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Bro the game is broken, and I am a longtime Arma and original Operation Flashpoint ( I learned the Opflash editor before most kids master long division) vet who has no qualms with playing a WELL MADE brutally realistic game. Like I posted, the best retort you guys can come up with "Ur a casuwal gaming biotch, its in alpha so dat means they can make da game as bad as dey want u criebaybee!! Sak up dood!"

Yeah, see, your post just confirms to me that you still don't really understand this process. DayZ will BECOME a well-made game but only by going through the trial and error process that is called...... (can you guess? Anyone?) yes that's right, TESTING! Specifically, alpha and down the line Beta testing.

And let's be clear here - this is not even a GAME yet, it's a MOD. Rocket made this on his own, as a test and as an experiment, designed for about 30 players, only showed it to his friends; it was basically a tech demo. Then it got out there a little more, and in a very short space of time it's gone from a one-server handfull-of-people personal project to a massive community of over half a million players accross lord-knows who many servers now. They've melted and had to move the central server at least three times, it was never intended to get this big already.

So you want a full-fledge, well made, issue-free game without testing? Fine, go away for 12 months and come back when the rest of us have helped iron out all these problems and you can get the DayZ stand-alone game.

Oh and for the record, at no point did I call you a "casual gaming biotch". No-one has said that as it is an alpha they can 'make it as bad as they want' - the point is that if something does turn out to be bad, we the testing community are here to find that out, report back in a constrctive way, and help the project evolve. Self-pitying posts about how someone else's project didn't meet your high expectations are of course going to get the community who are enthralled by the project riled up - we will defend it against people like you who, no matter what you say, are doing little more than having a hissy fit because you don't like the mod.

I won't even mention that you insult my ability to convey the English language with your childish attempt at "text-speaking" what I wrote to make me sound like a douche.

Oh wait.

I just did.

Edited by GeeksterDayZ

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Most of the bugs are clearly out of Rocket's control since it predates Day Z to the original Arma 2 experience. He's doing his best to add and iron out existing bugs (note: each time he adds more features, the limitation of the Arma 2 engine automatically creates new bugs; it's the nature of it and we must accept that it's not perfect). The good thing is that the Arma 2 engine is flexible enough to be modded entirely AND the fact that Rocket moved his work to Bohemia HQ signifies that he has the Coder support he needs and that this game is well underway.

Relax OP, it's only been a few months since it's initial release. In fact most games, we don't have the chance to experience it's alpha and beta phase before buying.

Edited by L33tmoaf

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Wait, did this post actually explain how my response would likely be nonsensical after it told me that the lead designer's primary motivation was frustrating the playerbase?

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That or you just have reading problems.

I think you are the one with reading problems, friend.

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Great post.

I'll take a double whopper with cheese, onion rings and a large diet coke. Snickers pie for dessert.

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It's his project. He didn't ask you to play it or pay for it. If I decide to do something, and three months later 500k people want to be a part of, that doesn't sound to me like a reason for him to change his ways, it sounds like a reason to keep doing things as he has.

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Okay people stop with this "Where are these impossible zeds? I don't see them this guy must be bad at the game", in the comparatively short time I have played 1.7.2, I have had numerous instances zombies see me in excess of 50 meters while I was prone.

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Okay people stop with this "Where are these impossible zeds? I don't see them this guy must be bad at the game", in the comparatively short time I have played 1.7.2, I have had numerous instances zombies see me in excess of 50 meters while I was prone.

Maybe your character farted. I heared they have an enhanced sense of smell.

Edited by VII_MATT_IIV

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That wall of text.


I will however say Rocket's overall plan is actually to make the ultimate zombie apocalypse game for free, then work with Valve to inplement a cash shop that sells hats.

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

My personal opinion is that the OP could find a better way to offer constructive criticism rather than simply being a critic!

If you experience what you perceive as a bug... report it in the bug report sub-forum.

If you have suggestions to improve the game (mod) - play experience... post them to the suggestions sub-forum.

You claim that Rocket has "deliberately ruin[ed} it to upset the community all for the sake of experimentation". Evidently not all of the community agrees with you! Perhaps setting yourself up as being representative of the whole community, is part of what has brought your post such negative responses?

Personally, I am enjoying many of the changes that Rocket has introduced, even the less than perfect ones! I haven't found starting with little more than a torch to hinder my overall enjoyment. The changes to zombie AI over the last few versions (apart from 1.7.1) have not adversely affected my game play experience either. I have simply had to adapt and improvise.

OP. You may have been satisfied with the experience offered by version 1.7.5. But evidently Rocket, the Devs and many players aren't. To visit these forums and effectively criticize them for their ambition is inappropriate and inviting the type of responses that you predict in your original post.

Perhaps, rather than assuming (making an ASS out of U and ME) that yours, Rockets (+Dev Teams) and the community visions of where DayZ is ultimately headed are the same! You could adopt a more positive, constructive approach and become a fully fledged member of the community rather than setting yourself above and apart from it (ironic, considering that you set yourself up as a community spokesperson).

We are all in the envious position of having an opportunity to help to shape the future of DayZ (for better or worse)!

I choose to adopt the positive, proactive approach. What do you choose?

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Ahh the butthurt is strong with this one. Alpha my friend.

Edited by Hendrix27

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Goal: Create a winning formula that creates tension and fun, and then deliberately ruin it to upset the community all for the sake of "experimentation".

Examples: Create a stable build with a fulfilling diversity of features in, where persistence, AI, and community enjoyment are at a satisfactory and balanced level. Then, rather than simply attempt to polish the "winning build", proceed to change the game to unstable build with more bugs and game-breaking difficulty as a result of those bugs just to add in Bear Traps and give people with low end hardware a 5 frames-per-second boost . Basically this equates to the belief in the naive, failure-prone doctrine of "Ambition over basic functionality". In addition, create a rather cruel and unfun scenario of spawning with no weapons while simultaneously having to deal with poorly coded zombies, that despite being half-brain-dead meat puppets, are able to very quickly and accurately see and react to human beings moving in a stealthy manner up to 100 meters away in a very unrealistic way which should be viewed as a complete failure for a "simulator". To allow further belittling of "noobs" and those who have understandably died in this very harsh, unfair, and unrealistically hazardous environment, not only are trolls allowed to simply block people from quality loot effortlessly with barbed wire that is too glitched to be able to remove (the prompt for someone with a toolkit to remove wire does not come up 90% the time and requires one to be in the exact spot and angle to look at the single polygon on the fence that brings up the "remove fence" context sensitive action) , bear traps now allow players to outright kill players with no effort simply because they are troll-minded and find enjoyment from ruining people's fun, they do not gain anything from it,besides the satisfaction of ruining someone's fun and it requires no survival skill.

Defense methodology for naysayers: Simply respond to all blatantly valid criticisms and complaints with statements along the lines of "its an alpha shut up, I'm in charge" along with the followers of the mod who are stupid enough to believe that this is an acceptable form of logic. And label anyone with reasonable issues with the unrealistic difficulty curve as "carebears" and belittle them.

In summary, the plan suffers from being overly ambitious, having very poor priorities, and honestly, a sense of enjoyment from frustrating the playerbase. While I will admit I do not posses the potential coding and developing skills of the mod creator, I do posses the prioritization and common sense (not saying much and is hardly flexing my ego, only very basic prioritization and common sense would be required) that would allow for one to properly make this mod with minimal frustration and dips in quality gameplay experience.

Just because a game doesn't hold your hand whilst you walk through it aimlessly, doesn't make it any less of one. In fact, this makes it even more accomplishing and thus, more dangerous when your character's life is at stake. Did I say steak? Mmmmm

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Also, I'd like Rocket to speak for himself when talking about his overall goals for this game rather than some other kid.

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Just because a game doesn't hold your hand whilst you walk through it aimlessly, doesn't make it any less of one. In fact, this makes it even more accomplishing and thus, more dangerous when your character's life is at stake. Did I say steak? Mmmmm

So you believe "The game function on a basic level=hand-holding"? Like I said I have no problems with harsh games that don't guide you, I have been playing/enjoying the ARMA series for years. You are just trying to imply the same insult that many others bully me with "this games too hardcore? Cry moar and go back to Call Of Duty noob!". You guys really can't look at yourselves and see how overly angry, defensive, and insulting you are being all over me criticizing your mod? What could be more childish than that?

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Ahh the butthurt is strong with this one. Alpha my friend.

I've tried reason with this numpty and received no response at all.

You're right. The butthurt is strong with this one! He deserves everything he gets.

The OP is just trolling. "What could be more childish than that?"

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Yeah...stopped reading at "zombies are running in an unrealistic way". I didn't realize there was a realistic way zombies had to run in.

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Yeah...stopped reading at "zombies are running in an unrealistic way". I didn't realize there was a realistic way zombies had to run in.

I should know better by now.

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Yeah...stopped reading at "zombies are running in an unrealistic way". I didn't realize there was a realistic way zombies had to run in.

Uh, they are just mindless human beings, they should run as fast and coordinated as humans or worse, not jitter around like they are stuck in some sped up time-warp.

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I've tried reason with this numpty and received no response at all.

You're right. The butthurt is strong with this one! He deserves everything he gets.

The OP is just trolling. "What could be more childish than that?"

I have responded to that excuse because hordes of you guys brought it up. What? Just because I didn't reply to YOU you're gonna ignore it? The glitches can be justified by it being an early build, the horrible prioritization of what is put into updates, and the fact that many updates cause the game experience and quality to go WAY backwards is not justified by it being Alpha, its just bad development.

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"That excuse" "You guys" "ignore it" ? What on earth are you talking about?

From your response, I can tell that you didn't even read most of the replies.

When you create a mod with 600,000 + players and are in charge of a development team you can decide what is good or bad development. Go for it!

Until then, how about some constructive criticism, rather than just criticism!

Edited by heretic

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"That excuse" "You guys" "ignore it" ? What on earth are you talking about?

From your response, I can tell that you didn't even read most of the replies.

When you create a mod with 600,000 + players and are in charge of a development team you can decide what is good or bad development. Go for it!

Until then, how about some constructive criticism, rather than just criticism!

I read the replies, most of them just tell me "its an alpha" acting like that's an excuse for ANY failings of the development team. Or they just call me names like troll or idiot when I have VALID criticisms. Once again, like in most areas of the internet, if someone doesn't like what you say, they will convince themselves you are wrong, regardless of how much evidence and logic supports otherwise.

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I read the replies, most of them just tell me "its an alpha" acting like that's an excuse for ANY failings of the development team. Or they just call me names like troll or idiot when I have VALID criticisms. Once again, like in most areas of the internet, if someone doesn't like what you say, they will convince themselves you are wrong, regardless of how much evidence and logic supports otherwise.

A number of posters have agreed that you have valid criticisms... but it's the way you present your ideas that has rubbed people up the wrong way. Have a think about it.

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