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What was your dumbest death?

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No food.

Tons of people die from short falls, is there some way to adjust the bone-break parameters?

I'd be happy making them only break from Zed or bullet wounds if it meant we didnt have to worry about falling a few inches to our deaths.

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Dying to someone with an AA12 with HE rounds

My group of 5 dying all at once to an admin/hacker

Friend and I getting out of a chopper to pick someone up and having a bandit teleport on us and take our lives, gear and chopper.

They're all pretty much ranked the same to me, although I didn't get my gear back from the last one.

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I've already posted once here, but I had another horrible death.

During a stream with a decent sized audience I ran into a building to get some croud control, it was one of those 2 door shacks, about 5x5 foot floor size. Zombies come through both doors, glitch themselves, close the doors, I scramble to shoot them but the scroll menu was open so I ended up switching to my m1911 with 2 in the chamber, I switch back to the shotgun, get knocked unconsious, and stare with dead eyes into my monitor for about 5 minutes before announcing via stream chat that I'm switching games for the night.

Yet for some reason I still love this mod..

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My dumbest deads usually include either bugs or running into a zombie at night with bad equipment.

I also know a stupid death for a bandit that sniped 2 of my teammates in the quarry, not knowing that i was on overwatch across from him and even if we lost the two on the ground, i avenged them with a nicely aimed headshot. At least they didn't have any good equipment, while i was able to grab the bandits stuff afterwards :)

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dumbest death for me, probs would of been my frist time playing the game, loaded in while it was dark, had no idea what to do even though im a experieced arma2 play since its launch, and of course tossed a flare picked it up and went running around crying my mommie until i got eaten by a horde of zombies lol

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My most annoying death occurred at North Airfield about 3 weeks ago where after finding a machine gun and a 100 rounds of ammunition I closed a door on myself crushing my body against the wall and killing me outright.


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I had broken legs, crawled into the firestation at one of the cities (not sure which). I was already low on blood. I tried crawling up the stairs. This made me bleed more as my legs clipped with the door and reduced my blood further.

I crawl away after passing out plenty of times and staying alive by the little blood eating gives you. I get to a small building with a cabinet that opens. I open the cabinet hoping for morphine. I can't really move due to my legs being broken. The door of the cabinet clips me some how and I die from blood loss when it restarts my bleeding.

I'm not sure this counts as funny but it is dumb to die like that :D

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Hmmm... which to choose from...

Well i was on top of the tower at the NW airfield, i tried to get my binoculars out, but pressed V instead and vaulted off the side of the tower, falling to my death.

i also got killed by a door in one of the buildings at the same airfield.

my most annoying death was probably being accidentally fragged by a friend in a barn after surviving for a LONG time.

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Went prone at the top of the power station tower in elektro as two guys came sneaking into the power station, i ended up getting pushed off the tower and splatted in front of them bellow. They didn't help but prob broke out laughing ofc :(

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I was on top of a two level building with a few zombies at the bottom of the only ladder. I was out of bullets so I decided to try jumping down to the first level. It was only a few feet so I figured I could make it without breaking anything, and then do the same to get to the ground. Nope. Instead of simply stepping off the edge and falling a few feet I take a flying leap about twenty feet out from the building, breaking my legs and landing in the middle of the zombies. They ate me while I tried to crawl away.

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After spending about an hour carefully raiding Elektro, getting in several firefights, and being chased by a 27 zed mob, I noticed that there was a ladder that went up to the hospital in Elektro. I climbed up and surveyed the area, only to accidentally double-tap W and fall to my death.

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My dumbest death ever occurred today:

I logged in and realized it was night. Hit escape and wanted to click on options to increase HDR... accidentally clicked on "Respawn" instead.

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Hehe MadDog.... that happened to me twice. Both times sporting a full alice pack and some nice weapons too :( Luckily I value nothing in this game, since it can be gone in an instant.

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