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Yea. Rocket had a good thing to build-upon. Someone brought him a manure bucket and he threw it on the canvas. Stupid is as stupid does.

No, things break all the time in alpha tests. Have you ever done an alpha? I've been in several going back to Quake 3 alpha. Devs release a new patch and suddenly you're clipping through the floor every time you're shot...

god I remember those days.. xD

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Why do people respond to these types of posts anymore? Seems like the best solution would be to move along....nothing new to see here...

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Hehe I knew he is just having a laugh.. probably is bragging I promise I can give these idiots gamers any cr@p, I can think off and I will still succeed. I will have fan boys and everyone will say alpha. And the more I break the game the more they will feel elite. HAHAHAHAHAAAHAHA

Even my forum will have broken smiles. I will misspell maintenance ... Game Design Quality control.. YOU ARE FIRED ... :P

Please consider above comment as alpha.. ;)

you're not even trying now..

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Why do people respond to these types of posts anymore? Seems like the best solution would be to move along....nothing new to see here...

Just consider it as alpha.. :D

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you're not even trying now..

Three posts and you have not mentioned alpha, you LOOSE. :D

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Look at all these people flexing their ability to identify satire and sarcasm. This thread in itself is an experiment.

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Look at all these people flexing their ability to identify satire and sarcasm. This thread in itself is an experiment.

That or you just have reading problems.

Edited by Ichimaruu

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I'm still trying to find these dreaded bear traps. Guess I should spend more time playing and less time posting.

Same here. I've also yet to find these super impossible zombies everyone is crying about.

If these guys were asking questions and searching the forums rather than starting yet another childish complaint thread then maybe they wouldn't be having so many problems.

[added a space]

Edited by Super67_

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Same here. I've also yet to find these super impossible zombies everyone is crying about.

If these guys were asking questions and searching the forums rather than starting yet another childish complaint thread then maybe they wouldn't behaving so many problems.

I don't beleive bear traps are even implemented yet. Probably in a later 1.7.2 release.

Edited by VII_MATT_IIV
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I don't beleive bear traps are even implemented yet. Probably in a later 1.2 release.

It's hard to tell what's implemented. Half the crap in the patchnotes for 1.7.2. aren't actually IN it. Like ammo fix(thank fuck...), melee weap reloading, and indeed, bear traps are listed in 1.7.2., but are apparently missing.

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Actually, bear traps ARE implemented. I've found one. Unfortunately it also snapped my leg and I crawled for about 30 minutes until I decided to respawn.

But I agree, for this patch and the previous ones, about half of the listed "fixes" arent even fixed.

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Actually, bear traps ARE implemented. I've found one. Unfortunately it also snapped my leg and I crawled for about 30 minutes until I decided to respawn.

But I agree, for this patch and the previous ones, about half of the listed "fixes" arent even fixed.

Cool, where abouts did you find it? :o I've tried searching for ages with no such luck ^_^

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No, in Arma 2 I could always:

-Get into the majority of servers with my mods (or at first lack thereof) and version with no problems.

-Not have the game GREATLY fluctuate in quality from update-to-update.

-Not have numerous actions randomly cause deaths and complete loss of gear

-Not have the game randomly be ruined next time I get into it

-Not have trolls be able to 100% dominate and control me like Barbed Wire.

-Not numerously have my progress be suddenly and inexplicably be erased by actions from the CREATOR OF THE GAME THEMSELVES.

-Not deal with people getting ulcers every time I criticize the game.

So that's what the ARMA alpha was like?

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Do you think the OP was actually crying when he wrote that post? I just read it again and it just screams nerd-tears. It's both fatuous and needy in all the right amounts.

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This is a poorly made mod with ENORMOUS POTENTIAL that may someday become a full game, it is not a full game in developement, its installed like a mod, distributed like a mod, and from a software stabndpoint, behaves like a mod. EVERY OTHER MOD is entitled to criticism, but Dayz is put on an untouchable pedestal by its creators and its fanboy forum commandos.

I think you need to use that common sense of yours a bit more. It seems to me like you just want rocket to halt development so you can enjoy the game as it is. Let's say rocket just abandoned the project. I'm sure there would be many people raging including you. The point of these updates is to improve the game by adding features and fixing current issues. Zombie code and stuff like that is tweaked in every update and was far from being finished even in I know you are dismissing this argument but it really is true. The mod is in alpha. You are welcome to criticize it, point out ways that the gameplay could be improved, or just stop playing it until it gets further along in development. What you can't do i cas just expect rocket to stop updating the game with alpha builds so that you can have a stable game. We signed on to be alpha testers and that means we are dealing with unstable builds, pointing out bugs, posting constructive criticism, and still trying to enjoy the game. If you can't handle it then wait until rocket is done with it.

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taking a break from compiling quotes for a second to respond to this in a more in depth manner.

first, things are probably broken, i haven't tested it in depth but so far i've done okay in game. either way, things will be adjusted, people should have some patience regarding this stuff and not fly off the handle after every update.

rocket has said he set out to create an experience that was brutal, impossibly hard, and cruel. so your initial comments that pretty much use these words suggesting that this is some sort of experience killing surprise, or were not a clearly stated design goal are somewhat perplexing. that people enter this game expecting anything but dying a whole lot in very unfair circumstances confuses me.

it has been said by him that this is not a zombie apocalypse simulator going for realism, but an anti game mod that strives for authenticity.

you cannot say how you would prioritize anything if you have never coded anything, and have no idea how the whole system works or where exactly it's going to go.

finally, if you are looking to make a legitimate helpful contribution to the community and developers regarding... anything, here's some things you should avoid:

make accusations about design goals without researching

make accusations about whether or not a build has fulfilled the developers design goals

lacking any sort of patience while playing a work in progress

pointing fingers at members of the community, calling them names and then expecting civil discourse (this will bypass any valid points you make and instead turn the thread into a useless insult battle between the two extremes)

complain instead of providing calm feedback about your experience

assume you know everything/anything (deliberately destroyed his own mod?) about someone you've never actually met in person

in short, things are probably broken. you've likely raised some good points in your critique (complaint?), but you could have framed it much much much better with so many less accusations, assumptions, and name calling obscuring any legitimate complaints you have made.

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This is the reason why this community is totally ridiculous. If you criticize the mod, you get called a whiny, casual gamer, mainstream gamer, etc. Sure, this is an Alpha but the more you complain about things the more you can get things fixed. Atleast the OP is doing more than you people who are just posting "It's Alpha". Stop attacking someone just because they have an opinion. Jesus Christ all you people are annoying.

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This is the reason why this community is totally ridiculous. If you criticize the mod, you get called a whiny, casual gamer, mainstream gamer, etc. Sure, this is an Alpha but the more you complain about things the more you can get things fixed. Atleast the OP is doing more than you people who are just posting "It's Alpha". Stop attacking someone just because they have an opinion. Jesus Christ all you people are annoying.

Exactly. One of the points of the forum is for people to often whine and complain. It's all feedback in the end. I didn't agree with most of what the OP said but i'm damn pleased he's trying the alpha and giving his opinion, no matter how pissed off that opinion might be. Instead of just pointing out reasons why people are wrong, most posters just seem to shout 'alpha' and 'carebear' at anyone who dares to complain.

But that's human beings for you I guess; most of them are shit (which incidentally is why everyone is killing everyone in DayZ).

Edited by z-layrex
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I gotta disagree on the fact that was more stable. Most of the servers I've been playing on have been running great, no lag at all and almost no desync, now it's the other way around, tons of lag and terrible desync in vehicles etc...

The only good thing is that zombies are back ingame with their increased spotting radius.

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Exactly. One of the points of the forum is for people to often whine and complain. It's all feedback in the end. I didn't agree with most of what the OP said but i'm damn pleased he's trying the alpha and giving his opinion, no matter how pissed off that opinion might be. Instead of just pointing out reasons why people are wrong, most posters just seem to shout 'alpha' and 'carebear' at anyone who dares to complain.

But that's human beings for you I guess; most of them are shit (which incidentally is why everyone is killing everyone in DayZ).

Not really, whining and moaning about instability gives the developer pretty much nothing to work on. "OMG GUYS I WAS RUNNING ALONG AND MY LEG BROKE FOR NO FUCKING REASON OMG FIX NOW NOW NOW." Dosen't do shit to help developers. "Ok I was running along at full speed, then did a sharp turn around a corner, at location x and my leg broke for no reason, wondering if this has been reported yet." Goes a lot farther then just baseless whining about how the game should be more stable and half the people can't connect. You see if you actually give the developer an idea of what's happening he can fix it that much sooner.

I don't believe your knight in shining armor OP is doing that, he's just kinda whining.

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The OP was obviously never involved in a game design process before...

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Other than the ghillie suit / camo skin bug and other stuff. It seems alright i've had no bad encounters. Why are people moaning at the infected now that they had their vision fixed? Who enjoyed walking past something staring directly at you simply put Infected were broken.

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