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Do you play with a loot map?

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Was wondering how many play with a loot map. I do, mainly not to run past deer stands, but I think I'll stop using it, cause it breaks immersion.

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depends on what I'm doing, if I'm playing with a group I will open it up and mark a way point on a custom layer and route a path to it. (since waypoints in game are available to everyone.)

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Always. Every advantage helps as long as it isn't an exploit or outright cheating.

This is DayZ. We're trying to survive here.

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my favorite map. It does ruin immersion though. I think when 3rd person is taken out of the game I'll stop using out of game maps. 3rd person ruins immersion more than anything, but I'm too scared not to use it when I can.

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depends on what I'm doing, if I'm playing with a group I will open it up and mark a way point on a custom layer and route a path to it. (since waypoints in game are available to everyone.)

Way to look like an idiot wearing an IOTV in Civies....must be a E-3

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3rd person ruins immersion more than anything, but I'm too scared not to use it when I can.

I feel the same way. I know a lot of the hardcores would label me a casual for it, but whatever. I especially feel the first person frame of view is terrible.

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my favorite map. It does ruin immersion though. I think when 3rd person is taken out of the game I'll stop using out of game maps. 3rd person ruins immersion more than anything, but I'm too scared not to use it when I can.

If they take out 3rd person I will be immensely disappointed. The FOV in first person is just too limited. That aside, I use loot maps all the time. It's way too fun to plan a route with your buddies.

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i have a map i use, it has loot marked but i mean, its common sense to check the barn hosues buildings and tents anyway, so i dont see how its breaking immersion. i was going to walk into one if i seen it anyways.

but i use the map for naviagating with a party until i find a map, if im playing by myself i generally wont use a map unless i have one in game, but if i dont have one and a friend hops on, i want to be able to connect with them.

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I use 3 printed maps. One for loot, one for possible heli crash locations and one for vehicle locations.

99% of the time, I keep the loot and heli crash locations right in front of me. Hardly ever use the vehicle spawn locations (being a lone wolf and all doesn't really call for the need of a vehicle that much).

I mostly just keep the loot map in front of me for deer stands.

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I use one to find lakes/ponds since the in game map didn't bother to differentiate between water and grass.

If you zoom in most of the way you can see water. Very time consuming though if you don't know what area to search and are generally looking for some water.

As for a loot map, I use the one in my head. After playing this long I know where to find anything on most of the map. The only outside source I use is a map on my second monitor for easier travel in cars. I can get anywhere on foot picturing the map in my head if I have a compass and am on foot, but I need a map to pick the best route for a car.

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All the time. The game is frustrating enough without it, heh.

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I did when I first started playing, to help get to know places.

Now I don't, I find it better to roam around rather than head for specific buildings, that way I end up searching more buildings and find more stuff.

Plus it feels more realistic to move not knowing what is ahead, until I actually find a map.

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Way to look like an idiot wearing an IOTV in Civies....must be a E-3

Nope E-2 :) and I know I look like an idiot. (the forum wasn't letting me use my old image.)

Edited by Orthus

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I used a loot map originally, but have since just grown to remember the hotspots and where I want to go on the in-game map. Sometimes I will MSpaint a Chernarus map marked with key locations and supply routes I run to send to my friends so they know where they can find me.

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I'm lucky enough to have a three monitor setup. I keep http://dayzdb.com/map open in the left hand monitor. ARMA2 / DayZ running in the centre monitor. And normally VLC Player running a movie in the right hand monitor.

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i sometimes play with a map and sometimes don't. if i do, i use maxanders 81 mb map, or the dayzdb map.

also, to the people who dislike the FOV of first person view, in case you had not seen it, here's some links that may help you tweak it to your liking:



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Used to, now it's all in the ol' noggin.

Memorized the locations of all the deer stands west of Stary and around it, plus some other ones that I pass often. All I need to know

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The first person camera movements when your character is moving around gives me nausea.

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Sometimes. If I'm stupidly low on food/water and I don't have an ingame map I'll open up the steam overlay and map out a quick route to a town via DayZDB.

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I have it open in the back when I am playing but rarely use it.

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