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DayZ needs a sound improvement immediately

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I'll never know why the DayZ team hasn't contacted leaders of some popular soundmods (JSRS for example) and worked something out to use their mod for the default game-sounds. After all the DayZ team goes on and on how modding & player-created content is so great.

The default sounds in Arma 2 are making me want to kill myself while playing DayZ. I'm going to go out further on a limb here and say Goldeneye for the N64 has slightly better sound design than Arma2.

Even if DayZ is preparing to goto Arma 3 or to be a standalone game, there is no reason why they cannot incorporate a better sound pack now so our ears can feel better. Everytime I shoot a weapon or hear a weapon being fired while playing DayZ I die a little inside.

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Please do not post duplicate threads. Please perform a forum search.

Remember to turn off music in game, and also realize that the Arma II devs recorded the noises for guns at actual firing ranges.

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Please do not post duplicate threads. Please perform a forum search.

Remember to turn off music in game, and also realize that the Arma II devs recorded the noises for guns at actual firing ranges.

It don't matter, they sound terrible. No one I have ever known played Arma2 with the default sounds, and since DayZ is a mod that is not about military realism, it is better to have gun sounds that actually capture a powerful feeling of a weapon. Not popcorn sounds.

Edited by wolffe

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Please do not post duplicate threads. Please perform a forum search.

Remember to turn off music in game, and also realize that the Arma II devs recorded the noises for guns at actual firing ranges.

What, a gun fired doesn't sound miles away, break several sound barriers, have the power of a nuke and destroy everything in its way? LIES

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Since people seem to dislike duplicate threads I figured I'd just bump this one and emphasize that DayZ really is in need of some better weapon sounds. Especially since I can't run JSRS while playing DayZ.

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Urgh, no need to bump.

It helps to clarify whether you're talking about the mod or the SA. Also the last person that I spoke to that had an issue with the sound quality was using Arma 2 free as part of his set-up which contains lower quality sound files for quicker download. Don't forget that this mod is based on an old (ish) engine and is still using those files. The SA will be a different story.

I have to say though, even now, running Arma2 or DayZ through a decent 5.1 set-up sounds amazing and this is only going to get better.

Edited by Fraggle

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At a distance a 5.56 round does infact sound like popcorn. Though I agree some of the weapon sounds are horrible (AS50, completely unrealistic) but... I think the ground movement, car sounds, etc... need a much bigger improvement. Ground movement is incredibly loud and doesn't make any sense. In walk mode, crouched down the guy sounds like he's stomping around.

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At a distance a 5.56 round does infact sound like popcorn. Though I agree some of the weapon sounds are horrible (AS50, completely unrealistic) but... I think the ground movement, car sounds, etc... need a much bigger improvement. Ground movement is incredibly loud and doesn't make any sense. In walk mode, crouched down the guy sounds like he's stomping around.

The problem with recording sound for weapons like the AS50 and M107 is that there is no easy way of capturing the kind of sound pressure that such a weapon produces. You need hearing protection if you are anywhere near it and nothing comes close to repoducing the sound/feeling of the shockwave as it hits you.

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what i would like to see is the removal of all random generated snaping or squeaking sound ..

they scare the living sh**t out of me, because I think someone is walking through the bushes, or opens a bloody gate right next to me

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My main gripe is with the weapon sounds. Some of them (especially the AK-74) sound rather pitiful. I think it would be really nice if they just incorporated JSRS sounds into the mod/SA.

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what i would like to see is the removal of all random generated snaping or squeaking sound ..

they scare the living sh**t out of me, because I think someone is walking through the bushes, or opens a bloody gate right next to me

Not only do you not get my beans; I demand that you give up your man card. I suspect you were never issued one.

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The sounds are poorly recorded and extremely lacking. I don't care where they were recorded, they suck. M4s are especially loud; one or two shots unprotected will jack up your hearing for a couple of hours, and if you're like me and have been exposed to a lot of gunfire, you probably have permanent loss and tinitis. People who use the AS50 unprotected should develop both after a couple of mags.

[Edit] now that I mention it, everyone's ears should be ringing after a gun battle. Period. For at least a minute.

Anyhow gunfire up close needs plenty of thump to it; even 9mm. My friend had a ported CZ75 (9mm) and every time I pulled the trigger it was like leprauchans were slapping the inside of my sinuses with cricket bats. A hand grenade within 50 meters is unbelievably loud; you feel it right through your chest.

They got the sonic crack right; it's one of the best little touches in ARMA and most games totally neglect it. All of the other sounds are ridiculous. Why do I sound like I'm wearing amplified tap shoes in a house, louder than a bleedin' M4 50 feet away? Meybe it's not the sounds themselves, but the volume at which they come through relative to each other...

Edited by 032125
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I'm going to go out further on a limb here and say Goldeneye for the N64 has slightly better sound design than Arma2.

Brings me back to the proximity mines dayz

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The great thing about ArmA is that the sound is dynamic and that the community always has been quick to release high quality sound mods. Vanilla sounds are a little rough around the edges though.

Edited by Dallas

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