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Getting rid of player kills in the hud.

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If we got rid of where it shows how many players you have killed, I think bandits might not be so blood hungry.

People love numbers that go up or are high, whether it is the amount of DPS you do to a mob in World of warcraft, or how much voltage you can get to your CPU (ok, I don't know how to overclock, it was just an example (a dumb one at that)), or how many players you kill in DayZ. People just LOVE to see numbers going up to show off to friends.

My thought is, from a psychological point of view, is that if you got rid of how many players you've killed in the HUD (or anywhere for that matter), the less likely someone is to kill freshly spawned players, simply because it ISN'T keeping track of their kill points. Therefore, there is nothing to show-off.


Edited by Maplemayhem
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I think you right

good idea

but its won't solve the pvp problem...

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Bandits are what makes DayZ DAYZ! Without them it'll be boring with just AI. I know you're not saying lets get rid of PKing but I reckon the way it is now is perfect, no need to tweak it.

PvP is DayZ you can't get rid of it but maybe tweak it a little bit but as I see it now it's perfect. There's still guys that KoS though but I don't mind. ^-^

Edited by Venzire

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Wouldn't change a thing IMO

I don't kill people for the numbers, I kill people for 2 reasons, either 1) stop them from killing me or 2) for teh lulz

Edited by KnT47r

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I kill to survive and get needed supplies, as of now I have no need for that. But later on maybe to survive.

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The answer is to keep track of ONLY bandit kills.

This would increase the amount of shots fired as a result of hearing your heart beat while looking at a bandit. It's not necessarily a penalty for being a bandit, but the good people of the world would be less frightened by a silent staredown. I like the idea, needs more looking into.'

However, the entire debug menu is just a beta thing I think... it's a DEBUG menu after all... Kind of like the F3 function in minecraft.. something that really shouldn't be there,.

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People love numbers that go up or are high, whether it is the amount of DPS you do to a mob in World of warcraft,

Buddy. DPS - Damage Per Second is a MUST to have as high as possible, to be efficient, in any game.

or how much voltage you can get to your CPU,

I wouldn't say.. You can easily fry your CPU like that.

or how many players you kill in DayZ. People just LOVE to see numbers going up to show off to friends.

But at the same time, if you remove the counter, some people will think that kills have no affect whatsoever, and don't care if they kill a few.

My thought is, from a psychological point of view, is that if you got rid of how many players you've killed in the HUD (or anywhere for that matter), the less likely someone is to kill freshly spawned players, simply because it ISN'T keeping track of their kill points. Therefore, there is nothing to show-off.

As much as I disagree with the idea in general, it does make some sense. BUT. People will still shoot any and all armed players, as they can still lose all their gear.

Edited by Dr621

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A question with this,

can you switch of the debug menu with any key at the moment? Of course it is nice to know things, but all the time. Either that it looks really like some benchmark and not like a ingame info screen.

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Ignore the 12 year olds above me, this is a phenomenal idea as something this simple could cut down random killing by a lot (20%ish).

Most of you must not of been in that position but a couple of hours ago i went down to cherno to statpad a little bit as most of my friends had over 20 murders and i only had 4. And we have been competing over who has most kills since we started playing dayz.

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If I wanted to play DayZ for the PvP I would have got CoD >.>

I agree don't take out the PvP but reduce it to some extent :/ Increase the zombie factor -.- I got DayZ for the zombies why aren't they a difficulty?

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Ignore the 12 year olds above me, this is a phenomenal idea as something this simple could cut down random killing by a lot (20%ish).

Most of you must not of been in that position but a couple of hours ago i went down to cherno to statpad a little bit as most of my friends had over 20 murders and i only had 4. And we have been competing over who has most kills since we started playing dayz.

Why must people like you exist in the Day Z community.

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Why must people like you exist in the Day Z community.

Why are you replying and causing more drama? If you don't agree with what he has to say, don't comment. You're only making the thread go off-topic.

Now on-topic. I don't think a lot of you got what I was talking about. If you take the reward factor out of killing freshly spawned people at the coast, there will be less killing.

Edited by Maplemayhem

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I like this idea very very much. While it wont solve the PvP problem it will definitely help.

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The debug window should be completely removed. The only thing you need to know that is on the window is how much blood you have. They can easily add a meter to the UI and get rid of the debug window. This game revolves around realism yet you know when someone dies 800 yards away from you, in a bush, just because your number count will go up.

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Day Z. The only way to find out - is to survive! The only way to find out your lucky numbers is to die.

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I've been playing for weeks and never killed another player yet. Due to my misguided faith in humanity, I always give people the benefit of the doubt in case they want to team up (by which time they've usually shot me while I'm fumbling for the salute key, hehe).

I Iove the challenge of avoiding players intent on shooting me though, paranoia is great, other wise you would only be scared where there were zombies

In real life you'd be able to suss someone out as a bandit by body language etc. Maybe we could do with an in-game clue with people who've killed a lot of players, but more subtle than bandit skins - just ruminating...

I think at the moment the fact that everyone looks the same, and you get shot by a lot of people in baseball hats, it's snowballed into slightly too much paranoia. Everyone is killing each other on sight.whereas I'd hoped for a few more oppurtunities for cooperation in more random encounters.

(off topic - I had the spawniest luck tonight up by NW airfield - only three others on server, found M107 and Bizon at heli crash site, massive backpack, loads of gear, then found some tents at entrance to airfield, left them the M107 as present, and took DMR (first time I've found one - wanted to try it) then got killed by a couple of strangley spawning zombies - all was lost, but lo and behold I spawned in Novy Sobor due to that bug, and managed to leg it back to the airfield and loot my own corpse)

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The answer is to keep track of ONLY bandit kills.

This would increase the amount of shots fired as a result of hearing your heart beat while looking at a bandit. It's not necessarily a penalty for being a bandit, but the good people of the world would be less frightened by a silent staredown. I like the idea, needs more looking into.'

However, the entire debug menu is just a beta thing I think... it's a DEBUG menu after all... Kind of like the F3 function in minecraft.. something that really shouldn't be there,.

But that's something I've never really understood. Some of the suggestions for getting rid of PvP are getting dangerously close to awarding people for killing bandits. Thus emulating the bandits themselves. You kill a bandit and you get a heartbeat sound, right?

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Day Z. The only way to find out - is to survive! The only way to find out your lucky numbers is to die.

I like this idea... You get your player stats upon death. Best of both worlds.. If you want to know how many people you've murdered, keep track. If you've lost count.. Congrat's!!! You were a PK'ing bandit playing the game your way. Maybe next time you want to try a different approach.

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Clearly you don't overclock much.

I like this idea, but it won't solve shoot on sight. That should be left on the leader boards.

Fun fact: Other players are walking loot factories, not people.

The only time you might need someone's help is when you don't have a weapon or want to repair a car.

That is just my opinion of what most people see right now, this idea of yours may cause some people to hesitate to shoot.

My counter suggestion:

You're definitively correct about people liking big numbers. If you could put those big numbers somewhere else in the game that you need a team that would be a step in the right direction.

I honestly don't think it's a good idea because i don't believe DayZ is about numbers on leader boards. But it's a proven motivator in other MMOs.

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It's obviously a good idea.

The OP is right - the counter is most likely artificially increasing killing, even if it's small. People are always going to want to change a zero into another number, ridding the game of kill counts will deflate the incentive for glossy eyed puss ridden stat whores to hot-key an e-peen screen shot and leave the killing to the people who really like it. I'd rather kill because of the potential epicness and be killed by someone else than a statistician.

It might be a niche within a niche but you don't see a friendly help counter.

+1 to the idea.

Edited by pengs

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Lets face it, people like collecting, be it coins, rings, diamonds or kills. Having a kill counter is just a visual incentive to get more kills.

Have a tin of beans. :beans:

Edited by Ammo

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agreed, I just prefer this for immersion.

i wouldnt mind disconnect messages though.

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