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Is the average life expectancy accurate for you guys?

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My first guy is still alive. He has 4+ hours with a full PDW clip with a Double barrel Shotgun and a decent amount of ammo. A little food but I have 4+ hours on this mod on my first life only. Although, I had a bit of luck when acquiring the PDW because this guy in a truck drives up to me with a ton of zombies chasing me, I'm on I think, about 5000 blood cause I didn't have a bandage, the guy kills every zombie, gives me a blood transfusion and drops the PDW with 3 full mags, then drives off. That was in the first 10 minutes and I have found a decent amount of water to last me a while, is this just Beginner's luck?

Edited by kirak95197
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Ive never lived less than maybe 3+ hours, but then I don't get camped, rush to Chen/Electro, or get killed by zombies like... ever. So who knows. Might be due to all the people mindlessly rushing into major cities or something.

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That's hilarious. My buddy and I have been playing for about a week and I've yet to even find a vehicle to fix.

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Mine varies from 10 minutes to ~20 hours max. So, all in all... it's nearly 3-4 hours average.

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I'm not sure if respawning for a better spawn location actually effects the average life expectancy... if it did, it'd explain a lot, because my current char has probably been alive for over 20 hours, and pretty much anyone, even people starting out, will probably log in at least 20-25min before dying just trying to figure stuff out.

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from 5 minutes to couple of hours usually. Trying make +1 week old character.

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more or less.

much ppl kill themself because of spawnlocation, others get killed at spawn by other players after going to find stuff in a city or just got eaten by zeds with no weapon.

all that pushes the time down, but i agree in most cases i live longer than that average time.

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That's hilarious. My buddy and I have been playing for about a week and I've yet to even find a vehicle to fix.

Lmao, my friend and I have found over 6-7 vehicles that were fully functional & even had some gear (aka owned by players) while we have only found I think 2 vehicles that were new spawns. If you know where to look, it's actually quite hilarious how many things you can get without ever going near a town/killing a zombie.

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I usually last a few days to a week, but when I die, I Ike to just run around and train zombies through a city or some such other nonsense for a few lives, just for kicks.

So like every 5th life or something is fo' realzz.

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You can live more than 30 minutes easy. Just run straight north, park under a pinetree and go eat dinner. Sorted.

I generally live quite long cause I avoid cherno and elektro. I don't see any reason to run into those cities, knowing they are heavily populated, knowing the mentality of the game is to treat it like a deathmatch and knowing that organized teams go to chern and elektro simply to get some frags.

So want to stay alive, head north, hit deerstands and barns until you are situated with a weapon and some food/drink, then hit one of the mid-size cities to improve your loot. Then go die at a helicopter crash site or an airfield trying to get a military grade weapon. And start over again.

if I die while I'm playing with friends who are online though... I will suicide myself using the respawn in Options menu until I spawn close enough that I can just run up and rendezvous with my friends. My life expectancy then is probably about 10 seconds... enough to check where I spawned on the lower right, enter meny and hit Respawn.

In all honesty, for the life expectancy to be accurate they need to add a grace period. I.e. the timer doesn't really start counting towards the statistic until the player has been alive for at least 10 or 15 minutes. Even the biggest noob will be able to keep alive for 15 minutes. But anyone hellbent on suiciding to spawn closer to friends will either run into zombies and let them kill him, or simply hit the Respawn in options.

So no, the life expectancy of 35 minutes is not accurate. It's misinforming. I'm guessing an average life expectancy is closer to 1-2 hours for a completely new player.

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I'm fairly sure its due to the respawn as mentioned. Alot of people live for several weeks, it would bump the average way up, but when they die they probably respawn a dozen times x 1 minute or so

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im on 50+ hours of real play time, pretty much the only time i die in under an hour is suicide to get a decent spawn as far away from churno/electro as possible

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I'm fairly sure that clicking the respawn button does not affect the average life expectancy.

I'm fairly sure its due to the respawn as mentioned. Alot of people live for several weeks, it would bump the average way up, but when they die they probably respawn a dozen times x 1 minute or so

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The average on the main pages doesn't count lifes under 2min. So if you respawn instantly it does not count. I haven't played much yet but both of my two life's were about 5-6 hours.

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my very first character lasted 3 days, logging about 20 hours, i just ran as far north on spawn as i could, and looted the empty towns. the last guy died to friendly fire, partner shot me by mistake (was trying to shoot the zombie aggro)

this guy now, short of being shot and killed by anotehr player, i doubt zombies will bother me much. me and my buddy have a nice supply of ammo, blood packs food and such.

i do however see players gettign killed regurally. the same names pop up every ten to 20 minutes, so i guess theres a huge amount of players that cant make it.

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I think about 32000 new players joined very recently. Plenty of those guys will be utter noobs. Not a problem but they will be new

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I'm fairly sure its due to the respawn as mentioned. Alot of people live for several weeks, it would bump the average way up, but when they die they probably respawn a dozen times x 1 minute or so

Respawns aren't included in the calculation, according to Rocket

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Well if the immediate respawns arent included, im confused. I cant imagine the average life expectancy to be 35 minutes. If so many people are surviving for days, it would mean a really big chunk of people would have to die in 5 minutes. Surely alot of people die in Cherno and Elektro but still

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My first guy is still alive. He has 4+ hours with a full PDW clip with a Double barrel Shotgun and a decent amount of ammo. A little food but I have 4+ hours on this mod on my first life only. Although, I had a bit of luck when acquiring the PDW because this guy in a truck drives up to me with a ton of zombies chasing me, I'm on I think, about 5000 blood cause I didn't have a bandage, the guy kills every zombie, gives me a blood transfusion and drops the PDW with 3 full mags, then drives off. That was in the first 10 minutes and I have found a decent amount of water to last me a while, is this just Beginner's luck?

I have only had this game for two and a half weeks, and currently both of my characters have been alive for 3+ days.

Although, one of them is a pure bandit-hunter, so I'm doing pretty well for it.

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~ 160,000 new players have been added to DayZ in the last 7 days alone. New players tend to die a lot. Until you see this growth rate drop substantially, the average life expectancy overall is always going to remain much lower than the average for experienced players. If you took the avg life for players who have been playing for a month or more, you would likely see an average life of days, not minutes.

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