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What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

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More zombies' date=' but a MUCH longer respawn time.


Find a clever way to fix Zed's murdering through walls. I just died on the NW Airfield not from players' date=' but damn zombies getting me through a wall and about 10% of my bullets being able to hit them back.

Make ammo universal instead of for specific weaps, based on caliber instead of what it's model number is.


The ammo comes in mags, so unless they make empty magazines an item that needs to be combined with bullets (which would be cool) it wouldn't really work.

It would for certain mags. For instance, what is the purpose of separate MP5 and MP5/SD mags? It makes absolutely zero sense that the exact same weapon, albeit with a silencer, requires unique ammo.

All "variantions" of ammo for the same basic weapon needs to be eliminated.

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Zombies that do not warp' date=' or run through walls.


THIS X 1000!!!

Love the work you are doing on the mod, LOVE the mod and I wish you all the success in the world!

The biggest complaint from myself and those who play with me is "zombie clipping" and general collision detection from Zombies and wall/door interaction.

I think everyone can get their heads around zombies eventually breaking through a door (in numbers) BUT zombies ghosting through a wall/door or swiping their hands through a wall/door to inflict damage is supremely frustrating. Especially when you're just looking for a safe few minutes to bandage up.

Solution: Well, fix the clipping issue FOR SURE.

SUGGESTION #1 Nowhere is really "Safe": What about giving various door types a damage limit? A metal or a wood door can take "X" number of hits before it is destroyed (disappears or opens)?

SUGGESTION #2 Fortification Packs: Consider including "boards with hammer nails" pack items, which can be used to fortify doors.

Thanks again and keep up the great work! This game really is something special and I hope Bohemia Interactive is shuffling resources your way...because they'd be pretty foolish not to!

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Consider including "boards with hammer nails" pack items' date=' which can be used to fortify doors.[/quote']

This is an awesome idea. I'd like to further it, by adding that zeds who are trying to come through one door, don't automagically figure out where you are when you scoot out the other door! They should continue to try and get through, and if you're smart enough to remember to close the door you just escaped through, they should just stat walking around the room.

Zombie trap, for the win!

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A option to choose skin on new spawn, clothes findable in towns/dead corpse's

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No teleporting space invader style zombies.

A quick talk / statement button / shortcuts.

and end to disconecting dying players

Bodys staying around for longer (but belive that is in the works)

Ways to at least stop the shakes (alcohol?) temporay or more ways to cure them.

More consitancy of how a zombie can spot you.

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Here are some things I would like to see in upcoming updates.

Make people stay in the game 30 seconds to 1 minute upon disconnecting to stop people from dcing when they are in trouble from zombies or players. Also make bodies stay on the server with loot after the person DCs, I have had bodies with some pretty good loot disappear before my eyes. Maybe have them stay for an hour or so?

And also direct chat only but that won't be possible till they patch ARMA 2 itself to fix the problems with it.

Also some fixes to zombies would be nice, like the ability to lose them and not have them chase you forever. Fix the zig zagging and glitchiness. Either that or make them slower and give you more damage.

Player stamina, so people can't sprint everywhere forever. Make it based on how much weight people are carrying.

Choose skins/ clothing and have them affect your temperature drop rate and stamina

Better zombie spawns, lots more zombies in cities less in small villages.

Ability to clear out towns and have zombies spawn on the outskirts and migrate towards the center.

Random zombies in forest and countryside.

Have loot effected by player population in certain areas. More players in a region = less, worse loot. Less populated regions= more, better loot. This would make people move around more in search of supplies not just sit in Cherno and Electro.

Also have more zombies spawn in areas with more players to simulate zombies being attracted to humans.

Those last two will make it easier for lone wolfers to move around and avoid zombies and get some good loot, but having more zombies in cities will make it harder for lone wolfers to pull off raids as they could easily get over run making groups more necessary to get the better loot.

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What i want to see for 1.5.9 ?

I don't know.

But i sure know what i want for this mod : faster loadings. The mod will never work ( in final stages ) with 15 minutes ( if lucky ) of loadings every night. Is't just plain awful.

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It would for certain mags. For instance' date=' what is the purpose of separate MP5 and MP5/SD mags? It makes absolutely zero sense that the exact same weapon, albeit with a silencer, requires unique ammo.

All "variantions" of ammo for the same basic weapon needs to be eliminated.


Arma2 is a simulator. MP5SD mags hold subsonic rounds which are slower and quieter than supersonic 9mm.

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In order of priority:

1)MASSIVE changes to zombie AI (see link in my sig for details) including an end to clipping and being able to see/aggro through walls, etc. Same with "knowing" where you are on a roof even if you are three stories above their heads.

2)A working alt-F4 prevention system. (Leave killable/lootable body on server for 30 seconds on disconnect for example)

3)Better zombie spawn system (no zombie RE-spawn within certain distance of players)

4)Twice as many zed (at least 1000 on a server, maybe 2000-3000) with a good portion of them wandering around on the roads and in the woods, possibly spawning off the map on the "dry" edges and migrating towards the coast to replenish towns/farms that have been "cleared".

5) Everything on my "wish list" post (see sig below)

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Please remember, build updates (1.5.x) are not going to have massive changes in them. Sub-release updates (1.x) would.

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So then 1.6 will be the great bandit removal/ skin looting patch?

Sorry, I'm just excited for the new skins, can't wait to get my Pokemon on and collect all those mofos.

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I really wish the removal of bandit skin thing is rethought, Rocket. Make the threshold higher and have whatever value that it uses naturally diminish over time. It is the only thing currently which can help regulate psychopathic behavior. It allows the players to judge them based on their actions. You are taking away the ability for us to self regulate by removing this.

Remove it when we have better communication options or other ways of interacting...and for now raise the threshold so killing a few people doesn't make you one....only clearly psychopathic behavior and serial douchebaggery should cause the skin switch.

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I would like to see food and "great loot" be way more scarce. For the last week or so, even if I don't journey to the places with good stuff I am literally tripping over dead players packed to the gills with rare loot I'm finding I am a walking armada after only a few minutes.

Granted this makes me a target which dramatically lowers my life expectancy but this only continues the cycle. perhaps if weapons degraded that could stop the cycle.

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I would like for tents to just work again and not get wiped like they do. That would make a large number of people happy.

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More zombies, like tenfold =) I want entering cities to fucking impossible, straight up..

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I'd like to see zombies not spawning right in front of you.

That actually happened to me about 10 minutes ago, the respawn delay needs to be longer or a radius where they cant spawn from a player

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This may be a little farther out than 1.5.9 for some of these, but this is what I would like to see.

1. Direct Communication only (with exceptions)

2. Introduction of new item Walkie-talkies.

3. Global Communication only available to those with walkie-talkies, both seeing/hearing and typing/talking.

4. Zombies that don't have ridiculous pathing when coming at you.

5. Last, but probably most important. ZOMBIE SHEEP & CHICKENS!

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Zombie upgrades:

-Zombies no longer stop before hitting you. Instead, they can swipe at you at a run.

--This makes runners much worse to deal with, since they don't pause and then miss.

--To counteract runners becoming death-gods, reduce the spawn rate of runners and make the primary zombie type joggers.

-Jogger zombies hit much harder than runners and replace the current runners in terms of spawn counts, however they run at a slower pace.


-Zombies no longer stop before hitting you. Instead, they can swipe at you at a run.

--This makes runners much worse to deal with, since they don't pause and then miss.

--To counteract runners becoming death-gods, make runners only able to chase for a short time before slowing to a jogging speed.


-Zombies can "smell" players and will amble towards their general direction.

--This makes them a threat since you can no longer just prone-crawl past them

-Zombies are essentially blind and can only see somewhat during the day. Replace visibility with scent.

--Scent increases as your stamina decreases (sweat) or you take damage (blood) and can be decreased by cleaning yourself off at water sources or using items.

--The higher your scent, the farther zombies can smell you.

--The more a zombie can smell you, the faster they walk towards you.

-Zombie spawn rate is based on number of players nearby, and is generally reduced.

--Instead, zombie dangerousness is greatly increased.

-If a player is near a structure a zombie can spawn at, the zombie instead spawns outside of the area and paths toward where they would have spawned otherwise. This allows players to secure towns and stops zombies from popping into existence on people.

Basically, zombies aren't a threat. DayZ has become deathmatch with some undead road-bumps. Make zombies a threat!

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