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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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** Tin cans and empty bottles, for me, no longer distract infected. I can throw them right next to an infected and.. nothing. Like they don't hear the noise anymore - or because they can't see what made the noise they just ignore it.

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** Tin cans and empty bottles, for me, no longer distract infected. I can throw them right next to an infected and.. nothing. Like they don't hear the noise anymore - or because they can't see what made the noise they just ignore it.

I have played around with this aswell. Cans don't "snap" them out of it but whiskey bottles do, once they take note they do respond to cans afterward but its not like it used to be where you could get a zed out of a house or barn with a can... :(

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Whiskey bottle always worked a lot better for me anyway.

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This is my sixth attempt at trying to get into a match, and three times, it has said 'WRONG CODE U R NOT 7.2.3 U JUS OL SILLY 7.2'

Updated from 1.60.95746 est. to 1.62.94594 or whatever it is.

Ive also had a batteleye #1 client rejected and 3 infinitie loading/character creatings.

Updated to battleye build+ and still wrong code. Where is

"get into a match"...

This game is so dead....

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Ok. I have something that will beat your all glitches. I was in barn near Pavlovo. I looted winchester and some minor stuff. I had some other stuff on me wich i looted before. I got out of barn, i crouched and sudenly my winchester disapeared, but its not the end of story. I checked my gear, and it was all gone apart from toolbelt wich was ok. Then i tryed to cycle throu my weapons. Then i notcied that i have exposive charges... I went to inventory again, and it was full of explosive charges. I started to drop them of but after 184th explosive charge i gave up and comitted suicide.

Other more ordinary bugs after update:

I lost my backpack after reloging.

For some time i had 2 characters simulteonusly but one died, and other is somwhere there.

Zombies are mostly standing still.

Zombies who move, sometimes agroes from ridiculous distance.


I respawned on this server again and after some time explosives apeared again so i think it was a hacker.

Server name DE22.

Edited by hype00

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Can someone tell us this? Im getting stuck on all the "Wait for host" screens. But people are saying 94876 is working fine. Anyway to roll back on this?

geez you noob. delete the beta folder found in operation arrowhead/expansion folder, install beta patch you want to use. profit.

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Someone posted somewhere else somthing that made sense about all this craziness. MAYBE...just maybe all this craziness is due to the fact that there is zero organization around dayz servers. You thousands of servers all running different versions of the mod with different beta patches and different options And god knows what "messed with". Add 600,000 players all reporting their glitches and bugs across all these servers. How the fuck is anything supposed get fixed? How do you know if something is an actual bug or just a compatability issue? It seems it just creates a big cluster fuck where its impossible to isolate problems and fixing an issue on one server creates chaos on 100 others. Seriously....how the fuck can shit get fixed with so many rogue variables? Really. can someone explain it to me?

Edited by playZ
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Just popped in for a nice 90 minute session, and things seem good - zombie aggro seems about right. The only annoyance was a sheep who refused to die. I pumped about 8 AK74 rounds into it and it just stood there, taunting me like Nelson on The Simpsons who points and says "HA HA!". So, with tears in my eyes, I started to walk away, looked back, and it suddenly fell over. Victory! All your steaks are belong to us!

Keep up the good work, Rocket. I see a fleet of Lambos and a most savage case of herpes in your future.

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I don't know. I still think it would be the best solution to force servers to update in order to receive character information from the hive. If the server requesting the data does not update within 2 or 3 days, said server will not be getting any character information, thus will be useless. It will force owners to be up to date with all patches, betas and whatnot.

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Had a few hours playing time on and 94876 and no major issues

Quite a few red chain links from time to time

A bit of lag now and again

Zombie behavior seems odd but that could be because we are not used to it whilst they seem to lock on earlier it seems less overall aggro and we were just mowing them down in the street with no major ruckus.

Server login times have increased from 1.7.2 back to waiting to create again then eventually it starts to load (30 secs or so)

Can still replicate and refill ammo 1911 to 45acp and back switch

Animals don't disappear so quick so that's good.

Ill post more when i find it but seems fine so far.

Thx again guys

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Was at the NW airfield and the server was timing out with the "waiting" in red number count down thing. Logged off, logged on another server and I was teleported to a new player spawn just west of Elektro with all of my equiptment etc...

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Had an extensive run on Beta 94876, patch and here is what i found

Seems to be very easy to wander around Zeds at night and very difficult during the day - almost realistic in my book. Sticking to cover greatly assists in the Visibility bar.

Even when aggroing Zeds if you quickly take them out (even with a gun) you dont necessarily aggro any other nearby Zeds

After logging out of a day server i had 15 shots left out of my Stanag mag - when i logged back in on a night server i had the full 30 shots again. Nice, but a bug nethertheless.

Twice now after finding an ALICE pack and a Czech Pack when i went to swap with my current backpack the backpack along with all the stuff in it vanished. I have to drop everything from my backpack to the floor, put on the new backpack and then reload the new backpack with my gear.

Other than that all is awesome. Good stuff

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My first post, i have been trying to read up so if I post known bugs om sorry.

1. HATCHET. Problems, i chopped Wood, nothing happened when I clicked "chop" so kept clicking. Oh well i thought. Continued on My journey and Wood started appearing in My inventory for an hour or so. I couldnt equip the axe as an weapon or drop it... Very annoying cause i had it in My backpack for some unknown reason.

2. I logged out, when i was about to continue My journey i got the option to choose gender. And then i spawned on the beach.

3. Not à bug, i just want to apologize to "skogis" i think his name was.. Wanted to get his attention by writing in the chat, he Didnt answer so i just shot 3 Times at his position from 400-500 meters. And he dropped to prone... When i got to him he had à hole in his forehead, and chest... Sorry man.

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Info and status:

Upgraded from straight to

Battleye updated itself without issues.

Using Beta 94876 on Steam.

Played on 3 different servers tonight, no desync issues for me. (SE 8, DE 6, DE 23 I think)

Only issue with DayZ was that I spawned with a new character, but 4 days playtime. My brother got around this bug by choosing respawn, so I tried respawn too, and it worked. Got my AS50 sniper right where I left him with the same inventory that I had a week ago. Only thing that was changed was that my days alive had been reset to zero.

Zombies worked well, good aggro-limit, was able to shake most of them off at night in the woods. Fought roughly 50 zombies, no issues. Don't run on tarmac, hide in buildings, crawl when close.

Found a helicrash, with a L85a2 Thermal/nightvision, an NV FN FAL and ammo. Good catch, works well. Relogged later and still had the same items.

Quick to average load times, about 1-3 minutes to get in to the game.

One issue I noticed was that when loading up DayZ with Beta 94876, I can't play standard Arma2 scenarios or use the editor at all (freezes before loading player model). Maybe we never could when DayZ is loaded?

Thermal sights are a bit OP, I could easily spot rabbits a mile away in the forest :D

Bugs encountered:

Can still replicate and refill ammo 1911 to 45acp and back switch as mentioned above.

Rubberbanding/desync happened to my mates a lot tonight.

All in all, excellent job, keep up the good work Rocket, and good job Vipeax too!

Edited by Flatline

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Me and 2 other m8's are all getting very long loading times, up to 3-5 mins to enter the server. We all run and 94876

we joined 3-4 different servers and all of them had this problem.

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So, I played this new version several hours. Zombis aggro seem to be o.k. again. I had only a minor bug.

I took a crowbar as my main weapon. But nothing happens. No gearing, no slashing. Doesn't work for me.


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I just updated to and 94945 and I'm getting "Battleye initialization failed". I updated Battleye both via Steam and manually loading the dll files. No use. My friend has the same issue.

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Does anyone else notice that zombies are catching us in a full run again. It sucks.

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So, I played this new version several hours. Zombis aggro seem to be o.k. again. I had only a minor bug.

I took a crowbar as my main weapon. But nothing happens. No gearing, no slashing. Doesn't work for me.


You have to equip it from your tool belt, and then reload it like à gun. :)

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I CANNOT join a single server after updating. I've tried about 20 servers, i've uninstalled and reinstalled the beta patch,, and I still get "wait for host".

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hello there,

have a problem with + beta 94876. i join only server with and beta 94876 and i have two characters... one with full equip and last savepoint and one starts without anything on the beach. same server-versions but diffrent characters? tried many server, this is total random. is that possible a problem with my id or something?

apologise for my terrible english!

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I don't know if its supposed to be like it, but bear traps seem only to break legs with no bleeding and no damage. Plus the detection is a bit off, you need actually to lay down with a belly on center of trap to activate it, running doesnt affect the trap, crouch is ok.

Other things ? Great lag,fps reduction and much faster connections to server. And yeah, dead body disapearing after player disconnects :/

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I just updated to and 94945 and I'm getting "Battleye initialization failed". I updated Battleye both via Steam and manually loading the dll files. No use. My friend has the same issue.

Don't use 94945, use 94876.

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