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Kicking of Players for Clan members

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the point you have made have been put forward there is no need to repeat yourself

There is a need to repeat myself when you choose to completely ignore the point I have made multiple times, fail or refuse to respond to it in any meaningful way, and continue to assert claims that you are "paying for" DayZ and should therefore have the right to do what you will with the mod.

You literally just compared the necessity of adhering to the hosting rules to larceny. Larceny. And I'm not supposed to repeat myself? rocket grants you permission to host DayZ with the assumption that you will adhere to his rules, and you turn around and accuse him of thievery? And I'm not supposed to turn around and point out how asinine that is?

you truly are a troll and nothing else

I absolutely adore that you are suddenly trying to take the high road.

Meanwhile in the 3 pages you have been in this discussion you have used the following words or phrases to describe your fellow DayZ players: asshat, pathetic spew and drivel, wannabe fanboys, suck holes, narrow minded, plebs, simpleton, a true slack ass, you are just a fucking asinine moron, fuckwit, another idiot, you have no validity, freeloaders, mentally challenged individual, child.

Those are your words. In just a few short posts. So is this the sort of "respect" I'm supposed to learn how to show my fellow posters so I don't have my posting privileges removed by a moderator? Really?

Yet, I'm "destroying the community" by appealing to reason and sensibility and asking you to address a very simple and basic flaw in your argument: that the money you pay for a server ought to confer you rights over DayZ.

your input is static sterile and been discussed

It actually hasn't been discussed. You've completely ignored it and made no attempt to respond to it other than to say "I'm not going to respond to it." Which is quite convenient for you, I'm sure, being that I can't imagine what possible response you could make at this point.

You pay for the server. That gives you rights to the server. It does not give you rights to DayZ. That is an inarguable, indisputable fact. You cannot hope to respond to it so you tried to bury it under a wall of insults and when that failed fell back on righteous indignation.

We all respect what server owners/renters do for the community. Nobody has said otherwise.

But we also recognize that the ability to scrape together 50 bucks a month doesn't mean you're a trustworthy individual. There are plenty of server owners and admins out there who are incredibly unscrupulous and untrustworthy and are already going out of their way to circumvent the rules of the game in order to gain an advantage over other players and undermine the integrity of DayZ.

You propose absolutely no compromise. How can we possibly hope to satisfy the reputable server owners without simultaneously giving the corrupt ones free reign to burn the mod down from the inside out?

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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" You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc. "

next level thinking, reality is a bitch, and this is a simulator. Think of it as what would happen in a real Zombie Apocalypse when your door's kicked in and house ransacked while you're left bleeding in the corner shot by your neighbor who used to borrow everything.

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wow at the way some people are acting. Yes I agree that if you host a server you should have a slot or two and I'm pretty sure Rocket mentioned this at least 3 times in this post alone. They are working on a solution. In the meantime kicking people enda up being taken advantage of so they put strict rules on it.. They have full right to. They need servers yes, but there are many willing individuals/groupw who are willing to pay to support this great mod. Also the reason it is so great and popular is because of the way its made... If you want them to completely change it to suite your needs go play one of the other thousand zombie games which youll end up turning it into anyways with craptastic demands.

<3 To (most) of the community, the people willing to donate their money and the devs willing to donate their time.

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I host a server and I completely agree with the rules, I shell out 60 British pounds a month for my server, but hey its for the benefit of the community, not for my selfish desires.

I host because I want a low ping server for my region since there aren't many, also for others to enjoy low ping as I do.

the only reason I would kick a person is for racism/malicious talk and for unreasonably high ping.

I shell out money for a server so i don't burden other servers with my own unreasonable ping, and I expect the understanding of that to be mutual.

It's not nice for a guy from the USA joins my server in singapore when he comes in with a ping of 653 when there are plenty of servers in the US that he can join.

and with the limited number of Singaporean(SEA) servers available I kind of want to allow Dayz fans of the SEA community to join with low ping and enjoy the game just as I do

I hope everyone gets where im trying to go with this. :D

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There is a need to repeat myself when you choose to completely ignore the point I have made multiple times, fail or refuse to respond to it in any meaningful way, and continue to assert claims that you are "paying for" DayZ and should therefore have the right to do what you will with the mod.

again your point has been made previously, the reason the conversation keeps returning the the latter of which you desire is because that's what a great deal of people want. you cant be too smart if you cant figure that out, ALSO you are NOT and authority here you are a troll and a no life loner who is obsessed with a forum for a game you clearly play less than anyone else here. so YOU repeating yourself AFFIRMS NOTHING and means NOTHING. all it does is achieve your goal of being a troll. again you make a whole array of nonsensical remarks being that the points you raise were addressed pages ago and no one cared.

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It's starting to feel like big government around here...Hail King Obama!

Edited by Tallahassee

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Back to Rocket's original post, I'm afraid I totally disagree with it.

Which you are within your rights to do - but it means you shouldn't/can't run a server then.

I entirely agree with the current rules, and once I start my new job, I'll likely be getting hold of a server for the community to use.

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I've run many servers - it doesn't mean that we would kick players, we play within the requirements of the mod and always have done. It means I disagree with the reasoning and the sentiment.

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You do not own the rights for the mod nor the files. It IS a privileged to be allowed to run the mod on your server. If you do not wish to follow the rules set by the developers, then why host a server in the first place?

But the money paid by the server owners to run a server is their right, so unless DayZ Mod Owners do not wish to make money , on such agreat game, its kinda messed up to pay money for something you don't get to use. You don't own the rights to your house , or car, or w.e you may rent, but you do what you please with it. -_- . Just saying you don't go through your money down the drain to not get any advantages -_-

Edited by TheAceOfSpaces

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They are paying for their server.

In my opinion they should be able to ban/kick people or just temp ban such as 2 hours or so, I Know rocket does not earn money off the servers but they are paying for a server which is not theirs? ?

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hows this if your answer is anything like "Zedsdeadbaby" or "delta-dude" keep it to yourself no one here wants to discuss the same point a thousand times over, we have heard your point and we care not for it, so NEXT PLEASE.

By the look of things, your the asshat that everyone is sick of hearing over and over with the same shit. so I guess : we have heard your point and we care not for it, so NEXT PLEASE.

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But the money paid by the server owners to run a server is their right, so unless DayZ Mod Owners do not wish to make money , on such agreat game, its kinda messed up to pay money for something you don't get to use.

yes it is your server and you an do what you want with it , but when it comes to running dayz which rocket has the rights to you can follow the terms of use or not use it at all. It's simple.

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In short, their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

Hard to know what you're talking about. The post is ALL about KICKing, until this part, and it has to do WHAT with the rest of the post?

Logically, when you talk ONLY about kicking, and then say, "In short..." - that makes no logical sense. How do you sum up a talk about kicking by issuing 3 sentences about banning?

Dude, you need some sleep! ;)

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Also great idea. Apply with the server info you intend to use than wait for the acceptance or rejection of hosting a server. If it were me I would have looked into hosting the server before going out and buying a host..

Exactly, I Admin a server, but damn sure did the homework (i.e. used common sense) before processing the server rental. Reserved slots wouls be awesome but at present is not a deal breaker. I run a 40 slot server and would love to reserve for the 8 ppl I play alongside nightly, but also understand the goal of the mod. It's called compromise... we all need to try it.

Rocket, thanks for you and your teams hard work in this project and restoring some faith that not all new projects are console ports.


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Why cant the admins of servers have to apply for a ban option? For instance, have a new server and have a new admin, he would have to apply on forums or something to see if he has the right to be able to ban. I have been banned from several servers due to a raging admin. I find it unfair.

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Why cant the admins of servers have to apply for a ban option? For instance, have a new server and have a new admin, he would have to apply on forums or something to see if he has the right to be able to ban. I have been banned from several servers due to a raging admin. I find it unfair.

I host from vilayer and I'm a newer admin and I can't ban people and its aggravating. We only allow about 110-150 ping or below, and when people join with like 250 ping and all I can do is kick, them and they keep rejoining four times and I can't ban them for rejoining, its annoying. Basically, my method to this is to kick high ping players, to give them a chance to lower their ping in case they are uploading or downloading something, so they can rejoin with a better ping later. I had a guy who just kept rejoining and rejoining, and all I could to was kick. And the only reasons I kick/try to ban is if someone has high ping or hacks, no other reason.

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Ping limiter? Yes, you can add this to a server with automated kicking.

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Please note: this post is meant for the 5% of server owners who are being dicks, not the 95% who are awesome.

Kicking of Players for Clan members:

This has been requested. While we do want to have some "reserved slots" this effectively requires either a lot of scripting or changes to the base game code.

It is something that is being worked on but it is not finished

Originally we trialed allowing servers to kick out players who had either donated money or were clan members of the owner, to allow space for someone else. Abuse of this became RAMPANT.

Server owners need to start wising up. We are only processing about 20 to 30% of server requests for hosting due to the massive volume of offers. The clan servers need to realize they cannot just do whatever they feel like because their actions affect the rest of the game and the servers.

Think about it, if we let server owners do this, what is stopping them from kicking someone who just killed them? What is to stop them kicking people for arbitrary reasons? Who polices this? The policy is in place because it makes sense.

We've been pretty lenient so far, but it is causing us a lot of work to deal with these people being difficult and it has delayed development. Please try and think how hard our job is to balance everything, and realize that if your clan/group is asking for exceptions then there are hundreds of other people probably asking too. Also realize that we have been burned several times, resulting in the need for costly and time consuming backups to be restored.

The current rules weren't picked out of nowhere, we know they aren't perfect. We're just trying to make the best of the situation and keep things going.

In short, their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

I appreciae this being addressed out in the open. I am not the only one who has been kicked for killing people who were server admins. This rage kicking is absolute nonsense, and I appreciate that although changing it may come slowly, the gauntlet is down, and the message is clear.

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Is it possible to ban players for racist names or offensive names, like "Fuck You" ???

Use BEC and activate the badnames so all players with bad names get kicked before they can join the server ;)

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