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Pvp, Too much of it nowadays?


53 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think? Do you want some non-pvp servers? or am I on my own on this?

    • Yeah, enable some No-Pvp servers somehow!
    • Nah, I like it the way it is!

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Okay, not trying to whine about pvp or anything, but I remember when i got this mod, people used to actually work together alot, survivors would not shoot eachother on sight, But now, the game is not about teamwork anymore, but the guy with the best 'gear' going around, sitting on the towers in cherno shooting anybody for the hell of it, Dont get me wrong, dont mind a bit here and there, but everybody I see now shoots, It used to be teamwork based, it would add wonder to weather to trust somebody or to just leave them, I do have an Idea, They could add 'Non-pvp' servers where Zombies are a hell of alot harder, but you cannot shoot other survivors, now I'm not saying there should me alot of these servers, just a few, and then it might sort of rebuild the chance of this game not being a deathmatch, or a ''If your not on teamspeak shoot on sight'' principle. Anyone else agree? I'm no carebear, but this does make sense. And I'm not saying to remove pvp completely, that would destroy the game. Now I cannot host one myself, and im not sure there is an option for no friendly fire, but maybe a server plugin of some sort. Thanks for reading! Also, Characters would not be cross-server, to stop people sort of 'cheating' by going on easier servers and then jumping onto the pvp servers. :) I would not go on these servers very often myself, but It is good to have more options for casual and care bears! ^^ I dont see why so many people are throwing fits at this post, whats so bad about adding some extra options on? :P


Edited by jambird99

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I agree, Everyone shoots onsite. I am willing to team up but have no way of communicating that before I'm shot. Maybe if there was way to tell if someone is friendly by looking at them maybe after committing a murder your player model changes to a model that looks like Casey Anthony.

Edited by jtsnowboy

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This mod is about freedom of choices. You just ended up on the wrong side of the boat as far as i can tell. People do team up and help each other but they are not complete strangers. Not anymore. This is about trust. You have to earn it now. It was easier before but now - no one will trust you until they know you.

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easy to fix, allow some servers to have friendly fire off

This will NEVER happen, removing PvP from the game makes it an advanced version of Left for dead, without the objectives...

PvP is fine, people just need to stop running towards people frantically trying to type out friendly in direct chat, that gets ya shot dead mkay?.

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I am for the creation of "casual" servers, even though I would not play one. Casual gamers have a place too, and if they want to play without fear of someone shooting them, fine. Just make it so that your character doesn't port over from casual to normal servers. Just because you prefer to play the normal game doesn't mean everyone has to play YOUR way. Some people just want to play with the zombies, and that's a-ok. Who am I to say that you can't play casual servers because i wouldn't?

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PVP is what makes the game interesting and dynamic. Are you telling me your aspiration is to live in the woods hunt and drink from a lake after you have all the gear you can get. If for some reason they did disable a friendly fire mechanic.... I would just close doors on people or run them over with vehicles.

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PVP disabled servers? Lolwut?

I can't troll if people don't even try to be smart. Seriously, you are just missing the whole point of the mod. Go try some Killing Floor instead, that's what you're looking for.

You want some pve action? Go in the middle of cherno & fire the Lee "dinner bell" Enfield.

But pve servs are just lame and pussy-like.

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PVP is what makes the game interesting and dynamic. Are you telling me your aspiration is to live in the woods hunt and drink from a lake after you have all the gear you can get. If for some reason they did disable a friendly fire mechanic.... I would just close doors on people or run them over with vehicles.

So you are basically a full time troll?

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If this ever happened, everyone would sprint to the NW Airfield to get gear and then leave the server for PVP elsewhere...

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I dislike this idea. With out pvp the game really becomes 2 dimentional. Gather loot and kill zombies. You never have to think about all the variables of going into town. Is there someone in there? if i have to fire my gun will someone hear me?

You would be able to waltz into cities and the other threat is zombies. which are not nearly as dangerous as humans. The ruthless human element is what makes this game really shine. You are 100% responsible for your actions.

And you dont think that trolls will exits on non pvp servers? What about a guy running through town collecting all the zombies on his tail and run up to a survivor and just dance around him transfering aggro from him to the other person.

The human element will always be part of this game, pvp servers or not.

entire variables get taken out of the equation leaving you with a shell of a game.

Edited by FangLeBonbon
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Too much you say, how about its the only way people play these days...

Only 17.59% of players are Bandits.

Only 14.01% of survival attempts end in murder.

These stats do not include suicides to respawn, as per Vipeax here.

Both of these numbers are lower than the last time I had to respond to you making these ignorant claims.

So long as you insist on trolling around the forums spouting this bullshit I am going to follow you around with the actual facts and point out that you are wrong.

I hope that's okay and we can still be friends.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Honestly it looks to me more like 99.999% of all players are murderers because everyone i came across either shot at or killed me. The 0.001% are my buddies.

Numbers can be deceiving, too many pvp players die due to pvp before they are branded a murderer. My buddy killed 3 players when we were making our way through Cherno the other day, all murderers.

Edited by Enforcer

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Honestly it looks to me more like 99.999% of all players are murderers because everyone i came across either shot at or killed me. The 0.001% are my buddies.

Numbers can be deceiving, too many players die due to pvp before they are branded a murderer.

Then LEAVE the coast. I've met friendly people in the middle of the forests up north. With no loot around you have nothing to kill each other for.

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I leave the coast when i spawn immediatly. All encounters we had were inland. We went through Cherno only to get some medical equipment on our way out...

We had tons of players sneaking in our direction, lucky our people are paranoid enough to spot them first.

Edited by Enforcer

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This is a SURVIVAL game.

If someone sees my M16A2 and my alice backpack, he'll try to kill me, so I have to kill him first. If I see someone with a weapon, I'll kill him to get blood bags, morphine and bullets.

Deal with it. Removing PvP from the game will ruin it. The adrenaline rush that I get every time I hear a gunshot is the best feeling I ever had in any video game!

Edited by Kiro

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...or nothing useful...let's just hope they can get the ammo count done so ppl will think before they shoot if they would rather put that bullet into a zombie rather than a player who didn't even see them because he was 500m away.

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How the hell is this a poll if the two choices are "Non-PvP servers" and "it's fine as it is". Those two aren't the only aspects of this debate. Also, why waste time catering to a couple of people (or any amount for that matter) who want to have games with no PvP on (a feature that rocket has denied) as you are supposed to be an alpha tester? If you can't enjoy the game, then you don't need to test it. Plain and simple. Now maybe test non-PvP? I doubt it will happen as that would be completely against everything that DayZ stands for. It is a "human experiment" not a zombie survival. Sounds corny but yeah, I think that's pretty accurate. How you react when there are other people out there who are a threat.

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It used to be teamwork based, it would add wonder to weather to trust somebody or to just leave them

But making it no-PVP doesn't kill the wonder? I'd say it's better this way. Even if, say, 90% of encounters result in firefights now it is better than 100% of encounters to result in peace. Just boring.

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It is a "human experiment" not a zombie survival.

this experiment seems to be failed, cuz all humans will just kill each other(gamers are bad test subjects)

not a zombie survival? wtf zombies are doing here then?

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If Zombies were not there the mod would be simply called DayP. It's actually a joke calling it a zombie apocalpyse in this state...it's more like a player battle for no reason, no different than a warfare except you the goals are different and you don't have any other choice than to kill the guy who isn't on your side. The same as every other game that simulates everyday life, it always ends in shootouts for no reason. "Oh look a player, let's shoot him because i feel like it."

Getting shot for loot or to stop you from getting loot is ok but getting shot from a distance for nothing because the shooter won't show up to take any loot at all because he just wants to kill is ridiculous. Like the time where me and a buddy were running away from Z. What was driving the player who saw us running away from Z to shoot at us? He couldn't hit us anyway because he seemed like the 100m sniper type of guy , in the end he attracted the Z himself and proly DCed on them, at least thats whyt i think because the gunshots suddenly stopped.

Edited by Enforcer

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I´m 100% for PvE servers. Atm its (imho) pvp with some rare zombies added so it can be named zombie horror.

And for those that say pve is lame, if there are pvp and pve servers you are free to play pvp if you want.

And it would be easy to bann pve chars from joining pvp servers and vice verca so no one could go to a pve, grab gear and than hop over to do some pvp.

On pve, make zombies tougher, more (in numbers) and game would be fine for me.

I see no reason why that option should not be added, it would take nothing from the pvp folks but give something to the pve fans.

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