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Hi - I play on US daylight servers. Good mod, fun game.

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Hello there everyone, Us player who likes to group but is just as well off while lonewolfing. If someone would like to survival group with me, just pm me.

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Im Gurei, in game name is graeme.

I like moving quietly and carefully agroing as little as possible, the best loot run is the one nobody knows about but you! (well you and your team).

I like cooperative play and generally don't kill players who arn't a threat so if you see me on the servers hollar! (i try to have a couple of spare bandages etc so if you're in a tight spot i'll help you out!)

I'm also trying to start up a group called the omega guys (The06). a steam based group for like minded players. get in touch if your interested.

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Lo thar! I'm Doctor Wrongpipes (Wrongpipes ingame)

And I like keeping my zed kill count LOW. Not a hippy, just like my legs unbroken :)

In my four-man team, I'm the designated map-reader/sniper/med supply herder.

Friendly, unless messed with; willing to help out a fellow survivor in need. I play on EU servers mainly, so if you see a bush running around with a very large rifle and a pair of glasses poking out of the front, say 'hi'. I'll give you a transfusion or some tasty beefs :)

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I am deathbot20, new to the mod and arma in general. and no i didnt get arma just to get the mod i had been trying to get arma for a couple months now.

atm me and another member of the clan i am in are teamed up and making our way to our clans meeting point. we are both ]CIA[ (Covert Infiltration Assault) and well we have found some good gears and well try to avoid players due to uncertainty of intentions of others.

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Hey everybody I'm Ducky. IGN Don. I'm that guy crawling around with broken legs begging for a mercy killing. I play well with others.

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Sup everyone I'm Torque. I've been new to the DayZ mod for about a couple weeks and have been loving every second of it, I'm hooked. Things I like to do in DayZ in order is Scavenge, Help fellow survivors and make groups, give bandits as taste of their own medicine, and of course kill the "living" dead. I also have a mic if anyone wants to join up or start a group. Mic not required. I hope to see you all ingame!

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Names Baromosa, Looking for a friendly group to survive with and learn the game. Big SC2 gamer usually.

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Enrico here... same name in the game. I like the the sneaking aspect and finding good loot. Also shooting zombies is a lot more fun after the last time they got me, revenge.

I generally play on the US or TX servers and have a mic. I'm a friendly and will group up if possible.

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My real name is Nauris. I live in Latvia, in Baltic states.

My IG name is - TheSurvivor666.

Besides gaming, I play floorball in several teams as a attacker and defender... It depends :)

I like this mod a lot and I have been playing it only some days, but I'm already in love with it. Greets!

Many natives like this game, keep it up!


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My real name is Ben i live in England, Birmingham :D

My ingame name is Bunster too :P

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My name is DeadlySlob a YouTube commentator with 12,000 subscribers new to DayZ.

Currently rocking a M4A1 CCO SD and looking for a team to join.

If anyone is looking for a scout I am very capable and alert. I make notice of almost everything that movies and take my time moving from locations.

I am also currently building a small squad that can be recruited into a larger clan.

Please drop me an email [email protected]

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Oh, uh, hi.

I'm Nerd. I'm a pretty nice person. I'm a studying respiratory physician in the United States. I play DayZ to pass the time when I'm not at university. Uhm, I like the Lee Enfield. I use it to shoot at things. Like... erm, zombies. --and sometimes people. Sometimes I find cans of Pepsi. I like Pepsi. Err, I die whenever I try to raid the NW Airfield, and that makes me sad. 3:

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Hello, Amp here (Ampoliros).

I generally play the Dallas Servers early or very late. After many many deaths to zeds and pk'ers (maybe bandits, but I consider there a to be a difference between players who go solo and will kill you, and people who think this is a deathmatch), but only been player killed in Elecktro before I learned to GTFO and go north.

Currently on my longest lived character (6-8 hours...) and now that I have some decent-ish gear I'm looking for some players to team up with.

Applecrow on Steam, Ampoliros in game.

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I am Rokor Fenix, IGN is Rokor Fenix as well.

I am here to save the region of Chernarus from the zombie infestation.

Please contact me to help me save Chernarus! Add me on Skype: ezera_fluff_fox

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Greetings everyone,

I am Castiel Angelos, survivor and currently an (accidental) whiskey bottle throwing in the middle of an infested town champion. :D

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Hey guys, I'm Sam here and Sam in game. 19 years old and looking for a few friendlies or a clan. I stick to Aussie and NZ servers. Add me on steam to chat about joining a clan for those servers! (currently in NZ9) steam: ryoshikage


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Hoi everyone~

I'm Jim, 21, M, Bad Robot ingame. I just saved someone today :D I wander around most of the time but I always come back to Elektro.

steam: s0larus

servers I play on: *recruit* DayZ Zombie RPG ARB v1.7.1.5, Chicago 56, LA 9, NY97, Seattle 28/91/52, UK777

*regular* too long to list my favorites. there are 52 of them XD

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Hello, i am Luís, i'm Portuguese and i have 24 years old. I absolutely love this game. I'v been playing this since 1 week ago and this is no doubt my favourite video game of all time. I'm playing in FR7 and Spain Server.

Cheers and gg all

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Hey all. My name in the game is Vlad and guess what... thats my real name. Spend time on german, english, russian and (OMFG SOMETIMES EVEN) atlanta/chicago servers. Absolutely love this mod, hope it flourishes into something epic other than COD with zombies. If you want to team up or are looking for a serious dedicated member to join your squad, PM me :)

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Whats up people! My name is Jake, I have been an avid Arma 2 player for a couple years now. I just recently picked up DayZ a couple days ago, Its hard! but I would not want it any other way (Maybe less buggy :P). Just wanted to get my name out there.

My in-game name is: Gigga97

Steam name: Gigga97 -ADD ME

I'm 21 years old and I would like to find a trustworthy person or two to mentor me in the world of DayZ.

I live on the Oregon Coast(PDT -0700), I work 5 days a week 7am-4pm...I am free any time before and after those times...Free all day on weekends and any major Holidays.

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Hey all - I'm Jed, and I honestly bought Arma 2 solely for Day Z. I've been waiting a while for a game like this, and even if it isn't perfect yet, it's the closest thing to it, and always getting better. I like a challenge, even if I am pretty noob-ish atm.

I'm "theironlotus93" both in-game and in Steam. Looking for a couple people to travel around with, not necessarily the only people, but people to group up with occasionally - since I'm in the military, and attending a VERY difficult school, I have to work hard to get game time in the first place. But feel free to message me, or talk to me in game, I've got a headset and I'm friendly (even if no one else who sees me is).

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US West coast Survivor

gmt-7 playing every night and all weekend

pm me for steam name\groupup

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