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30-something from the UK, OFP vet going waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. I'm friendly in game. A special thank you to the guy who chopped me to bits while I looted a church...

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Hey, from NZ, massive zombie fan... love the game... Played for a couple of weeks now, and only been shot once... (Shot in the back in Chreno... :( had a great backpack too ) but been eaten by zombies lots, fell out of a lighthouse, broke my legs, lost everything in the sea... lol

Mostly play as a Medic... so if I find you wounded, I'll patch you up, then leave... otherwise... I've yet to find any friendly players...

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whats going on everybody, im Tali Z.

i mainly explore north eastern part of the map helping when i can. i play on many different servers but looking for a stable mildly populated server to set up camp.

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Whats up everyone. My name is Chuck L. (same in game) Have to say this has become my new obsecion

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Hey I bought arma 2 purely for DayZ, playing it from 2 weeks and I must say I am impressed.

I am from europe, english speaking 22 male, nick is same as on forum. My goal was to be a friendly survaivor, but atm after I got shoot bunch of times by "I am friendly" players I tend to shoot people if I dont feel safe. I play on eu servers( currently De #00, De #111, PL 2, De 285 and some others i cant remember now) If anyone wants to hook up fell free to pm.

Good hunting Lj.

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Name is Chuck, Dont laugh but Dayz is the first ever PC game I have played and love it - I am on EST, I am 39 and mature sometimes and would like to hook up with Loners as myself for some treasure hunting - I do have a mic and know how to use it - I dont like to Murder but if I dont have a choose and the player doesn't respond by mic or global I will elude or defend (LoL - I love the adrenalin rush)

I play 6-8pm EST M-F and Weekends anytime - Skype is elysium.73

Happy Hunting

Edited by Wabid Wabit

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I am The_Man but go by Man on the servers I frequent. I travel from the West coast to as far as Chicago. Latency protests otherwise. I consider myself a survivor because I don't plan on killing anyone unless they attack first.

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I am Kenwei, IGN: "Kenwei7",Steam: "Kenwei2", and I've been playing Day Z for about a month now. I am from Texas GMT-5 and I'm currently focusing on killing zombies so I tend to avoid people if at all possible. I will however shoot any anyone who is on a hill with a sniper rifle aiming at me lol and of course anyone who does not communicate.

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Total n00b here

Only got Dayz yesterday and only played a lil

I am a team player and will help anyway i can

Steam - skemar007

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MyNameIsReed. (In game: Reed)

I love the dayz mod and I'm just lookin' for people to help kill zombies and bandits with me.

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Hello One and All,

Been Playing DayZ for about a month now, if i meet you along the road I may be hostel depending on whether or not some wee scum bag kills me for the sake of killing me.

Good Luck and see you out there!


Edited by Etnie

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Hi guys,

I am F1RE from Germany and pretty new to DayZ. I am trying to convince friends to join me here because it is much more fun in a group.

See you!

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I'm antonius weezel, both in game and on the forum, And I'm both fairly new to the mod and DANM tired of getting shot in the ass by every bandit wannabe out there every 5 seconds! If anyone feels like they could use a reasonably new wingman who hungers for bandit blood, I'm your guy!

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Hello, i am spiritor here and in game, really my only wish is survive, if u need help tell me

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Hi there.

Skilled in games, adult, friendly. Wanna form or become a part of group of survivals.

Hate bandits.


Edited by MaBep

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hello i'm owerpowered97 and in the mod i'm owerpowered97 (i've got lots of imagination he).

i like killing zombies and making friends.

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okay i have a headset, as much as i like killing zombies i like avoiding them more, survival is my goal, am not looking for a huge group, do to the fact that trigger happy pvpers would have a field day with 13 people traveling together, would like to play with no more then 3 or 4 other people at a time, i live on the east coast in the us, gmt-5 time zone, name in game is the same as my profile of here. so if you want a extra pair of eyes and a extra gun or even just want to have someone around to do blood transfusions let me know. also my steam account is product_of_fallout as well so add me up there if you want

Edited by Product_of_fallout

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Watchman, in game name also.

Veteran of Arma 1 & 2 and playing DayZ almost from the start. UK based but play on which ever servers have players on.

Having lost countless lives trying to hook up with clan mates I'm now pursuing the lone-wolf survivor life and enjoying every minute.

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I am Conor. UK based survivor.

My guy is reasonably well equipped and located near NW airfield, but a very near miss that left me in the middle of a field, a half blind walking target desperately seeking a cow, made me realise that being alone is just too dangerous. So I'm looking for partners.

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I am Conor. UK based survivor.

My guy is reasonably well equipped and located near NW airfield, but a very near miss that left me in the middle of a field, a half blind walking target desperately seeking a cow, made me realise that being alone is just too dangerous. So I'm looking for partners.

Conor, I'm pissed at walking around on my own. I'm located In the east. Have MP5SD, and well equipped. Play UKsevers but have a tent full of goodies on a smaller french server.

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Hello my name is Nathanc9 aka Shadowgamer I am good But i suck If i Dont got a gun i will be on Us/Eu server and i will shoot on sight if you Have a gun and aiming it at me. i Hope i see you guys on the Servers but not with you gun aimed at me or i will open fire :D

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Hey there, I'm Anthony. I'm just a survivor that is trying to get through the hell hole that is Chernarus. I've had some very close encounters with other people and each time they would fire shots off at me and I would end up having to run for my life. I've managed to go without having to fire off any shots at another living person. I just wish the others would do the same, but sadly that's not the case.

My steam is "Tman13795" and I go by "Anthony Tank" on DayZ, and my skype is also "tony_tank". If there are any others who have the decency to not shoot at every thing that moves. I'd be happy to join up with you so we can have a better chance against those who see it fit to end our lives.

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