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Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

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The skin ultimately was more damaging to immersion than anything IMO. Two examples:

1) I saw a bandit running towards me, and gunned him down. Not because he was shooting at me (though he must have been going to), but because there were no repercussions. I get off guilt free and with an extra bit of supplies with the only thought that took place being the one that drove my trigger finger.

2) Last night we (me and a buddy) went into a town and heard shots. "Novy sobor, are you friendly?" Nothing. "Novy sobor, respond or you will be presumed hostile" No response. We end up finding him in a barn, and I call out his position on vent. His Lee Enfield is at his shoulder aiming at us, and though I hesitated and it seemed he did as well my friend shot him dead. He ended up feeling bad about it, "what if we could have talked him down?" "Yeah but he was pointing a gun at us, he could just as easily have killed one of us"

You know, the part that would take place in real life. Probably the most compelling thing that I've had happen in the mod so far.

I really like the idea of skins that you can find though. Some people might want to look like a villain, because they can. Others might want to blend in to do their villainy, because they can. Ultimately, I'm not sure an otherwise arbitrary number should influence how people are outwardly perceived, or certainly not function as an early warning system. I've never trusted anyone implicitly before, and the removal of this skin system for now doesn't change that at all but rather makes it even more interesting.

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Only issue I see now is that while it's a reasonably good idea to remove this system, I imagine quite a few people will definitely take advantage of this change.

Maybe we should be able to check someone's humanity somehow?

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Great initiative, Rocket. Don't be afraid to try new things. In fact, why not also try replace all weapons with rocket launchers, and give all players jetpacks? ;)

There are obviously gameplay advantages with having the bandit-survivor system. It's easier to trust someone wearing a survivor skin, than a bandit skin. But it's too arcady, and counter strike, blue vs red like.

Better to go with unique skins for players. I bet it'll work better. More realistic, and more in line with the vision I see for game, which is kind a like a Stalker MMO, like Lastkossack say. With unique skins it's more suspenseful to encounter other players. That's a good thing. It'll also make it easier to recognize other people.

I'm mostly into coop, rarely kill other players, and I don't think this change will make gameplay worse. Let's go for it.

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Guys can we please try to make this mod truly unique, and not the same balanced boring crap that every game becomes eventually? Rocket, do your thing, I've played your mod for a week, and I have to say I have been waiting for something like this for a long time. I trust this will be quite cool!

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We need more people thinking about how to make this even better instead of just looking at how things are now. THIS IS ALPHA!

In Day Z, it is day 0 so any organization is minimal. Any differentiation should be subtle at best. As you play though you are going from day 0 to day x. I like the "blood on clothes until you change outfits idea." Outfits would need to be rare enough so that effect mattered though.

1. The American frontier or Wild West had a low level of civilization.

2. Maybe if you acquire enough humanity, you get a sheriff badge? or some inferred "community assistance" like an free m1911?

3. Maybe cities start showing up with bounty posters as someones humanity falls more and they become infamous. That player's name could have a "bandit" tag to simulate the public awareness of their face?


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Perfect, i would go to bf3/cs/cod/anyshooter if I just wanted to kill guys with a different skin/team than mine.

And since this is my 1rst post, thanks a lot rocket/dayz team!

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Well not fan of this, think it will ruin coop between randoms... At least reduce it a lot...

But try away Rocket ;) it's what alpha is here for :)

- Whitey

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@Frito Pendejo' date=' so you would rather just kill anyone regardless? What difference does it make? To Bandits, nothing. Its the same, maybe even better. To good Survivors, its a hell of a lot of difference.


Well mars, i could rather not kill anyone, right? Its exactly my point, if i wanted to KILL people i have about a trillion games where i can do that, better said, I HAVE to do that.

In DayZ the only thing that I HAVE to do is to stay alive.

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I understand why your removing it because a lot of people now don't want to be bandits because they "killed in self defense" but if you remove this then how will we tell who is friendly on sight? it will become impossible to find a group in game and you will need to have friends before which have the game to group up because everyone will treat one another as bandits and kill on sight when this happens.

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Removing guarantees that this, effectively a humanity sim, remains just that. You wouldn't have any warning if someone was a 'bandit' in a situation like this, so there should be none in the game to keep that realism aspect.

This change fuels both extreme trust, since you can never be sure who will turn on you making those instances where you band together that much more rewarding, and extreme paranoia for the same reason.

You say it will be 'harder' to find co-operative players with this change, but that is just a by-product of the risk/reward system that is in place in a game such as this. You are encouraged to take great risks, both against zeds and against the humanity of the other players, in order to prosper and survive. The bandit skins were in a way nullifying a portion of that risk system by identifying people with ill-intentions allowing you notice and avoid them with too much ease.

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I have faith in you guys. Well, most of you anyway.

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As long as the humanity system isn't abandoned completely. I'd really want to see it used for something else in a future patch.

Let some people choose to be good, let others choose to be bad; and allow our experiences to be crafted around that. Don't just give everyone reason to shoot-on-site whenever they encounter anyone, just because it has no consequence.

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This is gangster rocket. Can we get some summer and wedding dresses going on so I can show the world how beautiful I am? I'm not joking either. The cannibal cult thing would really go nicely with our friday afternoon role playing. I would also maybe like some lotion. I also think its scarier having Buffalo Bill and his family hunting you than some gimp dressed as action man.

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glad to hear humanity won't be abandoned, just shelved; some people don't like it, sure, but not every game mechanic can thrill everyone.

and i hear the bandit skin were a real pain to implement..

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Like has been said already, if you didn't go with the Rambo mentality "oh its all pvp now, let's shoot everything that moves", MAYBE something interesting would happen.

I don't know if it is because of my backround with many years of playing OFP, Arma and Arma2 or because of my nature, that I don't want to kill anyone without a weighty reason. The game is infantry SIMULATOR after all.

When it comes to shootouts, maybe I would just run, or fill the air with bullets so that the opponent(s) could have a chance to back out if they are smart enough. Or then I would just die.

Maybe I'm just an idiot and going to die every 15 minutes, who knows.

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Yeah I dont plan on shooting people randomly for lulz. I WAS planning to hunt bandits to try to make the world a tad safer, but that's gonna be harder now, will have to find a nice spot and just stalk and see what people do

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