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Worried about DayZ's future, let's discuss.

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Hello everybody,

I'm creating this thread because I'm confused and worried...

Let me introduce myself really shortly, I am a HUGE fan of the zombie genre as a whole, movies (I've seen more than 55 of them), series, video games, short films and even a couple animes, if there are zombies in it then I'll love it.

So when I heard about DayZ I thought that finally it had come: The game that everybody was thinking about, the one that would let us role play as survivors of the zombie apocalypse.

We all thought about how awesome it would be at least once, but we're not actual game designers nor do we actually know about the exact limitations developers must deal with so we didn't have a precise idea of what it'd be like.

So DayZ really sounded like it would be the Holy Grail we were looking for! Well it's not actually a game, just a mod, but that's even better, it has this indie feeling to it "For gamers. By gamers." which means it doesn't have to follow the beaten path or to set boundaries with itself. The guy who was making the mod also seemed to be determined to make it the way he wanted it to be, no matter what people would say about it. Well fuck, that's amazing !

So what's the matter?

Well I've been reading a lot of people's reactions to playing the mod (and also played it myself.) and a lot of people seem disappointed, every update seems to be highly controversial and most people just seem to keep playing because they hope it will get better soon since the mod is only an alpha yet. They're willing to deal with anything because DayZ is the one, that one game they imagined. And they trust Rocket to make it so, the perfect game, the Holy Grail.

But is this perfect game even actually makeable as of 2012?

While Rocket has been good at carrying on with the idea he has of what DayZ should be, which he does share with some people, we can see more and more people complaining in the forums after every update. They didn't think the mod would be the way it is and they try to talk the people making it into changing things while it's still in alpha. But it doesn't seem to work at all and these people just stick by the mod thinking "Wait and see".

The total amount of players is still rising: 500 000 players as of today, many of them even bought Arma II : CO solely for DayZ.

But here's the matter:

Aren't people getting too hyped up about a mod which will in the end only be satisfying for a rather niche audience as it was probably meant to be from the beginning?

Didn't all this hype bring the wrong people here and won't it generate undeserved anger amongst the casual gamer community towards DayZ which will in the end disappoint them?

Isn't such a project as DayZ bound to disappoint because it's been fantasized over so much?

Edited by Nucleqrwinter
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I dont think this game attracted the wrong people "hackers", people genreally start cheating becuase they've been killed loads or they've seen a "Cool" video and they wanna copy it, the livestreams that have been happening have not been helping becuase people want to hack more becuse they see the power and they see themselfs being the "best" even though they have cheated their way there.

I think Dayz will go far, its still early Dayz yet to say if it will fail or not becuase like the Dayz staff keep posting, the game is growing with record numbers of people connecting, it's going strong and it's being updated all the time with hotfixes and set patch days, i think it's going well it's just a shame people wanna hack a mod thats ment to be a challange

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Hello everybody,

I'm creating this thread because I'm confused and worried...

Let me introduce myself really shortly, I am a HUGE fan of the zombie genre as a whole, movies (I've seen more than 55 of them), series, video games, short films and even a couple animes, if there are zombies in it then I'll love it.

So when I heard about DayZ I thought that finally it had come: The game that everybody was thinking about, the one that would let us role play as survivors of the zombie apocalypse.

We all thought about how awesome it would be at least once, but we're not actual game designers nor do we actually know about the exact limitations developers must deal with so we didn't have a precise idea of what it'd be like.

So DayZ really sounded like it would be the Holy Grail we were looking for! Well it's not actually a game, just a mod, but that's even better, it has this indie feeling to it "For gamers. By gamers." which means it doesn't have to follow the beaten path or to set boundaries with itself. The guy who was making the mod also seemed to be determined to make it the way he wanted it to be, no matter what people would say about it. Well fuck, that's amazing !

So what's the matter?

Well I've been reading a lot of people's reactions to playing the mod (and also played it myself.) and a lot of people seem disappointed, every update seems to be highly controversial and most people just seem to keep playing because they hope it will get better soon since the mod is only an alpha yet. They're willing to deal with anything because DayZ is the one, that one game they imagined. And they trust Rocket to make it so, the perfect game, the Holy Grail.

But is this perfect game even actually makeable as of 2012?

While Rocket has been good at carrying on with the idea he has of what DayZ should be, which he does share with some people, we can see more and more people complaining in the forums after every update. They didn't think the mod would be the way it is and they try to talk the people making it into changing things while it's still in alpha. But it doesn't seem to work at all and these people just stick by the mod thinking "Wait and see".

The total amount of players is still rising: 500 000 players as of today, many of them even bought Arma II : CO solely for DayZ.

But here's the matter:

Aren't people getting too hyped up about a mod which will in the end only be satisfying for a rather niche audience as it was probably meant to be from the beginning?

Didn't all this hype bring the wrong people here and won't it generate undeserved anger amongst the casual gamer community towards DayZ which will in the end disappoint them?

Isn't such a project as DayZ bound to disappoint because it's been fantasized over so much?

please explain.

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I guess reading the last 3 lines is the explination

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In my eyes there are only three possible ways DayZ will go:

#1: It will forever be a free mod for ArmA2 and eventually ArmA 3

#2: It will become a game mode for ArmA 3, accessable via the ArmA 3 menu

#3: It will become a stand alone video game produced and published by Bohemia Interactive with rocket at the head of the team and sold for the moderate price of 10-20$

Either way it will never stop catering to the hardcore community (rocket has pointed that out over and over again) and that's the way it's supposed to be. It was never intended to be a game for casual gamers and I couldn't care less about such people not liking it.

It is what it is and let's be happy about the fact that it will never be less :)

Edited by butter_milch

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I dont see what you're on about, people play because they like to play. They get upset when their teddybears are taken from them and then they adapt or they leave and the mod keeps evolving. I dont see the issue..

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I don't know Bob, the 3 questions I wrote in the end kind of sum up what my concerns are. I'm afraid that if the hype dies, the mod might be dead in a year from now. (Not really dead but far from its current popularity.)

Edited by Nucleqrwinter

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I don't know Bob, the 3 questions I wrote in the end kind of sum up what my concerns are. I'm afraid that if the hype dies, the mod might be dead in a year from now.

The game can only get better from where it's at now surely, it't only jsut started, once the core problems are out the way there can only be improvment right

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Yes Bunster but since it's an Alpha, changes to come might radically change the mod into something that might not appeal to as many people.

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I think the future for Day Z is looking pretty good unless something unexpected happens (meaning if things continue normally). I know lots of players are complaining when there are new patches, but I really don't think I've seen an update in any game where 100% of the community is happy... and I guess considering I played about two months worth of Diablo 3, that figure probably seems even worse for me.

Personally I would love and fully support an independent Day Z- considering that Arma 2 sales have shot through the roof ever since Day Z became popular, I'm pretty sure the good folks at Bohemia are looking at it as a good thing. I could even see them have it released as mode for Arma 3, then re-release it separately as its own game in order to maximize profit (which I wouldn't even think of as a negative thing at this point).

I think there's definitely a risk that they could lose or alienate some current players with possible future fixes/patches/etc., but I think that the game will continue to grow and attract new members as it has up until this time.

On a side note, I'd love to see a standalone game that isn't restricted to Arma 2's options.

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Well the hype brings alot of possibilities that would not have been available if there had not been 500k users wanting to play. If the hype dies I find it hard to see the community just die and as it is a mod it would probably never die but instead slowly keep evolving.

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I don't see what your point is here, OP.

So far, rocket hasn't given into any specific crowd that I've seen of. I don't expect anything from him, except a finished product on final launch.

If gamers are let down by this game, then that's their own fault. rocket has pretty much delivered what he offered this game as, and if you're expecting it to be anything game changing or exponentially 'awesome', then I'm sorry. You're going to be let down.

Now if rocket pulls a Blizzard on us, I'm gonna be pissed. But so far, I haven't seen that being the case at all.

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The only thing I'm worryed about is DayZ becoming more of a pvp game than a zombie apocalypse game.

The PvP is key to the experience, as it brings to the table something that the zombies can never do: an constant unpredictable threat.

But it needs to be balanced with the rest, or else the immersion will suffer greatly.

Rocket is on the right track though by making the zombies more of a threat as to the newest patch, but as many know they are hard for the wrong reasons: pathing issues and glitches. It needs to be a fair challenge where if YOU make a mistake, you die. Cheap deaths should stay in the 8 and 16-bit era of gaming.

And yes I know he is working on the pathing and so on, but he should have fixed those issues before buffing the zombies awareness.

I hope he can balance the game out and reach the potential DayZ has.

Edited by Teih
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I'm concerned mainly by the fact that since you lose everything every time you die, the process of losing players would be really quick if the game were to become too hard.

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Hello everybody,

I'm creating this thread because I'm confused and worried...

Let me introduce myself really shortly, I am a HUGE fan of the zombie genre as a whole, movies (I've seen more than 55 of them), series, video games, short films and even a couple animes, if there are zombies in it then I'll love it.

So when I heard about DayZ I thought that finally it had come: The game that everybody was thinking about, the one that would let us role play as survivors of the zombie apocalypse.

We all thought about how awesome it would be at least once, but we're not actual game designers nor do we actually know about the exact limitations developers must deal with so we didn't have a precise idea of what it'd be like.

So DayZ really sounded like it would be the Holy Grail we were looking for! Well it's not actually a game, just a mod, but that's even better, it has this indie feeling to it "For gamers. By gamers." which means it doesn't have to follow the beaten path or to set boundaries with itself. The guy who was making the mod also seemed to be determined to make it the way he wanted it to be, no matter what people would say about it. Well fuck, that's amazing !

So what's the matter?

Well I've been reading a lot of people's reactions to playing the mod (and also played it myself.) and a lot of people seem disappointed, every update seems to be highly controversial and most people just seem to keep playing because they hope it will get better soon since the mod is only an alpha yet. They're willing to deal with anything because DayZ is the one, that one game they imagined. And they trust Rocket to make it so, the perfect game, the Holy Grail.

But is this perfect game even actually makeable as of 2012?

While Rocket has been good at carrying on with the idea he has of what DayZ should be, which he does share with some people, we can see more and more people complaining in the forums after every update. They didn't think the mod would be the way it is and they try to talk the people making it into changing things while it's still in alpha. But it doesn't seem to work at all and these people just stick by the mod thinking "Wait and see".

The total amount of players is still rising: 500 000 players as of today, many of them even bought Arma II : CO solely for DayZ.

But here's the matter:

Aren't people getting too hyped up about a mod which will in the end only be satisfying for a rather niche audience as it was probably meant to be from the beginning?

Didn't all this hype bring the wrong people here and won't it generate undeserved anger amongst the casual gamer community towards DayZ which will in the end disappoint them?

Isn't such a project as DayZ bound to disappoint because it's been fantasized over so much?

A post going on and on about how you love the game and basically don't want the fact that your "indie" lovefest has a lot of new players. None of it makes sense. If people get past the frustration of initially playing and seeing that this game doesn't hold hands and they stick with the game. They seem to end up loving the game which is why you have so many new players.

Of course people will make suggestions all the time cause alot of people think they know better. Just visit a MMO forum for proof of that. The difference here is there really isnt pressure because of stockholders to try to please the crowd.

So not a issue at all.

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I'm one of the people who brought ArmA2:CO just for DayZ because it's different - it's intense, it's teamwork if you want it, and it's survival. Now this may make me part of "hype" joiners, and I'm okay with that. I know someone who brought it because of the hype and hasn't touched it since, and inevitably, as with all games, at some point the active players will decline; It's just part of the development lifecycle. Based on the community and the active development both on this mod and on the beta ArmA 2, I don't believe this decline will be any time soon.

Is it going to disappoint? Only to the people who don't do their research and find out what the game is (thinking it's L4D for instance) and as bobgold mentioned - they will leave but the mod will keep evolving. Likewise with people who don't like change - for them sometimes it's easier just to delete the game and quit rather than finding a new playing style. Good riddance to them imo.

So am I worried? Hell no. I'm excited to see where Rocket and the developers are going with this, adapting my game play with new patches and generally trying to outplay myself with each life. And with this strong of a community and popularity I would be surprised if there isn't a ArmA3/standalone in the future. Fact.

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I'm concerned mainly by the fact that since you lose everything every time you die, the process of losing players would be really quick if the game were to become too hard.

This isn't really an issue. If people don't want to lose their good quips when they die, they won't be playing in the first place.

Once the final release comes and everything is pretty much ironed out, I doubt people won't know how this game works.

(And yes, I am focusing on the final release, because pertaining to the future, that's all that matters. Players might drop from the alpha, but that could easily be them waiting for a stable release.)

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oZiix I know where you are coming from when you say that but no I'm not a DayZ fanboy-hipster. Actually I haven't even been playing that much lately because I feel like the Zeds are really not in a good place as of now and it ruins my fun too much as a solo player.

Edit: It's not that I don't like the difficulty of them, I just don't get a "Zombie" feeling from them. They are too superhuman for my tastes, it just feels like the 2008 remake of Day Of The Dead and it's awful.

Edited by Nucleqrwinter

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oZiix I know where you are coming from when you say that but no I'm not a DayZ fanboy-hipster. Actually I haven't even been playing that much lately because I feel like the Zeds are really not in a good place as of now and it ruins my fun too much as a solo player.

Edit: It's not that I don't like the difficulty of them, I just don't get a "Zombie" feeling from them. They are too superhuman for my tastes, it just feels like the 2008 remake of Day Of The Dead and it's awful.

well is in testing right now with adjusted aggro it sounds like it will be closer to how it was before.

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Aren't people getting too hyped up about a mod which will in the end only be satisfying for a rather niche audience as it was probably meant to be from the beginning?

I think so, yes. The gaming industry is built on hype though, and I think that behavior pattern is already ingrained in the consumer base. Day 1 buy, pre-order, etc. Buying Arma 2 now, and playing the alpha, is like a pre-order in a way to a lot of people joining up, and it wasn't intended to be that way. "This game is going to be great, better pre-order and get beta access now!"

Didn't all this hype bring the wrong people here and won't it generate undeserved anger amongst the casual gamer community towards DayZ which will in the end disappoint them?

I kind of addressed this, but yeah. You are spot on. A large number of people who are buying into Arma 2, solely for Day Z, will be disappointed, likely without even trying Arma 2 itself. I don't think their disappointment will spread much though. There is, like you said, a niche here that is very much enjoying the direction of things. Those complaints and boohooing about wasted money will fall on deaf ears.

Isn't such a project as DayZ bound to disappoint because it's been fantasized over so much?

This I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "fantasized over." As early in development as it still it, there is a lot of room for fantasy. Maybe if someone's fantasy doesn't match up to the dev team's there would be some disappointment, but like I said, there's a niche here, a very masochistic (even sadistic, you bandits you) niche.

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I see you get my point! I was wondering if some of the people who replied actually read my post entirely. :P

By "Fantasized over" I don't mean DayZ itself but rather as Rocket says "This game everybody was thinking about but nobody had made yet", which DayZ may or may not be.

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Hello everybody,

I'm creating this thread because I'm confused and worried...

Let me introduce myself really shortly, I am a HUGE fan of the zombie genre as a whole, movies (I've seen more than 55 of them), series, video games, short films and even a couple animes, if there are zombies in it then I'll love it.

So when I heard about DayZ I thought that finally it had come: The game that everybody was thinking about, the one that would let us role play as survivors of the zombie apocalypse.

We all thought about how awesome it would be at least once, but we're not actual game designers nor do we actually know about the exact limitations developers must deal with so we didn't have a precise idea of what it'd be like.

So DayZ really sounded like it would be the Holy Grail we were looking for! Well it's not actually a game, just a mod, but that's even better, it has this indie feeling to it "For gamers. By gamers." which means it doesn't have to follow the beaten path or to set boundaries with itself. The guy who was making the mod also seemed to be determined to make it the way he wanted it to be, no matter what people would say about it. Well fuck, that's amazing !

So what's the matter?

Well I've been reading a lot of people's reactions to playing the mod (and also played it myself.) and a lot of people seem disappointed, every update seems to be highly controversial and most people just seem to keep playing because they hope it will get better soon since the mod is only an alpha yet. They're willing to deal with anything because DayZ is the one, that one game they imagined. And they trust Rocket to make it so, the perfect game, the Holy Grail.

But is this perfect game even actually makeable as of 2012?

While Rocket has been good at carrying on with the idea he has of what DayZ should be, which he does share with some people, we can see more and more people complaining in the forums after every update. They didn't think the mod would be the way it is and they try to talk the people making it into changing things while it's still in alpha. But it doesn't seem to work at all and these people just stick by the mod thinking "Wait and see".

The total amount of players is still rising: 500 000 players as of today, many of them even bought Arma II : CO solely for DayZ.

But here's the matter:

Aren't people getting too hyped up about a mod which will in the end only be satisfying for a rather niche audience as it was probably meant to be from the beginning?

Didn't all this hype bring the wrong people here and won't it generate undeserved anger amongst the casual gamer community towards DayZ which will in the end disappoint them?

Isn't such a project as DayZ bound to disappoint because it's been fantasized over so much?

yup, sadly the crazy hype that this mod has gotten, has brought in the worst type of gamers...

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But this niche audience seems rather large don't you think?Its a very harsh game and its selling like hotcakes.;)

The hype was harsh world where its a struggle to survive.If you came and its too harsh then leave in silence please.Please do not ruin it for the gamers that have been looking for this for yrs now.Just look at all the reviews and forum posts for all the other game genres.They are saying "what happened to games,they challenged you in past and its like a dumbing down feel now",Not talking about deathmatch/strategy type games.Well Rocket and BIS are finally taking a plunge with this,and sticking to it it seems.

Its bound to succeed due to above.I am slowly getting better and lasting longer and longer.Never found any matches yet or even a military weapon.This bodes well for longetivity.... make your players have to adapt to the harshness and try to survive.Its what DayZ is trying to bring so enjoy it.

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yup, sadly the crazy hype that this mod has gotten, has brought in the worst type of gamers...

Let me guess, that type just happens to conveniently be people who don't play the game precisely the way you do with exactly the same motivations and methodologies?

People who don't think the designer should start throwing up invisible walls and arbitrary punishments to get everyone to fall in line, lock step with your personal subjective evaluation of what the game should be about?

People who enjoy PvP for its own sake?

The irony of your post is that gamers like YOU are the ones who threaten to poison DayZ against it's roots and pull it back from the bleeding edge of game design toward a watered-down, status-quo borefest like every other online game that has come out in the last 15 years. You're asinine complaining and namby-pamby hand wringing has been a blight on this forum since the day you showed up.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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