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Green mountain...

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What's the deal with that place?

I've heard tonnes of stories about it, but I never get to to go there. I tried to pursuade my party to go there whilst on our way to an airfield, both of them freaked out and instantly denied and dropped the subject.

Can anyone give me a full background of the place?

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I'm not saying a fucking thing and you'd do well not to post topics about that place.

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he...he mentioned Green Mountain !

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Ghost of the old radio tower in there... People still thinks it was zombies who killed the army guys in there..

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I am not at liberty to speak of that accursed place.

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Lets NOT speak about that place we do NOT speak of!!!

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I went there. No loot. A big patrol of military zeds. Waste of time.

I went there again two days ago (hey, I like scary movies!) and the only thing we found was one lone zombie up on the tower just looking South. We promptly ran away to the North.

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You don't want to go there... I heard from a friend who heard from a friend that there are dead people walking around there and they like brains... And whatever you do, do not check the bush by the wall next to the tree.. DON'T DO IT!!!!! And on foggy days the tower actually disappears above you... SCARY!!!!

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I went there again two days ago (hey, I like scary movies!) and the only thing we found was one lone zombie up on the tower just looking South. We promptly ran away to the North.

I turned around and saw this up there. Scared the CRAP out of me. http://i45.tinypic.com/2mmd0sh.jpg

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Don't go there during nights when there's a full moon. Especially not when it's about to turn 12:05 AM, at which point you DON'T want to look East while standing at the main entrance with your back towards the... tower...

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Found a UAZ there a couple times...and a lot of hatchets? Nothing special

Hatchets? I'm not surprised.

Nothing special? I'm not so sure about that...

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Don't go there during nights when there's a full moon. Especially not when it's about to turn 12:05 AM, at which point you DON'T want to look East while standing at the main entrance with your back towards the... tower...

++1 Don't do it...

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Been there heaps, never found anything decent or come across anything scary.


I went there. No loot. A big patrol of military zeds. Waste of time.

Boring fuckers.

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