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Broken bones..SPLINTS

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Just a random little thought that popped into my head.

I think having splints to splint your leg when it's broken would be a lot more realistic than just having morphine. Sure morphine would take away the pain but your leg would still be broken.

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Idd was thinking the same yesterday ...splints is a good idea and should be easyier to come by..Put yourself in this cituation...Zombie pack attack you ..you kill them ..they broke your bone and you cant walk so you have to crawl to a hospital ? and your nowhere close to one! Splits should be a regular spawn loot that can be used to delay your broken bone for a good while till you find morphine. But mabie your guy walks/runs a little slower using these ?

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I think a splint could be a secondary way to heal a broken leg.

maybe morphine would cause a full fix. but a splint will cause you to walk.

A splint will not let you run and what not though.

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If you can make splints the you should also be able to gather sticks to use as melee weapons. Branch of DOOM Bitch!

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I think the bandage option covers anything that has to to with wounds and broken bones. Adding more and more features would only worsen some situations. In some cases morphine is already hard to get if you are not close to the coast/hospital. A makeshift splint would be great if the devs can limit you to walking speed until you got some morphine, but healing time should be added too. It's not a magic potion that heals you instantly.

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Splint is a good idea.. you can only walk but takes somedays till full recovery to be able to run again.. and has to be performed by another player !

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Good 'well not realy new idea' but yeah, this needs alternatives but morphine..

And why not RUN? there is this great feature in the game that is called 'PAIN' and if you walk with a splint you will fill shoots of pain every once in a while. But if you RUN, and yes you can try... that would friggin hurt like hell ;) ... and maybe this can limit the amount of steps you can run, before you pass out from the pain ;)

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Bandage + wood pile

Fixes broken bones

Remove morphine pls (no way in hell morphine fixes broken bones)

No forced walking either. Just make splint fix broken bones as morphine does. Morphine can't fix bones, that really bothers me.

Also possiblity:

Combine four bandages = cast

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Search function, why does no one on any forum ever use you? You're so lonely and underutilized, if only someone would type in and click you... :(

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I'd like to see it work like this:

Morphine doesn't cure broken bones, just lets you ignore the pain. So if you break your leg, a shot of morphine would let you move around for maybe the duration of a thirst/hunger meter going from full to empty. After that the morphine "wears off," your leg is still broke, so you have to shoot up again or fix it with a...

Splint. But the splint wouldn't let you walk. If you applied a splint, in the same duration morphine lasts, your leg would begin to heal, but without morphine, you'd still have to crawl for awhile.

So this means morphine is only a temporary solution to your problem which is how it should be in a real survival scenario.

Edited by trashcanman

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Agree, us at the 9th were thinking a good way would be a splint and morphine. Make a splint with wood if you have a hatchet. After splinting you can move at half speed and get the pain shakes until you use morphine. This way if your leg breaks 5 km's from a hospital your survival outlook is a little better but requires the player find a hatchet and morphine to completely fix the leg.

Better survival rate (if you dont have to drag your broken body into barns to find a hatchet and out again), more work.

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Agree, us at the 9th were thinking a good way would be a splint and morphine. Make a splint with wood if you have a hatchet. After splinting you can move at half speed and get the pain shakes until you use morphine. This way if your leg breaks 5 km's from a hospital your survival outlook is a little better but requires the player find a hatchet and morphine to completely fix the leg.

Better survival rate (if you dont have to drag your broken body into barns to find a hatchet and out again), more work.

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yeah if you splinted you shlould be able to at LEase walk, and morphine should let you run. its better than dieing by olympic sprinting zombies while you crawl to your death

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