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Punishing bandits? Shut up, seriously.

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Let me just tie this into a little bit of a perspective.

As a bandit, and in a rather large clan with a lot of DayZ time, I find myself with a rather deep understanding of how DayZ works and how other bandits operate.

With the changes to zombies I no longer fear them in Chero/Elektro when respawning... I make a point to now grab a Lee-Enfield and shoot snipers who try to shoot me while I am in major cities. I almost always come out with high quality equipment simply because I have a lot of experience under my belt and learned some really key mechanics to how the game works and how to interact with players.

People often want to try to punish bandits far to quickly in my opinion instead of fighting back. Which is really depressing in a way, Bandits kill other bandits and Survivors are really the only 'group' that tries not to kill eachother.

My advice? People are way too quick to judge and point the finger at others, trying to fix a game mechanic that doesn't need to be fixed, just some tweeking.

This fucking shit. Give me a break. Everyone is bandit in the game now because it doesn't give you a choice. Shoot first or die later. It's pathetic. And all the bandits bitch and moan about people bringing it up so now everyone is afraid of the elitist pricks and trolls of the forum to even speak up.

Killing people shouldn't not have a consequence, as letting them live at this point assures they're going to shoot in the back. It's just a 225 km*2 deathmatch with shoddy AI that doesn't even pose a threat in this build. Ridiculous.

Every decent loot point in camped. Everyone shoots on site. Bandits gain a HUGE advantage through anonymity. But no one wants to talk about the elephant in the room. The clan guys just want to keep their advantage.

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all the subject is very interesting, but there you can have an extract representative :

"Sandbox emphasises a paradigm where, as in a physical sandbox, the user is entertained by his ability to do as they wish creatively and with there being "no right way"[5] of playing the game."

in dayz, you want bandits punishments ? punish them yourself or go far away

+ in a world with NO LAW , this is YOUR task to make kind of law you want. Stop trying to change the basic features who bringed players here. Stop crying. Stop casualing. Stop all your shitty suggestions. understand you can group with people, hunt bandits if you don't like them, , there is no more stuff to say, no need to change , you just need to socialise with people thinking like you and have the almost same vision of the way to play the game as you.

If you complain : you noob / you lack teamplay / you have no patience /


Edited by Keurk

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Rocket also said that he would give survivors the "tools" to fight back against bandits. He hasn't. Right now survivors have absolutely no idea who is a bandit & who isn't. The "heartbeat" feature he added is garbage. I want to know if someone is a bandit 1500 yards away. If your running around killing people you need to have a different skin so survivors know to kill you on sight. "Well what happens when a survivor defends himself & he too becomes a bandit??" Simple, if a survivor kills a bandit, it doesn't count as a murder. If a bandit or survivor kills a survivor however, its murder.

this forum is 99% bandits

They're trying to protect their interest's in the game.

God forbid they were singled out for being dicks.

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This again?

Passive players cannot play the game their way due to 90% of the players being bandits and shoot on sight players.

Well done, a small minority off assholes have turned nearly everyone else into assholes.

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Edited by EnermaX

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This again?

Passive players cannot play the game their way due to 90% of the players being bandits and shoot on sight players.

Well done, a small minority off assholes have turned nearly everyone else into assholes.

Mmm. I wish this didn't happen.

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Well done, a small minority off assholes have turned nearly everyone else into assholes.

That's pretty much what happened. It's unavoidable in its early alpha stage and will just keep getting worse for a while.. Problem is even bandits stop being bandits, they just kill for fun and leave your body there instead of looting you. It's not DayZ to them anymore, it's COD and Battlefield, they don't remember there is zombies in this game. There are still great bandits out there( that actually rob players and not shoot on sight unless threatened) and i truly respect them and would gladly give them all my beans. ;)

Edited by leeo38

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In plain an simple, this issue comes from the 2 different approaches to the game:

- The PvP players don't need any "balance" to the killing. They are just fine with the current "kill all you like" buffet.

- The players who want the survival experience and tense encounters with other random people - They need a balance. For them, there must be the possibility of PvP and getting shot - but there must also be a sensible likelyhood that they won't get shot on sight. If the balance tilts too much in either way, those kind of tense encouters won't occur anymore.

And how the hell to cater both of the player groups in the same game...? Don't ask me. There are plenty of tools suggested for that (like, say, having the radios, base building, writing notes, etc.), but we'll just have to wait and see which one of those we get, and how much they really affect the game.

The game is on its best when both groups of players find it fun to play. The killers will have their prey scavenging stuff and scurrying around the towns scared. And the non-killer players will have their moments of cooperation and tense encounters with the possibly hostile players. If either group of players were to completely disappear from the game, it would become more boring for the other group as well.

It would be nice if people could sensibly discuss these things... Rather than the PvP players always calling the non-PvP players "carebears". And the non-PvP players calling all the bandits just being assholes or dicks.

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That actually be very cool. Perhaps a "man" that stalks you more often when your murder count rises?

Glad you like it. I just think it's a different approach to the whole issue.

There could be a variety of "events" that have an increasing chance of happening based upon the number of player kills. I don't think that they should happen all the time, perhaps a very small percentage chance every 12 hours or so in game, particularly at night. The events could be like these;

  • Hearing footsteps following you. Stopping & starting when you do. But there's nothing there.
  • Hearing voices. "I/we see you". "We know what you've done". "We're coming". "Remember us". "They're here". etc. etc. etc.
  • Seeing something out of the corner of your eye / at the edge of the screen that you can never identify.
  • Full scale apparitions/stalker type figures.

The events should only be visible/audible to the character concerned and should have no effect other than to unsettle that character and make them more paranoid.

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to all of you carebears in us194. you're welcome for the sniper sweep on the hill over electro. 6 players down including a sniper and his spotter to my grenade. my buddy and i got bored of stary and the airfields and decided to make life easier for you noobs. we're bandits making life easier for survivors.

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In plain an simple, this issue comes from the 2 different approaches to the game:

- The PvP players don't need any "balance" to the killing. They are just fine with the current "kill all you like" buffet.

- The players who want the survival experience and tense encounters with other random people - They need a balance. For them, there must be the possibility of PvP and getting shot - but there must also be a sensible likelyhood that they won't get shot on sight. If the balance tilts too much in either way, those kind of tense encouters won't occur anymore.

And how the hell to cater both of the player groups in the same game...? Don't ask me. There are plenty of tools suggested for that (like, say, having the radios, base building, writing notes, etc.), but we'll just have to wait and see which one of those we get, and how much they really affect the game.

The game is on its best when both groups of players find it fun to play. The killers will have their prey scavenging stuff and scurrying around the towns scared. And the non-killer players will have their moments of cooperation and tense encounters with the possibly hostile players. If either group of players were to completely disappear from the game, it would become more boring for the other group as well.

It would be nice if people could sensibly discuss these things... Rather than the PvP players always calling the non-PvP players "carebears". And the non-PvP players calling all the bandits just being assholes or dicks.

It's nice to come across a sensible post regarding the issue. Too bad it will get drowned in all the flaming and hate that dominate these forums :rolleyes:

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This fucking shit. Give me a break. Everyone is bandit in the game now because it doesn't give you a choice. Shoot first or die later. It's pathetic. And all the bandits bitch and moan about people bringing it up so now everyone is afraid of the elitist pricks and trolls of the forum to even speak up.

Killing people shouldn't not have a consequence, as letting them live at this point assures they're going to shoot in the back. It's just a 225 km*2 deathmatch with shoddy AI that doesn't even pose a threat in this build. Ridiculous.

Every decent loot point in camped. Everyone shoots on site. Bandits gain a HUGE advantage through anonymity. But no one wants to talk about the elephant in the room. The clan guys just want to keep their advantage.

Someone is a little upset. I explained my position not from a clan standpoint, but from a starting point also. DayZ has a deep learning curve and Rocket himself even expressed it is the Anti-Game.

Survivors have just as much of an advantage as Bandits do, Why? Because who is to say you shooting someone isn't self defense. Are you REALLY going to go up to the NorthWest Airfield and NOT shoot someone you see in the barracks? Or how about that guy with a DMR ontop of Chenro just having a campfire? Seriously?

It never gave you a choice, even when DayZ first came out. The gameplay was /always/ like this. What changed? Bandit Skins? PFFFTTTT. The mindset might be different because there are TONS of people playing now. But stop pretending that this never happened before and suddenly it is a problem. There are ways around it and it starts with the players. If Bandits are doing one thing, then perhaps Survivors should start adapting as well?

Or they could come on the forums like you and complain instead of getting constrictive criticism, like I did. Expressing ways around the problem or ways to fight back against it.

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That's not the banditry itself the problem.

The problem is fags who kills newly spawned guys on the coastline.

This isn't my problem because I know sniping locations in Cherno and Elektro and I know how to hide from them, but for a freshly spawned guy who has never played before, would feel the game like a mindless deathmatch, not worth to play.

Another crucial point is the KOS mechanic in the game. It is wrong, because it doesn't fits either real life or a game.

In real life, you wouldn't kill someone so easily and, of course, if you want to make DayZ more than a big deathmatch, you should stop this phenomenon. People should have a chance to check if they are friendly or not. Today there is no convenience to check, killing on sight is easier, safer and profitable.

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without bandits this would be just a NOT THAT GOOD zombie game. if i want a zombie game ill play left 4 dead 2 (or one), dead island, or dead walking 2.


and im a new player 2 :P

Edited by mesmichael
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Glad you like it. I just think it's a different approach to the whole issue.

There could be a variety of "events" that have an increasing chance of happening based upon the number of player kills. I don't think that they should happen all the time, perhaps a very small percentage chance every 12 hours or so in game, particularly at night. The events could be like these;

  • Hearing footsteps following you. Stopping & starting when you do. But there's nothing there.
  • Hearing voices. "I/we see you". "We know what you've done". "We're coming". "Remember us". "They're here". etc. etc. etc.
  • Seeing something out of the corner of your eye / at the edge of the screen that you can never identify.
  • Full scale apparitions/stalker type figures.

The events should only be visible/audible to the character concerned and should have no effect other than to unsettle that character and make them more paranoid.

Genius. Absolutely a brilliant idea.

I love it! It adds a whole new thrill to the game.

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Okay, so I have only 2 things to say. One: adopting the kill on sight mentality does kind of ruin interactions with other players as you go straight for entering in armed combat with them. Two: I have seen a lot of threads commenting on PVP or more often than not the KOS mentality end up in almost flamewar like threads. I mean we should be able to talk about it and how it affects other players in a civilized manner.

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Okay, so I have only 2 things to say. One: adopting the kill on sight mentality does kind of ruin interactions with other players as you go straight for entering in armed combat with them. Two: I have seen a lot of threads commenting on PVP or more often than not the KOS mentality end up in almost flamewar like threads. I mean we should be able to talk about it and how it affects other players in a civilized manner.

I am not disagreeing it about this. I completely agree. However, my problem is people instead don't want to talk about it, they want to complain about it. Instead of learning, they want to have things change or punish people.

"Killing other players should get you punished."

Has anyone read the front-page of the website?

"Step one, Scavenge,"

"Step two, Kill Zombies and Bandits"

"Step three, Survive."

Bandit gameplay is a core part of the game. People keep saying 'Get rid of it" or "Punish them!" isn't going to happen... Its going to be tweeked, adjusted, and modified. I highly doubt (Until the stand alone client comes out whenever that is.) the bandit gameplay is going to change much in the meantime.

Edited by U.B.C.S. Ravin
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I'd like to see a revamped humanity system that is based on the players total stats rather than just the character they're playing with. I'm not talking about one little bandit skin either. Everyone would eventually change to reflect their style of gameplay. It could be simple changes or entirely different skins based on how many particular actions you do with your characters. Besides making the world more interesting you'd be able to I.D. a bandit or helpful player from a distance and immediately know how to interact with them. That was sort of the idea behind the bandit skin right?

Wouldn't it be interesting to run into a mountain man decked out in animal skins or a pack of hillbillies? Mr. Good Guy Rick and his band of scared survivors? Rough looking bandits with blood splattered gear?

That's just my opinion and it wouldn't be as easy as the 1 kill = bandit system but it would be more useful to players of all types.

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I am not disagreeing it about this. I completely agree. However, my problem is people instead don't want to talk about it, they want to complain about it. Instead of learning, they want to have things change or punish people.

"Killing other players should get you punished."

Has anyone read the front-page of the website?

"Step one, Scavenge,"

"Step two, Kill Zombies and Bandits"

"Step three, Survive."

Bandit gameplay is a core part of the game. People keep saying 'Get rid of it" or "Punish them!" isn't going to happen... Its going to be tweeked, adjusted, and modified. I highly doubt (Until the stand alone client comes out whenever that is.) the bandit gameplay is going to change much in the meantime.

Right it doesn't say step two: kill zombies & every other human player you encounter. You listed two two generic arguments..."People keep saying 'Get rid of it" or "Punish them!"" But you leave people who say give us a way to identify them as a bandit. I hardly see how this punishing banditry. It doesn't even hardly matter because most bandits blind side you anyway. The one place it would give a tiny advantage is in those moments when you literally come face to face with another player by chance. That tiny advantage of me being able to identify them as hostile would have saved my life numerous times. I can't see a logical reason why a person would be opposed to this other than...the bandit might get killed. So really the bandits argument comes down to them not wanting to be killed. Which is exactly the ground on which they attack survivors in the forums by saying..."Stop crying about getting killed". Really bandits have a huge advantage as it stands....It cracks me up that people who shoot and rob other players cry "unfair" when any discussion of curbing the KOS mentality comes up. Bandits crying "unfair". Really?

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You Sir came to a discussion and made an absolutly unneccessary commentary without any use for the actual topic, just cos you feel badass. Either you just dont write something in the first place or you make a valid statement. Anything else is just making yourself look stupid

I agree with you...but since whenever a discussion about getting banditry or KOS mentality under control is started the arguments get shouted down and drowned out. So i figured i would use their tactic back at them...fight fire with fire ya know. I know it makes me look dumb but i'm not, so i could care less. I can shout down and flame with the best of them so i WILL NOT STAND BY and let people simply tell players like myself to "shut up" or "stop crying". I will engage them....and expose them for the dolts they are....even if i make myself look like an asshole in the process. But again.....I agree with your post :) Edited by playZ

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I'm fine with bandits, but we do need a system that allows us to recognize them. I think that a person who murders another player should have their skin changed into somthing else, or have the player ID TAG "Bandit" after their name for a period of time.

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I agree with you...but since whenever a discussion about getting banditry or KOS mentality under control is started the arguments get shouted down and drowned out. So i figured i would use their tactic back at them...fight fire with fire ya know. I know it makes me look dumb but i'm not, so i could care less. I can shout down and flame with the best of them so i WILL NOT STAND BY and let people simply tell players like myself to "shut up" or "stop crying". I will engage them....and expose them for the dolts they are....even if i make myself look like an asshole in the process. But again.....I agree with your post :)

Personally I didn't think you were an asshole, more of an opportunity; I was a tad bit angry yesterday and I needed someone/something to let me give out the anger. So thank you.

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Personally I didn't think you were an asshole, more of an opportunity; I was a tad bit angry yesterday and I needed someone/something to let me give out the anger. So thank you.


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