Lupo 0 Posted May 24, 2012 In game name is Lupo I tend to play on whatever server has the best ping and what I'm in the mood for i.e day/night. I've been playing for little over a week and I've quickly adapted and learned the dangers of the game and how to survive. I played a bit of Arma 2 prior to the Dayz mod but I'm in no means a hardcore veteran player. Despite that I'm fairly versed in military tactics and common sense lol. At the moment my character has been alive for the past five days and I've killed two bandits and one survivor who all decided it would be fun to fire on me or some of my teammates. The scariest moment I've had so far was where a group of my teammates had traversed to the NW airfield and while scavenging for supplies came under heavy barret fire. This resulted in two immediate deaths and a third as the rest of the team attempted to pinpoint the sniper fire. Luckily for them I had spawned into the game and had been making my way to the airfield when the ambush began. With cooperation and accurate information as to where the shooter was suspected to be I was able to flank the sniper and eliminate him as he tried to climb up one of the radio towers on the edge of the woods. As it turned out he had been accompanied by two others who were at the base of the tower and upon his death the two surviving attackers returned fire on my position but were subsequently picked off by my comrades combined fire from across the airfield. All this occurring right after the sun had gone down!So far I've really enjoyed the game and am quite happy with the recent updates. If your interested in forming a group that'll play consistently feel free to pm me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cJack8410 19 Posted May 25, 2012 What's up.Names cJack8410 I usually play with a group of three to four. Any one is more than welcome to join us. The thrill of this game for us is staying alive. A couple guys I play with ephdup killwrothSee you out there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
montauk 2 Posted May 25, 2012 Hey guys my name's Syrasa. I use a ton of different names, most of them playing upon my actual name [sydney]. I tend to go by something like SyDash, Sydar, Syrasa or something with Sy in it.I also tend to try to help people out unless I myself am strapped for supplies. If I'm low I'll probably ask you nicely and then shoot you.I also am strangely attracted to the bandit skin so as to go so far as to shoot people just to get the skin. ask nicely for my Steam and maybe we can play together [i don't have a mic tho] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MothMan 2 Posted May 25, 2012 Mothman here, been playing for a couple weeks, but still feel VERY noobish.I mostly play lone-wolf, primarily because I am too afraid of everyone else, and likely a liability besides. LOLI'm often found stealthing my way into small outbuildings, looking for beans and an occasional decent loot drop... mostly too afraid to enter busy cities.I often die at the hands of Zeds, after having my focus drop momentarily and a Zed stumbles across me, resulting in a horde of slobbering death coming after me.I also occasionally die at the hands of cowardly bandits, though I have never murdered anyone myself. My murders usually occur soon after I've found some sweet bit of loot, and feel really special for 2 minutes, before some turkey puts a bullet in my head from 300m. LOL Latest was today, I got into Elektro, for the 1st time ever, found a silenced rifle, and was all WOOHOO, and then got murdered before I even had a chance to spit polish the damn thing.Honestly though, I rarely encounter other players, because I specifically try not to. Despite what would seemingly be frustrating, I am loving the mod. I actually find that it kinda plays like a strategy/puzzle game for me... the focus (for me) is on how to get into where I need to get, in order to find what I need to find... and the challenge is finding a way to do that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chelomo 0 Posted May 26, 2012 I'm Chelomo, been playing for a week and learning the ropes. I recently found a great group to play with and now I feel confident I can try the more interesting inland locations. My playstyle is pretty much the 'Apocalypse Sheriff', I never shoot on a survivor unless they show hostile intent, but I will shoot bandits on sight (And they seem to be doing the same to me, so everybody's happy! :D)My steam is chelomo, i'm Canadian and play on EST times, so feel free to say hi if you want to team up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
machomanugget 26 Posted May 26, 2012 yoyoMachoman here survivalist, playing on most UK EU servers... never shoot survivors and allways up for teaming up and exploring! nugg0r on steam add me up.. also have a facebook page machomans dayz server... now that i have ordered my own server..cya in game peace! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
siber51 0 Posted May 26, 2012 Hi all,I just started playing days Friday night/Saturday morning and I have to admit, I'm still WAY noobish on this mod. Great game though.Give me a shout if anyone wants to team up or if there's a team out there that can use an extra set of eyes or still-unskilled hands. :DI'm siber51 on steam and siber51 in Dayz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Remikih 0 Posted May 26, 2012 Hey there.Newbie here, Remikih in game. (Or Matthew "Smooth" Perry, when I want to try and roleplay a character somewhat, haha.) I only started playing yesterday (Friday) and well - still sort of an idiot. UK player though I usually head over to US/Dallas/any server that has any people on as most servers are already fullSo I died recently (my meds ;( ) and I'm starting anew, wondering if anyone's looking for a newbie to pick up straight from the coast and take under their wing. I have skype (remikih), I can use teamspeak, I have a steam which is thebloodyrose (but I can't talk there). But yeah, if anyone's looking to take someone in for a little or large group, ring me up. Oh, and I hardly ever shoot bandits/survivors until I know their intentions. Most of the time. Bandits, I've heard some got that status from self defence and I don't want to PK wrongly.Contacts, in short.Steam: thebloodyroseSkype: remikihIngame: Remikih/Matthew "Smooth" PerryRemikih Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fatcamp 0 Posted May 27, 2012 Hello.My name ingame is [AQ]Fatcamp i play on uk6. I kill everything i see as long as i wont aggro a big group of zombies that i cant take. If you see me you should not trust me, you will mostly see me crouching in the night against a wall or a bush while i go slowly forward. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ansonh92 0 Posted May 27, 2012 Hi guy, I am Ansonh92 (Also in-game name).I brought ArmA2 last week and survived DayZ for four days on 1st try. I got killed by a new guy (Or, is it?) who shot my leg and killed me with Makarov in a barn. Hope that guy was killed by zombies because he shot me six times while I fired my crossbow to his chest (Sorry, Not arrow in the knee :().You can also call me the Wandering Merchant. I have food / water / medical supplies (No Antibiotics and blood bag). I trade for anything (One item for one item), but if you found rare equipments such as GPS, I give more items. No appointment or agreement, you just need to find me. Nice to meet you all, strangers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vaalea (DayZ) 3 Posted May 27, 2012 Hi all, I am Max, which is also my in game name most times. I have recently picked up DayZ after playing ARMA II for quite some time. Even though it's awesome in every aspect it can be a bit lonely sometimes as my friends are current hooked on to D3. So, looking for a group, a team or a guild (whatever basically ^^) to team up with. I am a Swede, so I seldom play on US servers (but pretty much any other else since I havent found a favourite yet). Also, I'm a university student- so my gaming times are rather generous ;) PM me if you need one more soldier to your ranks! Steam name; Vaalea Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clovestad 0 Posted May 27, 2012 my name is pettingzoo(ingame also), and i am an alcoho.....wrong meet an greet..found out about dayz on a kotaku Enewsletter and so far it is one of the best games i have ever played(and only in alpha!) lookibg forward to where we as a community and the dev team are gonna take this game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trimethylxanthine 12 Posted May 27, 2012 Hello everyone, I am trimethylxanthine (trime or caffeine to most people).I'm a norwegian and a helpful one at that. If I meet you; you're most likely in good company. I'm always looking for an opportunity to team up with fellow survivor and I'm not above sacrificing supplies or ammo to help a fellow player.Shoot first and I will run unless cornered, ask for help and I'll come running. :)I'm usually seen on the DE/NL servers sprinting across the land in hope of being able to help someone or sneaking from building to building looking for supplies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SylntSnipa 0 Posted May 27, 2012 Hey all, my name is SylntSnipa. I'm a 28 year old USMC vet looking for something to scratch -this- itch. Ive been playing a couple days now, under another identity, getting the hang of things and now I think that what I would enjoy most is a RP, tactical, realistic approach to the mod. So on that note, I'm looking for a good bunch of people to group up with that hold this same view towards the mod. PM me if ya want.Cya all out there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobtom 10 Posted May 28, 2012 Hello, I'm Craig. I've been doing ArmA zombies for quite some time now, and I'm in love with DayZ. It has accomplished almost everything I wanted to see in a ArmA zombie mod. When I heard of Dayz before it was released I knew it was going to be awesome, but not this awesome. :DThanks Rocket. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr Wasteland MD 597 Posted May 28, 2012 Hey, I've been eyeing this thread for awhile, and am just now getting around to introducing myself.My name is Dr. Wasteland, M.D. and I work as a medic to any player, bandit or survivor that asks for my help in the wastes. Check out my thread in the Survivor HQ for more info.And don't listen to most people, there are players you can trust, just like there are players you can't. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale 11 Posted May 29, 2012 Hey everyone my name is Dale.Im trying to get a coordinated effort from groups/clans/individuals to join up and work together in and around DayZ, I am the leader of [RGG] and we have a large amount of resources behind us so we are trying to get a community which is creating trade and teaching new players etc in and around DayZ.Thankyou for Reading Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Predators1 (DayZ) 2 Posted May 29, 2012 Hello! My name is Diego and i love this mod. Really love.I'm looking for a "party", better if it is italian (si, sono italiano!) :p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zRaR3 0 Posted June 11, 2012 Hey I'm Chris (ingame and in the forum: zRaR3) Im often playing DayZ with my friends iChazZ3r, Alcatraz and Shutter.Just saying I'm a Brony :D So if there are any Brony-Zombiesurvivors out there, you can meet me without getting shot ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tanel66 0 Posted June 12, 2012 Hey, my IG name is "Homie"I usually play on the UK servers, and I am one stealthy ass ninja.I'm mostly friendly, and say so in the chat too, but if you get too close to me, you leave me no choice but to kill :c Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FieldMedic 7 Posted June 12, 2012 IG name is FieldMedic. Although I've also gone by Medic or Field Medic. I tend to play on Eastern Standard servers (Chicago, NY, Canada etc) or if it's late and I don't feel like creeping around in the dark I'll play on Pacific Standard servers (Seattle, Vancouver).I'm always friendly but will generally go in the opposite direction of gun fire, and if I see another player before they see me, I'll slip away without them knowing I was there.I do however plan to find a group to play with in the near future! I've had my fill of trekking alone through the lovely woods and country side of Chernarus. Time to band together! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RGONZ2012 0 Posted June 13, 2012 names RGONZ2012,RGONZ in game just downloaded arma and the mod still getting used to its systems but having fun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr.Grimm 0 Posted June 13, 2012 My IG name is Grimm Ussually, or Mr.GrimmYou will find me helping people, or playing with a friend.Or looking for my friend, helping someone then getting shot.I love the game I've been playing for a while just got to the forums to say sup Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hotgreen 0 Posted June 13, 2012 Hello, my name is Hotgreen. I enjoy killing zombies and trying to help people if they don't shoot me, just trying to get by in the zombie apocalypse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites