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Rocket is a sadistic bear f**ker

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If rocket is a Sadistic Bear Fucker, then im a Sadistic Bear Orgy Master. Face it hes a good guy, he made this mod for people to enjoy, and he even got a pretty sweet gig from it. Im fully supportive of Rocket, hes giving his time for OUR entertainment.

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I must really be procrastinating if I'm bothering to read this. I hate to say it but this post is so terrible that I'm going to sign off and do work in the real world. Jeesus.

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How much longer are we as community going to let Rocket toy with our emotions like this?!

How much longer are we going to let him control us like we were his little puppets?!

We need to organize and truly make this OUR game!!!!

Power to the people!!!

Down with Rocket!!

Some one smash this guy with an epic BAN HAMMER...

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Haha did you seriously call him a bearfucker? Out of all possible things to call him...

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How much longer are we as community going to let Rocket toy with our emotions like this?!

How much longer are we going to let him control us like we were his little puppets?!

We need to organize and truly make this OUR game!!!!

Power to the people!!!

Down with Rocket!!

You're such a cutie. I see you took my advice and fixed your sig.

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I can picture Rocket sat in his 'James Bond Villian High Backed Chair' and reading the title of this thread......then nodding slowly and saying 'Yes, yes I am. Mwahahahahaaahahaa' whilst lightning flashes behind him.

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Is the guy...?


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How much longer are we as community going to let Rocket toy with our emotions like this?!

How much longer are we going to let him control us like we were his little puppets?!

We need to organize and truly make this OUR game!!!!

Power to the people!!!

Down with Rocket!!


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The main problem is Bohemia Interactives contribution to DayZ. ARMA 2 is full of bugs which cause most of the problems in DayZ. ARMA 3 will be a buggy piece of shit and if Bohemia work on DayZ it will be awful and buggy.

Rocket needs to partner with a decent gaming company.

ArmA 2 functions on an engine that's been running well enough and continuously improved since its conception in the late 1990's with Operation Flashpoint. It has always emphasized realism, modability, and ballistic preformance over looks and software by tradition, so that you, the player, would have a decent military simulation experience that comes as close to the real thing as possible. Bohemia Interactive designed the game based on what would be adaequate to the Armed Forces, with the regular civilian player in mind. This is a game that supports thousands of AI in first-person stance, allows for RTS gameplay, and complete micromanagement of infantrymen and vehicles. It includes a system of highly advanced AI (when compared to the AI of other games) which don't preform based on a scripted mission like in C0D or Battlefield 3,and most importantly, it puts you, the player, in THE MOST REALISTIC military game world concieved thus far.

ArmA 3 is being developed with the issues of ArmA 2 strongly in mind, and the developers are doing everything in their power to prevent them from happening again. They have a plan to implement even more military elements to the game and even making the graphics better, while still keeping the massive scale of the engine's potential attainable. They are doing a massive overhaul, and if you had been with the series for more than one year, you would understand that even the OA Expansion showed immense improvements over the 2008 copy of ArmA 2.

Do you honestly think they're going to screw up and rush this game? Bohemia Interactive is going far to develop ArmA 3, and they're trying to satisfy players like you who can't appreciate something for what it is unless it's slick, shiny, and lacking any depth. Do you HONESTLY want to take away from a company that's trying to satisfy it's players rather than just shoving its dick in their faces?

In short, your opinion is fucking stupid. Gtfo.

Edited by Captain Q

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This may be the most retarded post I have read so far.

We should all be patient and support Rocket and the Devs, you cocksucker.

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Thanks every one, I needed that. And for the guy who called me a cocksucker.....At least im no bearfucker you hen humper. Have a nice day ::)

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This may be the most retarded post I have read so far.

We should all be patient and support Rocket and the Devs, you cocksucker.

The ending just made me laugh so fucking hard making me spray my popcorn everywhere. Yes I was eating popcorn while reading every post. It's just enjoyable and funny.

Hen Humper? WTFF LMFAO

Edited by ChinWooMan

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How much longer are we as community going to let Rocket toy with our emotions like this?!

How much longer are we going to let him control us like we were his little puppets?!

We need to organize and truly make this OUR game!!!!

Power to the people!!!

Down with Rocket!!

What the fuck are you on? Considering Rocket created the game, has complete control over the game...it's his game.

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OP its not "our" mod. It's "his" mod. You're not a customer who payed for a product.

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OP, how dare you bring your funny sarcasm to these forums!

You should of wrote a disclaimer underneath; you know, for the others :rolleyes:

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