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Dude, no-one is forcing you to play this.

But you don't to get what's going on here - we're all testers in a project, which will one day - hopefully - become a fully-fledged game.

It can't be 'broken' as you describe, because it's not even been built yet. It's being built as we speak; you're literally watching the walls go up around you.

Usually, Alpha tests are done behind closed doors. I have no idea why, but this is being tested in the open. The only thing you can be in response to that is grateful. I have to say, that's not how you're coming across.

If you don't have the patience for what's going on here, then fine. I would posit that it's your loss.

You obviously prefer Arma, so go play that. Nobody's going to miss you and with 500,000 other testers, your loss won't even be noticed.

Edited by Bottlerocket
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I like how you downgrade our criticism by quoting it incorrectly and adding a childish misspelling behaviour to it. In combination with the heavy emphasis on how you are the godsent of Arma players that has sucked up the games knowledge with his mothers milk that makes you sound kind of childish yourself.

You also seem to miss the arguement here: It's an alpha. That means the game has the right to be bad, because it's still being developed.

There is nothing more to this.

You can't take a half finished car from a factory and then complain that it doesn't have wheels.

1. You increasingly and unnecessary hostile response to my criticisms is childish and simply proves my point of the shroud of blatant over-defensiveness put around Dayz.

2. This is not an unfinished retail product, this a mod deliberately release to the public with the intent of quality and success that may very well someday become a retail game . It may be a work in progress, but it is not an Alpha trial of a retail product and the progress of this "work in progress" has been stunted and often completely reversed by bad design/development decisions at the expense of people's enjoyment and that warrants some criticism.

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I don#t understand you guys, if you have problems connecting to 1.7.2 or the zombies are too strong ( I still find them just as weak, but I am not running around with a hatchet either ), then play and write down your opinion in the designated post for it.

Nobody is stopping you, you are even encouraged, Personally I think the Zombie aggro range is too small. Especially at night I would further bump it, but as long as a simple abort fixes all zombie problems it hinders the immersion.

You know OP, it is easy to cry doomsday like a baby too instead of just lobbying constructively. You are quite blunt an idiot if you think your way of talking about things will achieve anything.

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This is a poorly made mod

There's your problem, right there... see? you believe it is 'made'. It hasn't been made. It is still under going extensive development.

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Glitchy, yes, arguably its very glitchy. Broken? No.

Very glitchy hardcore military sim = broken gaming experience

Substitute "military" with "survival" = DayZ

Difference being that there are no other online FPS survival sims, let alone free online FPS survival sims. There are plenty of military sims however, hopefully the funds from the DayZ hype will allow Arma 3 to be a much more polished military sim.

Edited by Electrolyte

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I like how you downgrade our criticism by quoting it incorrectly and adding a childish misspelling behaviour to it. In combination with the heavy emphasis on how you are the godsent of Arma players that has sucked up the games knowledge with his mothers milk that makes you sound kind of childish yourself.

You also seem to miss the arguement here: It's an alpha. That means the game has the right to be bad, because it's still being developed.

There is nothing more to this.

You can't take a half finished car from a factory and then complain that it doesn't have wheels.

Ha! Pwnt. Well done, sir!

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Given the fact that it's still in the alpha stage I find it pretty amazing that it works as well as it does to be honest. Also when the updates do cause issues they are normally fixed pretty quickly. An alpha test with over half a million players that works most of the time.....pretty good IMHO. I think people miss the point that its hear to be tested and not to be "played".

Edited by Zeds_Undead_baby

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Dude, no-one is forcing you to play this.

But you don't to get what's going on here - we're all testers in a project, which will one day - hopefully - become a fully-fledged game.

It can't be 'broken' as you describe, because it's not even been built yet. It's being built as we speak; you're literally watching the walls go up around you.

Usually, Alpha tests are done behind closed doors. I have no idea why, but this is being tested in the open. The only thing you can be in response to that is grateful. I have to say, that's not how you're coming across.

If you don't have the patience for what's going on here, then fine. I would posit that it's your loss.

You obviously prefer Arma, so go play that. Nobody's going to miss you and with 500,000 other testers, your loss won't even be noticed.

Let's analyze:

"Dude, no-one is forcing you to play this."

True, but by what convuluted logic this immunizes the game from criticism is beyond me.

"But you don't to get what's going on here - we're all testers in a project, which will one day - hopefully - become a fully-fledged game."

We are players too, this is a mod with dreams of retail, not a retail test, and mods are expected to have some level of quality when purposely released to the public and are ALLOWED TO BE CRITICIZED!

"It can't be 'broken' as you describe, because it's not even been built yet. It's being built as we speak; you're literally watching the walls go up around you." didn't seem too broken, but 1.7.2 plunged the mod backwards in quality, something that should be allowed to evoke criticism.

"Usually, Alpha tests are done behind closed doors. I have no idea why, but this is being tested in the open. The only thing you can be in response to that is grateful. I have to say, that's not how you're coming across."

That's because those are alpha trails for FULL RETAIL GAMES, and not mods.

"If you don't have the patience for what's going on here, then fine. I would posit that it's your loss."

I have patience, I just am frustrated by unnecessary, simply avoidable backwards progress in quality at the expense of the enjoyment I was previously having. Basically, patience has nothing to do with tolerance for stupid, criticism-worthy, mistakes.

You obviously prefer Arma, so go play that. Nobody's going to miss you and with 500,000 other testers, your loss won't even be noticed.

More hostility and alienation for criticizing you "beloved" Dayz. Perhaps you should build a shrine to the game if you worship it enough to be that defensive.

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There's nothing wrong with criticism and few are going to stop you if you are able to do it constructively. Most of these threads are pretty whiny and invite trolls though.

The patch screwed up for a lot of people. They're going to fix it.

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Very glitchy hardcore military sim = broken gaming experience

Substitute "military" with "survival" = DayZ

Difference being that there are no other online FPS survival sims, let alone free online FPS survival sims. There are plenty of military sims however, hopefully the funds from the DayZ hype will allow Arma 3 to be a much more polished military sim.

No, in Arma 2 I could always:

-Get into the majority of servers with my mods (or at first lack thereof) and version with no problems.

-Not have the game GREATLY fluctuate in quality from update-to-update.

-Not have numerous actions randomly cause deaths and complete loss of gear

-Not have the game randomly be ruined next time I get into it

-Not have trolls be able to 100% dominate and control me like Barbed Wire.

-Not numerously have my progress be suddenly and inexplicably be erased by actions from the CREATOR OF THE GAME THEMSELVES.

-Not deal with people getting ulcers every time I criticize the game.

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There's nothing wrong with criticism and few are going to stop you if you are able to do it constructively...

What world do you live in? All I see here is hostility towards ALL criticism.

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"Defense methodology for naysayers: Simply respond to all blatantly valid criticisms and complaints with statements along the lines of "its an alpha shut up, I'm in charge" along with the followers of the mod who are stupid enough to believe that this is an acceptable form of logic. And label anyone with reasonable issues with the unrealistic difficulty curve as "carebears" and belittle them."

Let's not beat around the bush here....you're an idiot!

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OP : You're playing a hardcore sandbox mod in alpha. Just shut up. You're not being constructive and if you don't like the mod in its current state, leave and come back when its in beta, or perhaps graduated to a stand alone game project.

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"Defense methodology for naysayers: Simply respond to all blatantly valid criticisms and complaints with statements along the lines of "its an alpha shut up, I'm in charge" along with the followers of the mod who are stupid enough to believe that this is an acceptable form of logic. And label anyone with reasonable issues with the unrealistic difficulty curve as "carebears" and belittle them."

Let's not beat around the bush here....you're an idiot!

Why? This exact thing has happened multiple times in this thread alone. People are WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too defensive of this mod.

Edited by FrankDaTank1218

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would just like to add that i have never seen rocket use the word fun to describe his design objectives for this mod. i have however seen him use the word frustration in instances in which he talks about the emotions he's trying to generate. i would also caution people from speculating on whether or not rocket's priorities are good or bad or whatever, as only a few people really know what's going on behind the curtain. anyways, continue the love fest gents! HUGS ALL AROUND!

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I don't think OP has a good understanding of giving criticism if you open your argument with suggesting that the creator is intentionally ruining his own mod. Expect people who like DayZ and Rocket to get defensive, that's the reason you made the post in the first place obviously.

Edited by Electrolyte

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I don't think OP has a good understanding of giving criticism if you open your argument with suggesting that the creator is intentionally ruining his own mod. Expect people who like DayZ and Rocket to get defensive, that's the reason you made the post in the first place obviously.

Rocket himself has said that among other things, he is trying to generate frustration from players. So I would say I have a good understanding of THE TRUTH.

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Well how many interviews has Rocket done where in order to enlighten the reader as to 'who he is', he goes into his military spiel..., where he's abandoned in the jungle and starving, then he cries for 2 days when someone gives him a cookie at the end of it.

This, I believe, is the experience he wants to 'give' to others. Making comments about him being a saddist, true IMO. ;)

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I love posts like this ppl cry over a game changing that is in ALPHA stage i like how the game changes adds more risk/reward formula bear traps are only thing i see as a bad idea due to mingebags abusing them and laying in doors and loot piles but as the game changes it gives rocket more feedback on what is wanted by the community.

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Rocket himself has said that among other things, he is trying to generate frustration from players. So I would say I have a good understanding of THE TRUTH.

So link a quote of Rocket saying that he is intentionally trying to ruin his mod. Until then, Rocket gets what he wants and you don't. Personally, I would go back to shooting that sweet AK I assume that is you holding in your avatar.

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I don't think OP has a good understanding of giving criticism if you open your argument with suggesting that the creator is intentionally ruining his own mod. Expect people who like DayZ and Rocket to get defensive, that's the reason you made the post in the first place obviously.

^^ this

The world I live in (not DayZ, thankfully) is one in which the courteous exchange of ideas flows freely until some twerp comes off like their opinion/idea is the only worth having. In this case that person is the OP.

Anyway, have fun :D

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I love posts like this ppl cry over a game changing that is in ALPHA stage i like how the game changes adds more risk/reward formula bear traps are only thing i see as a bad idea due to mingebags abusing them and laying in doors and loot piles but as the game changes it gives rocket more feedback on what is wanted by the community.

You cannot dismiss anything I said as untrue and I was criticize it. How is that crying? It isn't.

Here is what's really going on:

"I really really like Dayz and practically worship it in a very zealous manner. This guy is criticizing it and he's right, all attempts to logically dismiss him have failed, it is now time to throw the words bitch, crybaby, carebear, casual, noob, whiner and idiot at him until he somehow thinks he is wrong so he slinks away and shuts up because we have successfully bullied him into thinking we are right."

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So link a quote of Rocket saying that he is intentionally trying to ruin his mod. Until then, Rocket gets what he wants and you don't. Personally, I would go back to shooting that sweet AK I assume that is you holding in your avatar.

He sad he wants to frustrate us and his detrimentally bad development decisions have done just that. What else needs to be said? BTW that AK is actually a converted Saiga 7.62x39mm and its VERY SWEET I recommend it.

Edited by FrankDaTank1218

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