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[WAR] Pandemic Legion declares war on the imposter legion

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Yes, poor Evan. :(

I have to admit I felt a little bad for killing him right after he patched up our operative. :(

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Cori has been banished from legion, not as part of ur demands, but rather cause im sick of this situation. Im a gamer and i dont take kindly to some group from eve online labeling my clan as somthing because of someones words, a 17 year old in fact, this member has hurt legion far worse than yall, trust me, its on a money level now. Now if u wana do this war thing, by all means, ive been with the arma series as part of the mil sim community for 6 years, i know my shit. Now way i see it, we can deal with this as adults, or we can sling lead at eachother till the cows come home, either way is fine by me, im gona gona get fired up over this further

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Until they can heal our wounded hearts by a peace offering of love and friendship (plus ammo)' date=' [/quote']

Careful they don't give you all that ammo pointy end first. :D Now where's my popcorn?

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All i have been wondering is if the atlanta servers will be coming back online in the future?

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I love this. The tears. The drama. The eve leaking into dayz.

All the haters need to STFU, this is how stories get written in sandbox games. This is hour heroes are made an conflict becomes history. I hate people that bitch about how other people play their games, "hurrr durrrr you're such a nerd, I am going to go sit in front of wow/cod/any other casual crap ass game title for 10hours straight. I am not a nerd, I don't roleplay."

I can't wait to see how this develops.

Also, if war happens, I would love to see streams of both sides, although I am sure one or both will end up stream sniping.

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Also' date=' if war happens, I would love to see streams of both sides, although I am sure one or both will end up stream sniping.


Stream sniping is a disgraceful act of cowardice and we, Pandemic Legion, honorably pledge to NEVER take advantage of these horrible cheating methods... again.

Non-sniping regards,

Stream-Marshal Palli 'Honorable' Treponema

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You know, it occurred to me today that DayZ isn't the right mod for this, at least in it's current incarnation. We need something MUCH more PVP, where at least you can avoid friendly fire, since there won't be none of that 3rd person, flaming name tag shit in a real war, right?

Here's hoping rocket finds time to find some way of facilitating DayZ "competitive mode" or whatever... Or if you guys decide war is more fun than killing zed, let me know what mod you settle on. I'd pick up a weapon in that just for the giggles.

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Actually, I think you're wrong.

I think DayZ is exactly the right mod for this. This is a sandbox environment where the players make the rules, not a controlled railshooter or a confined space twitch-FPS. This is where we, the players, decide the rules of the war, and how it's develops.

In the defined-gameplay type of games, such as WoW (aka Battlegrounds), BF3, TF2 etc, there are defined teams. These teams know to go shoot anyone who isn't showing their colors. We already have so many of those games, and many of us are bored of it. Sure, it may be fun for a bit, but in the long run, it just gets repetitive.

In a sandbox style game, however, such as DayZ or EVE Online, the conflicts are defined by the players, as are the allegiances and goals. There's no set time limit or number of tickets to reach. There's no pre-defined GOAL for a war, upon which all players get a scoreboard and get happy about their accomplishments.

Instead, in this kind of games, a war is decided on by the participants. This can create wars where both sides are winners, or both sides are the losers. Or why even restrict it to two sides? Perhaps one of the belligerents bring in their friends, to bolster their ranks. Perhaps one of the individuals is working for the other side?

This is how epic stories are made, epic stories such as the ones that have defined DayZ so far. Look at all the stories of survival, betrayal, victory against uncertain odds, or defeats at the very last minute. This is what a sandbox environment is all about.

And this is why DayZ is exactly the right kind of mod for a war such as this.


Seriousposting-Marshall Palli 'Not trolling' Treponema

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How exactly you gonna go about making sure you kill the right players if people change their names and nametags are removed?

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Actually' date=' I think you're wrong.

I think DayZ is exactly the right mod for this. This is a sandbox environment where the players make the rules, not a controlled railshooter or a confined space twitch-FPS. This is where we, the players, decide the rules of the war, and how it's develops.

In the defined-gameplay type of games, such as WoW (aka Battlegrounds), BF3, TF2 etc, there are defined teams. These teams know to go shoot anyone who isn't showing their colors. We already have so many of those games, and many of us are bored of it. Sure, it may be fun for a bit, but in the long run, it just gets repetitive.

In a sandbox style game, however, such as DayZ or EVE Online, the conflicts are defined by the players, as are the allegiances and goals. There's no set time limit or number of tickets to reach. There's no pre-defined GOAL for a war, upon which all players get a scoreboard and get happy about their accomplishments.

Instead, in this kind of games, a war is decided on by the participants. This can create wars where both sides are winners, or both sides are the losers. Or why even restrict it to two sides? Perhaps one of the belligerents bring in their friends, to bolster their ranks. Perhaps one of the individuals is working for the other side?

This is how epic stories are made, epic stories such as the ones that have defined DayZ so far. Look at all the stories of survival, betrayal, victory against uncertain odds, or defeats at the very last minute. This is what a sandbox environment is all about.

And this is why DayZ is exactly the right kind of mod for a war such as this.


Seriousposting-Marshall Palli 'Not trolling' Treponema


It was a good post, I'll give you that.

But have you given any thought to how "war" might even work in DayZ? Let's pretend that all the servers let you do that nerfed name tag thing... how do you know what clan someone is from if they don't wear a tag? With a respawn beckoning how do you know if you've won?

I mean no disrespect. I'm seriously interested in how you, being from a game(s) that is perhaps better adept at handling this sort of situation, imagine the same happening in DayZ? Team colors exist in most popular games for a reason.

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After awhile at looking at this situation, im sorry that one of our former members bashed your group when it was not called for. For what its worth i apoligise. All in all, if yall want to bring somthing into this mod not before seen in the form of a clan on clan war, i look forward to it, i will inform our members to go at it in a manner of adults. See you ingame when Rocket gives us back our servers after fixing this error of the ghost server.


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Watching two large groups go at it sounds pretty cool. However, this is all just bloody bananas. Someone says something mean about your precious group, so your best course of action is QQ on the forums? Typical, actually. Then you demand they remove this member and give you weapons? What obligation do they have to this? The only reason I see is "because I said so". And instead of contacting the leaders of this group, you throw it on the forums to stir up drama and rustle jimmies. This seems more like entitled whining and a stunt for attention than anything serious.

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I seriously love this. Amateur theatre at its best. People who say "you get a life you're such geeks" are just boring and afraid of putting up a bit of a show.

Also about people saying that the war wouldn't work. I imagine this war working more like a feud, with Legion (and Legion..) members gunning for each other. This could be really good! Also it should be honorbound that you use your clans tag when you are in a clan, and that clan is in a feud. If you doth not take up arms to defend your clan, then what shell of a man are you?

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Still though, despite my previous post, I would love to see this amount to an actual war, or at least feud, in DayZ between these two groups. Like Oktyabr said, though, pics/vids or it didn't happen.

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This is the turning point of this game/mod, the point where you ultimately decide on the fate of this long term.

You can squash this drama and try to censor it as much as possible, just like most other games, to make everyone have a good time, with no frills. All the drama could be contained in a "competitive mode". This could be referred to as a themepark MMO game. The devs make all the content, drama and plot twists and everyone gets a fair go.

Or alternatively, you can do an EVE Online and let this all play out. Let the players create all the drama, the conflict. Sure the Zombies are a common enemy, but people have scores to settle. People on the sidelines like observing drama, the devs don't need to create any stories, the players do, and they are so much more interesting than prescripted events, because people made it happen, not the game. Yes people will get hurt, some people will hate the drama. You will alienate some people, the game will turn into a niche game. Just as ArmA itself has been.

But it will be timeless.

Look at all other themepark MMOs which all boom quickly then fizzle out, then dies, then theres EVE Online which slowly but steadily rises.

Why? Not because of the game itself, the game is kind of crappy and broken at a lot of times, but what the game facilitates. The community which has built up around it, PURELY because of the ability to create unregulated drama and conflict that constantly reach the headlines of gaming websites and magazines from a niche game.

This is what Day Z should be. Pure and unregulated. It will be chaotic at first, but already we have seen people band together for a common cause, already on this forum itself and probably out of it.

Your decision on this policy will ultimately define the fate of this mod.

And the most important thing, is to stand by that policy.

I have a feeling that Rocket wanted this from the start, but maybe didn't forsee it happening so soon, probably check up with him on it.

Edit: As for how the war might work, well let the community decide.

Wars can be won or lost in the hearts and minds.

There doesn't have to be team colours. Look at the war in the Middle East. The enemy doesn't wear team colours. They purposely try to blend in. Everyone does.

It doesn't have to be a kill count, not an official screenshot or video. When one side is satisfied with an outcome, then it ends. Or when the willpower of one side dies out, it ends.

This is a zombie apocalypse after all, it's chaos.

Yes, the dev teams can add tools to aid in these, like collecting name tags of the bodies you check, but other than that, it should be free game.

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Without giving out too much, yes, we've thought through this war quite a lot. We know how to kill them and we will.

Even so, we've already won. They've removed their clan tags in shame, and some of them have even changed their names in order to hide from us. They're making excuses in public forums and threads in a vain attempt to clear their name.

Their accusations have not only been proven false, but have even backfired on them. They are afraid of us, terrified of us, and they know it. Even their hurf-blurf on the forums is transparent and we all know what they really think.

All this has only caused to hurt them even more, and I only set things in motion. They provided all the fuel to the fire themselves.

Anyone who knows about Pandemic Legion knows that we thrive on drama. All the crying from the pubbies on this forum and others fuel us. And the best thing is, I only had to set up the stage. All the drama played out on its own.

And Nomad, thank you for satisfying two of my demands. The third demand will be settled on the field of battle, because there will be a war. And, I've already won.

Victorious Love and Theater,

Hurfblurf-Marshall Palli 'IWON' Treponema

This is the turning point of this game/mod' date=' the point where you ultimately decide on the fate of this long term.

You can squash this drama and try to censor it as much as possible, just like most other games, to make everyone have a good time, with no frills. All the drama could be contained in a "competitive mode". This could be referred to as a themepark MMO game. The devs make all the content, drama and plot twists and everyone gets a fair go.

Or alternatively, you can do an EVE Online and let this all play out. Let the players create all the drama, the conflict. Sure the Zombies are a common enemy, but people have scores to settle. People on the sidelines like observing drama, the devs don't need to create any stories, the players do, and they are so much more interesting than prescripted events, because people made it happen, not the game. Yes people will get hurt, some people will hate the drama. You will alienate some people, the game will turn into a niche game. Just as ArmA itself has been.

But it will be timeless.

Look at all other themepark MMOs which all boom quickly then fizzle out, then dies, then theres EVE Online which slowly but steadily rises.

Why? Not because of the game itself, the game is kind of crappy and broken at a lot of times, but what the game facilitates. The community which has built up around it, PURELY because of the ability to create unregulated drama and conflict that constantly reach the headlines of gaming websites and magazines from a niche game.

This is what Day Z should be. Pure and unregulated. It will be chaotic at first, but already we have seen people band together for a common cause, already on this forum itself and probably out of it.

Your decision on this policy will ultimately define the fate of this mod.

And the most important thing, is to stand by that policy.

I have a feeling that Rocket wanted this from the start, but maybe didn't forsee it happening so soon, probably check up with him on it.

Edit: As for how the war might work, well let the community decide.

Wars can be won or lost in the hearts and minds.

There doesn't have to be team colours. Look at the war in the Middle East. The enemy doesn't wear team colours. They purposely try to blend in. Everyone does.

It doesn't have to be a kill count, not an official screenshot or video. When one side is satisfied with an outcome, then it ends. Or when the willpower of one side dies out, it ends.

This is a zombie apocalypse after all, it's chaos.

Yes, the dev teams can add tools to aid in these, like collecting name tags of the bodies you check, but other than that, it should be free game.


Quoting this post because of the inherent truth contained within.

Iridescent Tranquility,

QFT-Marshal Pallidum 'Isawthetruth' Treponema

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The only was this would work would be in a controlled server thus defeating the point of the game in my opinion.

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Hello friends, I am a shadowy insider with critical information about pandemic legion.

None of their members take this war seriously. This whole thread was an attempt to draw out the tears of "Cori", aka Defendant 1. With his smugly superior attitude and pandemic legion farming elektro for days bored to tears, the leadership under the self declared messiah Palli decided to post an amazing flamebait. And looking at all the tears here, and the inconsistent policy positions by "Nomad" aka Defendant 2, it's clearly worked. That man, the aforementioned defendant 2, has been flip flopping to try to keep up with public opinion, opinion in this thread stoked by various PL posters posting without tags to ramp up drama. And I in no way mean this to be a personal attack against Nomad, but if you want your clan to be taken seriously, you may want to consider punctuation, grammar, and capitalization. I make you now a serious offer to help you craft your posts in the future, send me a pm friend.

Most importantly, and critically, to understanding this thread, is an understanding that PL shoot everyone besides themselves, and even sub-groups within PL shoot each other. There was never a reason to declare war because every member of PL is a bone fide bandit multiple homicide gangster. When you understand that they came here to murder you for beans and bloodpacks, the truth is revealed; the truth that in fact the whole thread is an amazingly orchestrated troll flame, bit on repeated, stoking the flames with tears.

When you are dealing with PL, anything you say will be placed under intense scrutiny for logical fallacies and inconsistency. These serve as bread and butter for their semi sociological need to assert their collective superiority over a group of mostly disorganized players. Let's face it, Pandemic Legion is the only true organized clan. You know the big names, Wrik, Jogyn, Tinkeng, Palli, Gobbins. These people have probably murdered you, perhaps more than once. They fly three choppers at the same time, with parts and fuel scavenged by thirty plus people, slaughtering hundreds of people who come to see the floating gun palaces.

Well, I seem far afield of my original point now, so let me wrap up by saying continuing to post here will be an embarrassment to everyone involved. Quit while you are far behind, and note that your tears have provided much sustenance to pandemic legion members who spend six hours a day playing dayz, and another hour a day posting about it. You keep their life force alive to continue pushing buttons, and I'm sure they thank you for your contribution, once they are done laughing.

- Elusif Man

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The only was this would work would be in a controlled server thus defeating the point of the game in my opinion.

A single controlled server would certainly help, but it is no limitation

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I also didnt satisfy your demands, i banned cori for my own reasons, i look forward to engaging you and ur cronies.


Oh and shadowy, if ur gona start going on about grammer, i suggest u take up the role of an english teacher rather than a gamer, stay on topic please

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Yes' date=' the dev teams can add tools to aid in these, like collecting name tags of the bodies you check, but other than that, it should be free game.


Now THAT is a bitchin suggestion! Like collecting dogtags in BF3 for knife kills. Take a few seconds, "Inspect body" or whatever, collect that player's name, etc. Put it into some sort of stats.

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I definitely would love to see such a feature. This would be similar to the killmails of EVE, only with the added risk that a bandit (or trigger happy survivor) would be required to risk his or her life to investigate the victims of their heinous acts.

I would definitely approve of such a feature.

Tugs and Wishes,

Approval-Marshal Palli 'Upvote' Treponema

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Now THAT is a bitchin suggestion! Like collecting dogtags in BF3 for knife kills. Take a few seconds' date=' "Inspect body" or whatever, collect that player's name, etc. Put it into some sort of stats.


No, let us collect the ears of our enemies and wear them as chains around our necks as part of the collectable skins that are to be introduced. That is a much better idea.

Also, the quoting function is terrible

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