer something you have to find separate from the rifle I would be ok with this. Give it the lowest spawn rate in the game and make it drop from the barracks only.

But I don't think they are going to get the duping problem fixed any time soon as long as the game is on the Arma 2 engine, so I can't really justify putting this in the game. Yes it would be more authentic, but it would be highly sought after and everyone would start duping it.

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Suppressed, scoped .22 rifle with sub-sonic rounds -- yes, ok. It wouldn't be an unfair PvP weapon at >200m, so go for your life....

It would actually be a hell of a lot of fun to have people trying to have a shoot-out with these -- a great sniper could still drop a man in one shot, but in the hands of an average player, there'd be a lot more chance for people to only be injured in gunfights, and have engagements last longer than a few seconds, with a chance for both parties to get a few volleys of shots in...

But a modern silenced sniper rifle worthy of a spec-ops military team? No... no, no. No... If yes, it should be ridiculously rare, and only introduced after the exploits that make "rarity" not matter are fixed.

Edited by ActionMan

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Just here to say there should be a VSS or a similar rifle. It would not be as terrible as everyone is saying considering it has a much shorter range then any other sniper. The developers could also make it so the ammo and the weapon itself are incredibly rare, as well as lower the damage to about 3500 blood in the chest. To the people who say its unrealistic to see a VSS in a rural easter-bloc country, it is also unrealistic to see m107s, as-50s, etc etc.

I would like to say though, it would not be prudent to add it at this point as much as i want it, with duping and server hopping and the other myriad of exploits it would make the gun seem like it was the most common gun in the game.

Edited by IrishExecutioner

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I think a silenced rifle would be good. Perhaps a silenced weapon that only has an effective range of like 400m that is bolt action. For killing players it should take about 3-5 shots. But for zombies it wont matter because a head shot is a head shot :P.

For the longer over watch, then you can find your self a bigger gun since you will be having a much longer range to cover and you can position correctly.

I personally am in love with my AS50 :D I only have 15 shots, but I use them wisely and only when my team requires it. Otherwise I am just an over watch and constantly relaying information.

My spotter uses a DMR, so he can go a bit more wild than I can.... but his shooting has been declared between us, as second to mine :)

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yesss give me a silent sniper muhahahahahhahahah all i need to do is get a termal and gameover for you. ONE MAN ARMY

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obvious troll just up.

A .22LR rifle wouldn't deal any damages over 150m. This weapon would be good for in-town cover / zombie hunting, low power (perhaps a little bit higher than the 9mm handguns), requiring 4 to 6 torso shot to kill, and 1 or 2 in the head, depending on the range.

My two cents

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Sniper rifle silencers? Don't exist for all intents and purposes - sniper rifles need to use supersonic rounds to be effective (exception: VSS Vintorez 9mm subsonic). While the rifles in the game CAN be chambered with subsonic ammunition, subsonic 7.62 and .50 caliber rounds (and whatever the Russian rifles use) are so limited in use (and controlled in distribution) that they're practically custom made, and spawning large quantities of the ammunition in the backcountry of a Soviet satellite would be ridiculously unrealistic.

Gameplay or not, it's completely unrealistic to include silenced sniper rifles. You can justify having M16s scattered around by the game's campaign and military presence, sure. But for silenced rifles to be in the game, you'd have to say that Chernarus was crawling with SEAL teams and Spetsnaz armed to the teeth.

Thread should've closed after this. Bravo.

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Overwatch should not have issues with zombies. If you need a silenced weapon for under 400 meters, use either the M4 SD, any silenced pistol, or SD Stanag mags in M16s or M4s. MP5SD also works, but I wouldn't suggest it with the limited damage per round.

If you are aggroing zombies with any long-range scoped high-powered weapons, you need to reposition yourself, or hand the rifle off to someone that can use it properly.

Edited by Zeromentor

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so u want a silenced sniper rifle? i want a b-2 bomber, to clear the zeds near a supermarket...


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Sniper rifle silencers? Don't exist for all intents and purposes - sniper rifles need to use supersonic rounds to be effective (exception: VSS Vintorez 9mm subsonic). While the rifles in the game CAN be chambered with subsonic ammunition, subsonic 7.62 and .50 caliber rounds (and whatever the Russian rifles use) are so limited in use (and controlled in distribution) that they're practically custom made, and spawning large quantities of the ammunition in the backcountry of a Soviet satellite would be ridiculously unrealistic.

Gameplay or not, it's completely unrealistic to include silenced sniper rifles. You can justify having M16s scattered around by the game's campaign and military presence, sure. But for silenced rifles to be in the game, you'd have to say that Chernarus was crawling with SEAL teams and Spetsnaz armed to the teeth.

Well... this!

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No, no and NO!

So you want to lie down in bushes with zombies all around you and kill any survivor on sight?

VSS Vintorez is one of the best assassin's rifles in the world, but it can only be found in KGB/FSB arsenals, which I doubt existed in Chernarus.

M110 silenced is another matter: it's just too powerful to be added to the game.

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Why not name this game SpecOpZ or play A.C.E.2? You guys always want to make a military shooter out of everything, even if it's not meant to be in the first place.

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Why not name this game SpecOpZ or play A.C.E.2? You guys always want to make a military shooter out of everything, even if it's not meant to be in the first place.


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ok.. this game isnt entirely about realism, it's a game, not a simulation, and even if it was that dedicated to realism, and squads of seals and spetznas were crawling chernarus..... who cares, it's simply not balanced to add silenced sniper rifles, if your argument is "ooh i cant help my friends shoot zombies" then get a different bloody gun or use the sniper rifle properly- from a distance, it's not the snipers purpose to take out zombies- atleast from close range, for the most part it's to shoot other players

if you want to help your friends, get a gun made to help them with, or just friking camp at a safe spot like any smart sniper, and even then if you're stupid enough to give away your position to shoot zombies, you're going to die anyway.

tl;dr, get a silenced assault rifle.

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I think there should be a VSS Vintorez(Not sure if anyone gave a suggestion yet). But a silencer shouldn't lower the damage of weapons,

Silencers can be separated into two different types; those that touch the bullet as it passes through and those that do not. Silencers that use rubber disks called wipes touch the bullet and slow it down, this also lowers power and can make the accuracy so poor that it is only good for close range work. The rubber wipes are very effective in suppressing the noise from low powered firearms because they actually close a bit after the bullet passes and help slow the gas flow. However after a dozen rounds the wipes are damaged so much that they start letting more noise out and become useless after a while. Do a search for the Welrod pistol or the hush puppy, they used rubber disks, were not loud at all and could not hit the broad side of a barn.

Modern silencers (and those made by Maxim 100 years ago) use metal cone shaped (or K, M shaped or slanted) baffles to divert gas flow much like a straight pass muffler on a car. While they are less effective than a silencer equipped with wipes, they will last thousands of rounds as long as they are not overheated. They generally screw onto the muzzle, but some telescope over the barrel or are integral to the (sometimes ported) barrel.

A modern silencer equipped with baffles that is mounted correctly (ie straight) will generally not adversely affect accuracy except on the most accurate target rifles. They will affect the point of impact because they add weight to the barrel and change the way it moves under recoil. A silencer that telescopes over the barrel and applies tension can make the rifle more accurate.

Because a silencer traps gasses for a moment while the bullet passes through, velocity can increase by up to about 1%; an insignificant amount. All this means is that it does not reduce velocity or power of the bullet. Some barrels are ported to allow gases to bleed off into the back part of the silencer, this slows down the bullet and reduces power, but is more a function of the barrel than the silencer. Suppressed firearms with ported barrels are some of the least noisy.

Some people like to say that using a silencer reduces range because subsonic ammo must be used to eliminate bullet flight noise. This is absolutely untrue. Because a silencer only reduces muzzled blast noise and does nothing for action noise or bullet noise, they are still very effective even on high powered rifles. Because most subsonic ammo uses less powder than its full power counterpart, the muzzle blast will not be as loud. Less powder, less noise, it is that simple.

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ya well this jus a fucking suggestion forum right...to suggest idea about what we would like to see implemented into a game.

so i suggested it.

if were going for realism obvisously silenced/suppressed rifle is going to be an option...idc where you are in the world...you dont have to find a specific SPEC OPS sniper rifle...hell my AR has removeable flash hider which can be adapted to a suppressor/silencer so if this shit were to happen id manage to get one. the new m107 barretts...they are coming out with breaks to adapt with silencers....so if the 107 is here then silencers have a possiblity to be too, if you really wanna be technical.

now simulation you can really fall under the realistic gameplay...like uh flight simulator is a flight sim makes you feel like your in a real fucking plane right.....well getting shot from 1200M and not knowing where it comes from makes this game feel real.... because quiet frankly it could happen...and to the oh you wanna sit and kill survivors....no not exactly only time i do that is when i feel like they could be a danger to my survival or my teams survival.

another thing i would like to add before i get raped by people saying im wrong again.

who uses the m24...sniper teams..who uses the m107...sniper teams....who uses the as50...sniper teams....who uses the dmr...sniper teams....who sometimes uses silencers/suppressors...oh and again sniper teams...so in theory with the available sniper rifles, there is the availability of silencers/suppressors

hell id be happy with a suppressor...which by the way is different than a silencer.

Edited by Powers7rok3

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