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About Ichimaruu

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  1. The fact that you've thought through it so much just proves that you're a sex starved virgin, that's why it's funny
  2. Ichimaruu

    A quick percentage I want to know

    Play 'Call me maybe' through the microphone, they're bound to not shoot you ~~
  3. Ichimaruu

    Why Day-Z Fails

    Just started reading this and facepalmed slowly. "I'm pretty sure if a zombie made you bleed you were going to be a zombie." Okay? You just said zombies were fictional then you go on to say how you would be infected by a zombie that made you bleed. There's no inherent way the infection spreads, since it's fictional.. comprende? "More cars would be available, but gas would be priceless." That's entirely dependent on your location.. remember this is isn't set in the city you live in.There may not be that many cars in this part of the world. "Your person would suffer from depression due to the forced style of lone wolf game play" Soo.. what do you want? To hear your character sobbing every 10 minutes? Some of these threads ...
  4. Since 1.7.2 arrived, crouching through/near villages/towns is no longer viable. Since you will always be spotted from upwards of 100m, not sure if it's a bug or intentional; either way we'll have to crawl a lot more if we don't want to attract zed attention.
  5. Ichimaruu

    I feel stupid.

    You don't have to be a hero to not abuse game exploits, you do know that right?
  6. Ichimaruu

    I feel stupid.

    I wouldn't be able to play my character if I DC'd out of death, really what's the point in playing if you're just going to do that?
  7. Ichimaruu

    Shit happens

  8. Definately worth it, played over 100 hrs and still having fun
  9. Ichimaruu

    This needs to be an MMO!

  10. Ichimaruu

    50% reduced sound theory

    Yeah, seems guns don't pull that many zombies any more for me. I usually can get away with firing, then a zombie won't be aggroed from like 10m from me, there's something wrong for sure; I'm just not sure exactly what causes it.
  11. Ichimaruu

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    The butthurt is strong with this one
  12. Ichimaruu

    How many FPS do you get in Elektro????

    Haven't checked man, but i'd guess around 25-35 at lowest settings i3 3.3ghz 3GB ram (max 32xp cap) GTS250
  13. Ichimaruu

    Rocket's overall plan.

    That or you just have reading problems.
  14. Me and my friend both spawned inside that building at the same time, you can get out if you keep running at the wall near the door we found out :)