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Do you think Rocket is trying to make a cultural point with 1.7.2?

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The point being; how even with military grade small arms and and the ability to hold them steadilly on a target, as well as kill the said target, we would still be basically fucked in the event of a zombie apocalypse?

Don't get me wrong. If you have a gun, it's possible to fight off the zombies in the 1.7.2 version. But, for unarmed players or unexperienced players, they get torn to pieces. For players outnumbered by 10 to 1, slaughter is pretty much inevitable? All of this even though you can shoot the zombies in the chest and still kill them?

If we had a real-life event of an apocalypse, would it pretty much be like the 1.7.2 version?

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I think that Rocket has more tweaking to do to zombie behavior. Pretty sure the man himself has said this will be one of his primary focuses soon.

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I am pretty sure that in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse we would all be screwed. I wouldnt even know where to get a gun legally let alone find one in a barn!

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I have half a mind to stash all my gear and go through cherno to see what everyone is talking about. I haven't really noticed a difference tbh. BUT I have only played on night servers.

But to answer OP, no I think you are looking to far into the game.

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I am pretty sure that in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse we would all be screwed. I wouldnt even know where to get a gun legally let alone find one in a barn!

Well' date=' I'm American, so I'm loaded up for any political/zombie/Russian/Border-War thriller that might take the world by surprise. :cool: Depending, of course, on the criteria that zombies can't drive cars or shoot guns.

But to answer OP, no I think you are looking to far into the game.

Probably... But I'm trying to be an optimist :)

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Zombie apoco, grab a mofo'ing butcher knife till you get a gun.

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I noticed zombies can be a bit more random now, you can't be safe outside a given range from the zombie, dwell too long and eventually they might see or hear you. But the good news are, I found it a LOT easier to run and hide from them. Just don't let them get too close, run into a forest or building, and voila, half of them won't know where you went.

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I think rocket is just doing what he's always done:

Experimenting to see what works and what doesn't. Or not even that, just throwing science at the wall to check the result.

The experiment, must continue.

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But to answer OP' date=' no I think you are looking to far into the game.


Probably... But I'm trying to be an optimist :)

XD lol, I can see how you would come to that conclusion though. Just went through zelenogorsk and only aggro'd one zed. BUT again it was at night so that might have something to do with it

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I'd be fine if a zombie apocalypse dropped on the planet. I do just fine at hiding out currently, so I'm pretty sure I could do it some more with zombies around, it would just mean more expensive trips to Wal-Mart (or not expensive, as the case might be... looting and whatnot).

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Indeed he is. Many of us agree, it is far too difficult to find Mountain Dew.

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If the zombies are all Olympic runners with nuclear powered hearing aids and an affinity for walking through walls then yes I think it is comparable.

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If the zombies are all Olympic runners with nuclear powered hearing aids and an affinity for walking through walls then yes I think it is comparable.

Zombie ghosts?

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I've seen no difference in zombie behavior or detection.

If you're careful and stealthy, as you're supposed to be, you can still lay prone twenty feet from one and not have it notice you.

As long as you stay crouched when walking and relatively out of their line-of-sight, again, still fine.

Their detection radius/abilities and speed still do just generally need to be tweaked, but I've not noticed any real major differences in 1.7.2 as of yet. Even before that, if you were outnumbered 10-1, you've got to run until you lose a few, lose 'em in a building somewhere (run through, they lose line-of-sight), and sometimes have just a couple of seconds to turn and fire-off a round or two if you're quick with good aim.

The zig-zagging needs to be changed, but it's still all basically the same, as far as I can tell.

Edited by TheWiseguy

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I have found that actually sneaking around buildings to avoid zombies works at avoiding them as the change log said, detection through buildings has been reduced and i notice this, before i would just run like fuck through a town till i found a building and then run around in there for a bit and run away again till i found loot, now i can sneak around the buildings to avoid having 30 or so zombies wanting to chomp on me.

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Cultural Point?

I believe rocket is actually one of the world's most creative troll. That is, he designed this mod for the sole purpose to lure gamers into playing only to (eventually) die tragically, all to generate enough QQ to keep filling his Olympic sized swimming pool that he swims every day.

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Americans are dicks who shoot on sight.

Everyone I've teamed up with over chat has been Australian or Russian. Americans are the ones shooting everyone and camping on hills.

Pretty effective point if you ask me.

(I'm American)

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Americans are dicks who shoot on sight.

Everyone I've teamed up with over chat has been Australian or Russian. Americans are the ones shooting everyone and camping on hills.

Pretty effective point if you ask me.

(I'm American)

I shoot everyone, im English

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No. I think a lot of people were excited to try the update and swarmed any server that had recently updated. Then all the gear got picked over in no time flat and anyone coming in afterwards was finding whatever rubbish that was left over. I had trouble finding a gun last night as well. I played for over an hour before finding something with a trigger. The further north I got the more gear I found. I don't think this was a coincidence.

The shoot on site guys very likely have more interest in camping and banditing (eh?) the high traffic spots, come from a standard shooter background, or have some gear they don't want stolen by a noob with a hatchet. If you have nothing to lose, teaming up is easy. Some people think the game is meant to be a KDR fest and fail to experience or even realize the full potential of the game.

Each life is a story in Dayz. Your story is only going to be as good as the decisions you make.

The zig-zagging needs to be changed, but it's still all basically the same, as far as I can tell.

I always assumed the zig-zagging was there to make them harder to shoot. They'd be way too easy to kill if they ran straight for you and stopped. They also appear to be glitchy but it looks like its just the placeholder animations they use.

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