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Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

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I think the best thing would an option to choose west or east. Divide the map in two and if you choose west you will spawn anywhere between Kamenka and Prigorodky, Choose east and spawn anywhere between Elektro and nizhonye. That way you still have to run bit to meet up with your friends again and the randomness is still there.

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Why don't they include a spawn menu to let people choose where they spawn? It's not that hard.

hi , not sure if that will be a good idea , after all its a game where you try to be alive as long as it takes not a game where you have a map and choice of spawn points.

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Yeah I think remove the respawn button or put a timer on, say for example if you pressed respawn you would have to wait a further 5-10minutes to press it again. This would remove the constant respawns and in the chance the player does bug out 5 mintues isn't that long to wait.

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5min respawn on all respawns.5mins to mourne the loss of your character, go drink something or take a poop. 5mins is not alot in the scale of things.5mins is gonna be a major annoyance if you're pressing respawn repeatedly to select a specific starting position.

This except maybe 10 or 15 minutes instead. 5 minutes is annoying, but you can always just browse the web for 5 minutes then try again. 10 or 15 really would make people just say f it and play wherever they spawn.

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Choosing where to spawn? Hell no. I hope they never put that in.

The point is SURVIVAL. It is meant to be hard, tought, unforgiving. Oh you want to play with your little friend? Then man up, sack up, and walk the 45 minutes meet each other. Along the way you'll find some stuff, they'll find some stuff, then when you meet you can trade and continue together.

Oh you can only play for 2 hours? Then spend today getting together, save somewhere safe, and come back tomorrow to carry on.

Between threads on here I've seen people wanting to choose where to spawn, have auto-walk, start with a weapon, be able to spawn in teams, communicate wherever you are in-game via some magical radio... Hell, why not just spawn inside a house? With supplies already in the bunker? And stay down there? And never do any exploring? And never have the awesome rush of looting a town on your own, bragging to a mate when you finally reach him & swapping stories?

In fact, why not just make the game play itself? Hooray, we all survive, all the time, and no-one ever needs to actually do anything ever.

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Just disable the bloody respawn button..

I agree, disable the respawn button.

To solve the "spawn close to my friends" i would suggest it when there's a group or party option, then it would be awesome to select "spawn close to my party" and then respawn at the closest spawn point of your party/group.

Edited by jedimitch

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This except maybe 10 or 15 minutes instead. 5 minutes is annoying, but you can always just browse the web for 5 minutes then try again. 10 or 15 really would make people just say f it and play wherever they spawn.

You can also watch cat videos on youtube for 10-15 minutes, I just think the respawn timer has to be fairly low, so legit deaths isn't punnished unreasonably.

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That's why bandits kills are only the 20% or total kills....

Respawns under 5 minutes aren't part of the statistics.

I really don't mind, but if you do get a shit spawn, it does suck. I've had plenty of lives where I traveled from Kamenka to Cherno and found nothing but cans.

It's pretty much just a waste of time for the player. And for as tedious and time-sink-y this game already is, it's not worth the uproar it'll cause.

Edited by KWilt

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Disabling the respawn button won't do anything. Anyone can just run into the nearest town, pull all the zombies and die on purpose, or find a way to kill themselves easily.

This is indeed a problem that needs to be solved...

Maybe the only solution is to make spawn points ALL over the map instead of on just the coast? Then people will have a minimal chance of getting the spawn point they want. They may just give up and actually try?

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I use the respawn button from time to time but not to get to cherno or elektro. I use it to get to my friends faster (mostly dont know their arse from their elbow). I dont see how this is harming anyone so i cant agree with your post. Respawn menu however isnt a bad idea.

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Yet again I will reiterate because everyone seems to be trying to come up with needlessly complex or punishing solutions to very simple problems...

Just make loot spawn more evenly around the coast where people spawn, so no matter where you spawn, you have an equal footing.

That would eliminate any reason to respawn.

Edited by soapmak3r

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Still, none of "respawn whiners" had stated any reasons how respawn affects their game or game at all. You can still have all your "hard, unforgiving game" and all the other bs u mentioned, and normal people can still meet up and have a nice game with their friends, and everyone is happy. I don't think loot should be more evenly spread since that wouldn't make much sense, but just let people spawn where they want.

Again as none has provided any real reason how this is affecting game i can only conclude that they are a bunch of frustrated little mommas basement trolls who can't stand people respawning quickly and re-killing them while they still loot their bodies...

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Yes, i think it would be viable to disable the respawn button ONLY if we get rid of the bugs that actually makes us respawn in order to play properly, AND maybe turning those ghost areas like Kamenka into places that we can actually find something, i mean anything. Maybe people would actually stay and walk around those places.

Edited by Fenrig

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Just disable respawning for 5 minutes once you've logged in and your character is loaded in the game. For people who land in the dev forest or plains or some foresaken (in their opinion) place, they still can respawn after 5 minutes.

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I think the best thing would an option to choose west or east. Divide the map in two and if you choose west you will spawn anywhere between Kamenka and Prigorodky, Choose east and spawn anywhere between Elektro and nizhonye. That way you still have to run bit to meet up with your friends again and the randomness is still there.


Finally a good compromise....simplifies spawning in with your friends but not in such a way that you can just spawn at Elektro and chase after that sniper who just killed you....incorporate the timer feature with this and problem solved (more or less)

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I wan't to be able to spawn as close to where I died as possible

What's the point of that? So you can go loot your old body for the stuff you had before? If that's the case, the why not just have people start with stuff. Or make everyone unable to die. Either way it defeats the purpose of the game. If you die, you have to start over, from a new place, and create a new story with a new character.

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let them respawn as much as they want, the real problem is the disconnecting pussies!

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what's so wrong with kamenka? there's a slew of deerstands i love to loot.

Shhhh .... after hearing about this and never finding it I finally stumbled across this location. Got myself a AK-74 Kobra within 10 mins of respawning (after getting shot). Quickest I've ever been back on my feet.

Let's not tell everyone, right?

Edited by Bottlerocket

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Even if this does happen, those kind of players will just come up to a group of zombies, jump off a building or what-ever so they respawn.

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To everyone saying: "what's the problem with spawning close to your friends/group"... Let me give you an example:

Me and my group of 5 friends are going around player-killing. We let our guard down momentarily and YOU (an independent player) manage to kill one of my group members. Everyone takes cover and waits without another shot fired. 30 seconds later, our fallen comrade respawns back into our group. You kill another two of my group members before getting killed yourself. You respawn in Kamenka while my other 2 friends respawn back into the group and we continue our way to the NW airfield and not a fuck was given.

Get the picture?

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what's so wrong with kamenka? there's a slew of deerstands i love to loot.

well. on one side there's kamenka with 5 (iirc) deerstands

on the other sire there's electro and cherno, with supermarket, church, several 'houses'/hotels and firestations.

yes, and a lot more people. but still

where in kamenka would you get a watch, map and a compas? or ALICE pack and, dunno, camo gear?

i play solo (because of rl stuff) and there's absolutely nothing to do anywhere near kamenka, untill you get up north to those deerstands and head to zelenogorsk

also, PVP

now, if there was an abandoned military station, or an upturned truck with some residential type loot or some such shit. i'd actually prefer kamenka 'cause one could get decently kitted (decently to survive) and go hunt for pimp shooty gear inland, and later get back to pvp

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Finally a good compromise....simplifies spawning in with your friends but not in such a way that you can just spawn at Elektro and chase after that sniper who just killed you....incorporate the timer feature with this and problem solved (more or less)

This. I think most groups and clans out there focus their area of operations to either west or east of the map. If you end up on the complete opposite side of the map when you die, that means you'll likely be spending the entire gaming session getting back to your friends. I think that is too much as it puts a damper on group activity if one or more people of a group die. Having to take 10-15 minutes to regroup, which is what I estimate the time would be if we could choose east or west, is perfectly acceptable though.

Let us pick east or west side, perhaps even enabling inland spawning in the same turn to make up for this small allowance. :)

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