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Nawn (DayZ)

Don't move DayZ to Arma 3

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Hey, my name is Nawn. And i know this is selfish and cheap and stuff. But in reality a lot of people bought Arma II JUST so they could play DayZ, Me, being one of those people. And i just recently bought the game, and i have a lot of friends who would buy the game, once they get enough cash. But i really don't want them to spend the 30 Dollars, and find out that in order to continue playing, they have to spend a shit ton more money later, because it's being moved over. So, if anything, Please change it to a Free-to-play Standalone version. Or keep it as a mod for Arma II. I am ready to receive the flame.

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Hey, my name is Nawn. And i know this is selfish and cheap and stuff. But in reality a lot of people bought Arma II JUST so they could play DayZ, Me, being one of those people. And i just recently bought the game, and i have a lot of friends who would buy the game, once they get enough cash. But i really don't want them to spend the 30 Dollars, and find out that in order to continue playing, they have to spend a shit ton more money later, because it's being moved over. So, if anything, Please change it to a Free-to-play Standalone version. Or keep it as a mod for Arma II. I am ready to receive the flame.

The amount of features, smooth animations, better graphics and overall better stability really should make up for the 50 bucks ArmA 3 costs. Think of it as buying DayZ 2.0.

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Rocket already said that this game wont be a FTP game. And the game will most likely first move over to Arma III then it will prob be a standalone game.

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I get what you are saying but I say put the best product forward and if that means I have to pay the cash for A3 then so be it. And when the standalone game is available I will happily give my hard earned money to Rocket and the Dev team because they damn well deserve it.

Edited by Hurt-Much
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Rocket already said that this game wont be a FTP game. And the game will most likely first move over to Arma III then it will prob be a standalone game.

Care to provide link?

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its worth the money on using it for arma 2 now and arma 3 later. also does it really take that much time to get 30$?

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dont worry right now.. arma 3 wont be out till 2013 and im sure you will find 50-60$ before it comes out

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Even if it wasn't going to move to Arma 3, I would recommend the purchase anyway. The game will be a decisive improvement over the original two.

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dont worry right now.. arma 3 wont be out till 2013 and im sure you will find 50-60$ before it comes out

ArmA 3 is scheduled for Q4 2012

Edited by Suspenselol

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Care to provide link?

Just search on youtube.

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Care to provide link?

This probably isn't the link that Miggy was speaking of but it does show where Rocket says it will be a stand alone game that you will buy and get free updates for.. and he is aiming for a September 2012 release. Will it goto Arma 3 before then? No clue, but in reality, September really isn't that far off.


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I thought changes to the arma 2 engine for arma 3 took dayZ into consideration since rocket brought them so much profit at no cost to them. In which case it moving from arma 2 to arma 3 would allow for a better modding experience.

Edited by DeadManDan

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Are you saying we wont be able to play dayz on arma 2 when arma 3 comes out?

How can she slap?

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Honestly, I've already gotta move to ARMA III when it comes out, as that's where a majority of the Life severs I play on are going. So I don't mind if DayZ goes that direction too.

Also, I've actually started to play the actual ARMA campaign recently, and I'm liking it. I remember days when I would get shot by enemies I couldn't see and cry 'wall hackz!' Ah, were those the days of my youth...

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I would be happy that the development is actually continuing on an alpha test mod instead of asking for it to be further developed on an older engine that has less capabilities.

I personally would not enjoy playing Dayz on the cold war assault client, I'm sure I will feel the same way once I'm playing it on the Arma 3 client.

I feel kind of bad for people that are shelling out 30$ thinking that there will be servers available and they will be able to get many hours of playtime for the 30 bucks the spent though. Hopefully the plans for the future of Dayz will be laid out and made public once the mod moves to arma 3, since it would be kind of sad once again should people dump 60$ on arma 3, only to have to buy standalone DayZ a few months later for X$ to continue playing.

Edited by zigzagzig

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The Arma Community moves with each new addition to the series, MP servers have never been able to sustain running empty -http://www.gametracker.com/search/arma/?

All great mods are requested to move also, im not seeing DayZ being any different in its current form.

DayZ mod needs BI patches and attention, not going to happen when BI eyes are on Arma 3.

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So lets not move the mod to a better game to save you a few bucks.

Get a job.

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Do some extra chores or something.

Don't buy smokes for 2 weeks.

Lay down the bottle of booze for a while.

$60 isn't much to spend on a game that makes all your wishes and dreams come true.

DayZ is like a fluffy cloud land filled with hot naked chicks trying to eat you.

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i think what sucks for alot of people is that they dont have, nor can afford good rigs in which to run the game at a playable rate. too often game companies make awesome looking and fun stuff but it can melt even the best of computers during play. theres a reason blizzard makes a shit ton of cash, their games can operate with ease on an atari.

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So are you saying you wouldnt want Day Z to move to a better Arma engine. Sounds odd to me!

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In the video he said they pushed back Arma 3 till 2013.

Also remember Arma is a game for gaming enthusiasts, so yes if you have a 5 year old video card then you should not be able to play Arma 3. Most Arma players want the tech to be pushed so the game is not outdated in a year. Arma 2 came out 3 years ago and some of the mods that are not Dayz are just as amazing and took time to develop. Go check out Invasion 1944 and get a face full of bullets from entrenched germans on the beach!

Also remember Arma 2 is fully compatable with TrackIR...If you have no idea what this is your in for a shock.

Also BI is not Blizzard just like Ruth's Chris is not Mcdonalds...

Edited by Yarrick68

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