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Question about guns

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I've got an question about guns in the game, I usually have ammounition so I dont get killed but it seems like the more I the weapon( could be any weapon the same things happens ) the less ammounition I can use before reloading again, Anyone could explain why this is happening?, or if its just the gun thats breaking down or something like that? :)

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If you reload a weapon before the magazine is empty, the character will grab a new one from its inventory and swap them. So you end up with a half-full (or even a 1-round) magazine in you pack.

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It's simple: unlike COD that has this magical automatic refilling magazines, when you reload your weapon in arma you only change your magazine. So if you had 3 out of 7 bullets left in your previous magazine and reload this magazine stays with 3 bullets.

If you then fire 6 bullets out of 7 in your current magazine and reload, you'll have 1 magazine with 1 bullet in it, and one magazine with 3 bullet in it.

So if you reload, you'll only have 3 bullets in your magazine and not 4.

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The only thing that annoys me about that is the guns that use individual ammo, like the revolver, shotguns and bolt-action rifles... you can easily load those one round at a time (some you have to) so why force the player to only load 2 rounds all of a sudden, just because his "clip" only has 2 rounds left.

But im not sure if that can be fixed... but its kinda silly that you have to load only 2 shots into your shotgun for example, when you should just be filling the gun with loose rounds...

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It's also kind of silly. I mean, if I'm just sitting around with 3-4 half full mags, I'd transfer over the rounds so I'd end up with one or two full ones! Other games are more realistic in this regard, IMO, ARMA 2's method is just annoying without adding anything to the game.

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Tactical reload. In a lull in the fight, you replace a halfused magazine with the last of your full magazines in your chest rig. Whenever you come across ammo on the ground in ArmA, dump the last magazine in your inventory to get rid of the spent magazines.

Automatically filling up your magazine, everytime you reload COD style is equally unrealistic, as not being able to unload ammo into another magazine, I guess it's an engine or priority limitation. You can't go into detail with every aspect of the game and still hope to release it in a near future.

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I agree with ArmA's functionality for magazine behavior in the firefight, you shouldn't be allowed to "automatically "refill" the mag in the battle...

However, claiming to be realistic, the game should allow, ammo managament out of fight periods, so to let player to optimize bullets among the magazines, and ofc it should take some time...

I'm very surprised that BI hasn't implemented that into their games

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Wasn't it said somewhere in a patch that when the new Gear screen comes you will also be able to put half loaded rounds into a full mag, just like what you guys are describing. I think its in the works.

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It's also kind of silly. I mean' date=' if I'm just sitting around with 3-4 half full mags, I'd transfer over the rounds so I'd end up with one or two full ones! Other games are more realistic in this regard, IMO, ARMA 2's method is just annoying without adding anything to the game.


It does add something. It makes you think. You could have 4 mags left but they could all be half or almost empty. The whole game is made up with such elements that make you think and react accordingly. It adds to the realism, which makes you behave differently from the usual arcade shooters.

In the case of the half empty magazines. It means you have to pay attention to how full your mags are. It's done even better in the Ace mod where you can't see the amount of bullets you have left in the mag, but you can estimate the weight. You can also count and memorize the amount of bullets you've fired, like in real life.

A tactical reload shouldn't magically refill your magazines. But, it would've been convenient if you could hide somewhere and sit there for 10 minutes or so while you are swapping out the bullets from one magazine to the next... Then again, would that add anything to the game? Would people actually sit there for 10 minutes doing nothing?

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actually in the ace mod, you can 'manage ammunition' which allows for a condensation of your round count. it takes a good 2-4 mins though.

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