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[WAR] Pandemic Legion declares war on the imposter legion

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well concidering the two main heads of legion have been dealing with a lot i dont think they know this so rather then bashing why dont you just let them know whats going on.

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On a serious note if i were [LEGION] I'd be getting that mil spec'ed gear together pretty quickly.

I would say something about Shadoo and armor hacs but i'm getting evil looks by my boss.

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- Go to page 1.

- read the Post.

Pandemic legion arnt accusing Legion of spawning weapons or hacking.

How about you all get back on topic, you know.

Legion will stand and fight! Hazaaaaar, that sort of random crap.

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This will not turn into some sort of Legion bashing gang bang. I hate baby sitting threads, especially if it concerns anything Legion, but I'm curious as to where this will go. No posts concerning either "Legion" (wft?!) hacking, cheating, kicking, screwing sheep, whatever.

Keep it on topic.

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Theatre. Better recognize. Don't be so effing serious.

How else will the epic state of roleplaying really creep into this game? Watch and enjoy.


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I'm here to represent Nulli Secunda and say all of Delve belongs to me.

Hey, I'm in Nulli too :D

Came to the forums to figure out why I couldn't play (some server issue, I'm completely new to this), saw a PL thread, facedesked. Hi friends <3

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Ahh reminds me of the old EVE online days.

Presuming you guys are the same PL in EVE, this will be sweet.

GLHF guys, the rest of us, sit back and relax.

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Z-Marshal Pallidum Treponema,

I am stopping by here to inform you, Pandemic Legion, that we, Legion (We Are Legion) are well aware of this issue are taking the following steps.

1.) Tonight we will be holding a meeting among the leadership to determine our response to your demands

2.) We will post a response to your demands, publicly, tomorrow by 3pm Eastern Standard Time, within your 24 hour period.

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Those guys are really giving Legion a bad name. I hope you sort those guys out.

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Ahhhhhh a good old wardec.

I'm in TEST Alliance Best Alliance on EVE....

This makes me sexually excited.

I may have to fight for [LEGION] though...PL scum.

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Honestly, I can't read the OP without laughing. We're solving the issue as we speak, so remain patient. Untill then, upon my return tomorrow, make some popcorn, and relax.

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you say what you dont know hmm does any person on here know that [Legion] bans hackers and kicks them from the clan? guess not im not going to sit here and fight with a bunch of people who dont like [Legion] you dont like them dont play with them get over it really i mean this is just stupid

I have been kicked from their servers a few times

But just like you said, I don't hop on their servers anymore

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I was on a [legion] atlanta server a few days ago, found a helicopter fully in tact, the admin kept asking where I found it and i told him I didnt know , he said something along the lines of 'well fine, hope you enjoyed it while you had it' and he reset the server.

It was extremely lame.

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This is NOT a "let's bash legion" thread. I don't care if one of their members gutted, cooked and ate your dog, it does NOT go here.

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This is NOT a "let's bash legion" thread. I don't care if one of their members gutted' date=' cooked and ate your dog, it does NOT go here.


I guess I'm a little confused at this.

This specifically is a "Bash Legion thread". Specifically their behavior on their servers and on these forums and others has reached the point where action by other players needed to be taken. No one is using abusive language, harassing them, or doing anything other then reporting their experiences.

What gives you the right to say that that isn't ok?

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I guess I'm a little confused at this.

This specifically is a "Bash Legion thread". Specifically their behavior on their servers and on these forums and others has reached the point where action by other players needed to be taken. No one is using abusive language' date=' harassing them, or doing anything other then reporting their experiences.

What gives you the right to say that that isn't ok?


No, it's not. How do I know that? Because I've personally closed at least two of them in the past that were.

What you are missing are the posts that have already been deleted. Advice: don't pick a fight with a mod when you don't even know what the hell you are talking about.

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Alright my two cents isn't worth much here but thought I would give a little background on the situation.

This all started two days ago when several of the [Legoin] members were on a different server. (I will not name them publicly as to refrain from dragging someone else into this). Anyway after playing for about 30 minutes in this other server all of the [Legion] members in the server were kicked. As a member of 7Cav (Neutral to both sides) I went to the servers Team Speak to find out why the members were kicked. The server administrator informed me that he bans all [Legion] members on sight. When I inquired he stated this was because the Legion clan is known hackers and do everything they can to exploit the game. He went on to say that the devs for Dayz were aware of this as well.

Anyway I went on to ask this administrator how he knew they were trouble makers and he then stated to me that he has known the Legion clan for several years now and they are known to start trouble. (Being that [Legion] is only several weeks old this was a bit confusing). I asked for clarification on the clan and that is when he stated that "Pandemic Legion" is the problem. I informed him that this clan "WeAreLegion" [Legion] is not the same group. We all then made amends, the players were un-banned, and we all went about our merry ways.

Further probing into this by talking to several other server administrators and they stated they also thought [Legion] is also [PL]. Thus showing that at least several of the people that have been directing these accusations about [Legion] causing problems, hacking, ect, was actually meant to be directed to [PL].

I went to the PR representative for [Legion] and explained the situation and even got him to meet with the server administrator of the server that banned [Legion] on sight and now all is good. However the public statement made by Cory, (while not the most politically correct) was meant to ensure that the administrators understood that there are two clans here in Dayz that use the name "Legion" and to not get them confused.

*Side Note* Myself and a large number of 7Cav have been playing with the [Legion] members now for three weeks and have yet to see all these acquisitions first hand. I cannot say that none of this happens, but if it does, it doesnt happen during the 10-14 hours per day that I play this game.

*** Once again I say that myself, along with the rest of 7Cav remain neutral in this incident. This was simply to give some background to the situation and to provide what I have seen over the past three weeks.***


1st Platoon Leader

Charlie Company

1st Battalion

7th Cavalry Regiment

"Air Assault"


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