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Headshots Required To Kill Zeds

Headshot required to kill Zeds/Infected  

  1. 1. In order to kill a Zed/Infected you must get a headshot. (When pathing/zig zag gets fixed)

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I voted Yes on head shots. However I think the best idea would be that a head shot would have a 100% chance kill rate. Limb shots would have a 0% kill rate, but would disable / break limbs. However to kill with body shots should require A LOT of firepower or organ damage (i.e From larger rounds). Pistols 1 shot killing in the torso is a huge thrill killer. This would also make ammo much more precious.

Edited by Jugg

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Once the pathing issue is dealt with, I'm all for this to happen.

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To be honest, if you get caught by many, it's a challenge.

I think with them+bandits, it's enough of a challenge, especially now that you don't spawn with weapons.

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Not going to move this, I'm interested to see the outcome as it isn't a suggestion but more of a question of opinion.

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I don't think people understand why zombies NEED a headshot to die. Here's the scoop.

The virus lives in the brain, the brain then becomes the only working part of a zombie, heart, luings, liver all become dead weight. the virus is self sustaining it doesn't require anything to live after it takes root in the victems mind. Why is it such a stretch to beleave this but easy to say "infected person"?

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i dont get the "they are infected so they are going to be twice as fast" talk... :lol:

Sing it on the mountain brother!!!

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Not going to move this, I'm interested to see the outcome as it isn't a suggestion but more of a question of opinion.

I was hoping one of the moderators would understand that because thats what I'm trying to accomplish.

Thank you.

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I don't think people understand why zombies NEED a headshot to die. Here's the scoop.

The virus lives in the brain, the brain then becomes the only working part of a zombie, heart, luings, liver all become dead weight. the virus is self sustaining it doesn't require anything to live after it takes root in the victems mind. Why is it such a stretch to beleave this but easy to say "infected person"?

It is a question of authenticity.

Actual zombies are magical creatures that break the laws of physics. Muscles need energy in order to achieve flexion and extension. They get that energy by combining nutrients from the intestines and oxygen from the lungs - delivered by the heart and circulatory system.

Without these functioning systems, the machine ceases to be. Brain or no brain.

It's like seeing a car driving down the road with no wheels, transmission, drive train, fueltank or engine but it's got a functioning on-board computer so we're just supposed to accept that it's "figuring it out."

An infected human who has been mentally compromised and posesses some super-human abilities is at least one small step closer to reality. Google what happens to people who are on PCP - how many trained police officers it can take to subdue a single person with the proper mix of chemicals and hormones coursing through their system. Slap a bit of mental incapacitation on top - such as we all horribly witnessed with the recent face-chewing-off bath salts incident - and you have a believable enemy that could actually exist on Earth.

Now, whether any of this matters to you or not is up to a matter of personal opinion.

But I think it's clear rocket does care. At least enough for him to have made his mind up on the matter. Otherwise, why would he even bother to make the distinction? He would just say nothing as he has when it comes to the origin of the infection, or the details of what's going on in the rest of the world, or how long it has been since the outbreak, etc.

We can assume since he has taken the time to define this one thing, he thinks it's an important detail.

Arguments claiming we are "bad players" because we agree with him are a bit silly.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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It is a question of authenticity.

Actual zombies are magical creatures that break the laws of physics. Muscles need energy in order to achieve flexion and extension. They get that energy by combining nutrients from the intestines and oxygen from the lungs - delivered by the heart and circulatory system.

Without these functioning systems, the machine ceases to be. Brain or no brain.

It's like seeing a car driving down the road with no wheels, transmission, drive train, fueltank or engine but it's got a functioning on-board computer so we're just supposed to accept that it's "figuring it out."

An infected human who has been mentally compromised and posesses some super-human abilities is at least one small step closer to reality. Google what happens to people who are on PCP - how many trained police officers it can take to subdue a single person with the proper mix of chemicals and hormones coursing through their system. Slap a bit of mental incapacitation on top - such as we all horribly witnessed with the recent face-chewing-off bath salts incident - and you have a believable enemy that could actually exist on Earth.

Now, whether any of this matters to you or not is up to a matter of personal opinion.

But I think it's clear rocket does care. At least enough for him to have made his mind up on the matter. Otherwise, why would he even bother to make the distinction? He would just say nothing as he has when it comes to the origin of the infection, or the details of what's going on in the rest of the world, or how long it has been since the outbreak, etc.

We can assume since he has taken the time to define this one thing, he thinks it's an important detail.

Arguments claiming we are "bad players" because we agree with him are a bit silly.

Your emphasizing way to much on the story and lore part of the game right now.

This being a game and not real life. All I'm thinking about is the gameplay and more fear of the Zeds.

Lore is important in games and so is story but we have absolutely no say to what the Zeds are. Humans with a rage virus that went psycho or back from the dead it doesn't matter because the dev team decides what they are, not us.

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Great suggestion OP, but make it so they eventually go down after like 3 to 4 high caliber or 5 to 6 low caliber shots to keep it semi realistic. After watching some interviews it seems realism is quite important to the project.

Edited by Reubenj

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Since they are infected humans and not zombies, I dont see the reason why a head shot should be the only way of killing them.

If they were zombies I would agree, but Rocket has said numorus times they are just infected humans.

Edited by 48.Shibuya

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They would have to make the "zombies" move really slow in this case, at how fast they run right now it'd be almost impossible to kill one if you had to get a headshot.

Not in buildings.

And not in open fields. It's possible to run backwards (while standing of course) and still keep the zombies at a safe distance as they follow you to eat your brains. When they stop to take a swipe at you, take aim, fire, run away again. Repeat until all zombies are dead. It'll take more skill if you have to pop them in the head each time but that seems like a good skill to acquire.

Edit: I'd like to add, after shooting a single shot and missing/hitting your target you should start running backwards again. Otherwise you're just standing there like a slab of beef.

Edited by Super67_

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Since they are infected humans and not zombies, I dont see the reason why a head shot should be the only way of killing them.

If they were zombies I would agree, but Rocket has said numorus times they are just infected humans.

The front page logo needs to be changed then :P.

If everyone is concerned about the authenticity of the infected lore then make it so the virus/infection they have also makes them regenerate their organs from a mutation within the brain from the virus/infection.

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Can we have infected AND zombies?

That brings an interesting idea to life.

You could have it so we have the regular infected that are just humans an are the normal zombie now. Then have mutated infected that require a head-shot to be killed. This can be done with different aesthetic changes.

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Great suggestion OP, but make it so they eventually go down after like 3 to 4 high caliber or 5 to 6 low caliber shots to keep it semi realistic. After watching some interviews it seems realism is quite iimportant to the project.

When you say realism its kind of a double edged sword.

He is trying to get the players/us into believing we are in the shit/zombie apocalypse against infected/zombies that are supernatural to us and take multiple shots to die or take one shot to the head.

Trying to get the game to realistically portray a zombie apocalypse yes.

Trying to get everything scientifically correct, not so much.

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I vote yes for sure!

It would make EVERYONE a lot more cautious even the bandits and player killers. No one would want to fire a gun unless it was an emergency or they would attract more zeds.

I tend to use a one hit kill gun, and well over half my kills are always headshots it's not difficult to aim.

The only addition I would add would be that not hittin the head would slow the Zed down. Such shoot the leg to force him to hop, shoot the other leg to force him to crawl, shoot the chest to slow their speed slightly with each shot.

It should be if you shoot a zombie enough times without killing it, they should have to walk no matter where they are. Meaning each bullet they take makes it slightly easier to get that headshot or run away

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No. The game is so laggy that it would be too hard. Especially for group players since zombies' pathing is client side.

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I voted yes, but only if the bugs from them are fixed. not just the zigzaging and weird aggro, but also, hitting through walls and also running/walking through walls. zombies as they are called should be headshot. but until they get all the kinks from them worked out I wouldn't worry about it.

also i wouldn't call them infected either because website calls them zombies so i'm gonna assume zombie here.


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Implemented properly I think this could work; there would have to be effects when you hit them in other body parts, such as legs breaking with legshots, not being able to attack as quickly or at all with armshots, and stumbling or losing speed when hit center of mass.

That being said, I don't think there's any way this system could be implemented on the zombies as they are now; aside from indoors areas, they are insanely difficult to hit if they've noticed you and on their way towards you (not at all when they're unaware and lumbering about or if they're already in your face, stationary and just smacking you... unless you've just gotten your legs broken and are in pain). I think the running/charging behavior should be fine-tuned and the teleporting bug quashed before we look into this.

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So many horrible players clicking no. It's sad, it really SHOULD be headshot only.

Because that's a classy way to reply to people who disagree with your opinion.

''Zombies'' Can crawl around with half of their body missing. They're already dead, losing blood will not affect them, neither will losing their ''organs''. Have you ever heard the term ''Take off the head of the snake''?

You need to broaden your horizons a little. Not every zombie is the living dead. Case in point: Day Z. This is the same reason that dead survivors don't get up as zombies when they die, because the zombies in this game need all their vitals intact just as much as a non-infected person.

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I voted yes, but only if the bugs from them are fixed. not just the zigzaging and weird aggro, but also, hitting through walls and also running/walking through walls. zombies as they are called should be headshot. but until they get all the kinks from them worked out I wouldn't worry about it.

also i wouldn't call them infected either because website calls them zombies so i'm gonna assume zombie here.

Semantic bullshit. Zombie, zed, shambler, walker, etc, etc, etc. The origin doesn't change what it is, they're all zombies regardless of whether they're undead or infected.

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I voted yes, but only if the bugs from them are fixed. not just the zigzaging and weird aggro, but also, hitting through walls and also running/walking through walls. zombies as they are called should be headshot. but until they get all the kinks from them worked out I wouldn't worry about it.

also i wouldn't call them infected either because website calls them zombies so i'm gonna assume zombie here.


doesnt matter what the website says lol. Rocket.. you know the guy who is making this game says they are infected humans and so would die from gunshots like any other human.

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