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About menford

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  1. menford

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    I DLed the files manually from the url in the DL URL on the updater(http://cdn.armafiles.info/). it updated fine after that. However you will get the "running an incorrect server side" error and not be able to play. Since this forum is pretty much down for the count, web searches indicate that various servers don't have the newest hive updates. I assume this is causing the connection issues Regardless the Dayzdevteam twitter posted: "7800 people trying to connect at once... main server died, web server died, forum died, and 8 nodes down..." So I imagine it will be a bit before everything is ironed out.
  2. menford

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    Since the 1.6.0 release, the update has been hanging for me, on "downloading dayz_sfx_v1.1.2rar...." at %29 re-downloaded the updater. tried again, leaving it for 2hrs, same results, then again for 1hr, same result. would manually dowloading the sfx file help get the updater past this issue?
  3. menford

    This game needs shopping carts

    I second this need for shopping carts. and kerosine lamps
  4. I disagree, in places where gang violence is a true issue, "normal people" is not an easily defined term and someone wearing "da bloodz" colors is more likely to attract bullets from those looking to do them harm than someone who is not identifying themselves as such. My point is more that if bandit skin(s) were no longer involuntary I absolutely believe many, especially those traveling in large groups and "proud" of being bandits (see youtube for examples of this) would voluntarily don a "bandit" skin given the opportunity. Regardless though I am in favor of having no way to identify "bandits" One of the best lessons one can learn IRL is don't fuck with random people when you are alone because you never truly know what someone is capable of and someone will eventually pull your card.
  5. They were taking out bandit skins in favor of realism, since in a land with no law a murderer is not forced to wear identifying clothing. So I can't imagine staring at murderer until you divine the number of deaths on his hands, being added to the game. I personally think post bandit skin removal there should be a skin or skins reserved or at least agreed upon by the community that is the "bandit skin(s)". reason being is while many "bandits" would rather blend in and be subversive. Many would immediately don garb that identifies them as said bandits regardless of fact that many that play are proud to be bandits, even if you don't live in an area with gang activity you are aware people IRL go to amazing lengths to identify themselves as criminals, some even tattooing their foreheads but nearly all incorporate a single bright color into all aspects of their wardrobe to announce their affiliation to all. as the saying goes there is no honor among thieves and just as there is violence and murder within gangs many bandits would still kill each other, but I think a large number would still don voluntary bandit garb
  6. menford

    Cannibalism and You.

    I think it could absolutely be implemented while preventing a mechanic that can be "gamed" For example: - Food should remain or be even more scarce (this would likely be needed IRL for cannibalism to manifest in a normal society anyway) - hunger (like IRL) takes a long while to have extreme negative effects and death, once extreme hunger sets in the user cannot run nor hold a gun steady at all and eventually dies (just as an example of negative effect but inability to run and shoot effectively would certainly be a motivator to eat) - Human flesh can be harvested and consumed ( I would say this can happen at anytime hungry or not *more on why below*, perhaps a human limb could take up as much room as a rifle or more to stop people from "stockpiling" just in case) - eating human flesh staves off hunger which gives user ability to run again and be somewhat steadier, but has immediate mid-level non-permanent negative results. many have suggested these types of results such as: player makes involuntary noises (madness), player loses humanity (not sure what this will mean once the bandit skin is dropped), player shakes slightly (not to be a HUGE deterrent but to make it more negative to cannibalize) very high chance of infection/sickness requiring antibiotics etc. These are a few but I would be in favor of cannibalism carrying a large number of minor negative effects - If you consume too much human flesh in one "life" at that point you will ONLY be able to consume human flesh. meaning that all the above mentioned or any implemented negative effects now become permanent and irreversable as you are constantly and only eating human flesh. I would say that at the point the mild negative effects mentioned above could be bumped up a few levels making it a further deterrent to go full-on-cannibal I think at minimum the things mentioned, would make people 1, have to face the question of cannibalizing, 2 stop or at least deter cannibalism as a "gaming mechanic" due to persistent mid to high level negative effects and 3 add an interesting layer to the game as there will be many who made too many mistakes or got too desperate and are roaming chernarus shaking and making noise, with human limbs in there bags looking for more human meat giving some a chance to "role play" as a cannibal as you've mentioned and also adding further danger and atmosphere for others. I'm all in favor of cannibalism or anything that makes this game even more unforgiving
  7. I've seen it posted here and in articles about DayZ around the web that the chat will likely have the global functions removed in favor of direct communication as far as skins, just an educated guess, but, while a number of assets were made specifically for this mod, creating a large number of new models and skins would be a good deal of work, using soldier models would make for an odd or at least very specific survival game. But PMC had a number of civilian/deer hunter type models ...perfect for an alpha and PMC models (lite version) even come with CO thereby broadening the potential alpha testers. just a guess I'd imagine though with the focus on realistic elements, there will very likely be more models/skins in the future of day z. And it's been posted that with the removal of bandit skins we might get the ability to choose clothing (perhaps they'll add all the PMC models to dayz)
  8. [attachment=461] In Arma 2 it's more likely than you think...
  9. I agree and add that anyone who can read cyrillic be banned for cheating. ;) But seriously, so many people that play arma 2 know the map like the back of their hands. if someone is using a map they are more likely leveling the playing field. I was watching a CHKillroy vid where he was informing his party of how many enterable buildings would be in the town they were approaching and you can't get that on the map. I started using an offline map after twice apparently leaving the game area and walking past where trees and grass spawn. and besides living in a world with GPS and playing games that mark my location and my destination and the best route, Playing Day Z with an offline map quickly taught me a useful skill - how to read a map - once I got comfortable I put it away and had fun getting lost. if anything I'd say give us a map and a watch at spawn and that's it, let us scavenge all else
  10. menford

    What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

    I would like to see food and "great loot" be way more scarce. For the last week or so, even if I don't journey to the places with good stuff I am literally tripping over dead players packed to the gills with rare loot I'm finding I am a walking armada after only a few minutes. Granted this makes me a target which dramatically lowers my life expectancy but this only continues the cycle. perhaps if weapons degraded that could stop the cycle.
  11. menford

    Cannibalism and You.

    I was going to suggest cannibalism a la "the road" but a search revealed a number of suggestion threads on the topic, so I am +1ing the idea here. If anyone has read or seen Cormac Mcarthy's The Road, the cannibalism in it was F-ed up and creepy. Perfect for this type of game. With the bandit skins getting the boot it would certainly be messed up to find a normal looking dead player body with human limbs in his backpack. I could literally imagine the scene from the road where the cannibal bandit's truck breaks down and the almost stumble on to the man and boy forcing them to take a life in self defense and race into the woods, playing out many times in Day Z I would love to see real food be waaaaaay more scarce and cannibalism added (what a horribly cruel decision to force on all players, perfect for DayZ). I'm sure there are many things like disease/dimentia/humanity that could help flesh out (no pun intended) the idea
  12. menford

    Is rocket satisfied with us?

    Whatever way you (rocket) decide to go, I'm in. I would've payed triple A retail prices for the experiences I've had so far and it has only been getting better. Hopefully someday soon you will (in the words of Fry) "shut up and take my money" but in the mean time it has been fantastic to play this free open mod without needing an invite etc. However let it be said with all the news about Big Huge Games and 38studios, if you ever find things aren't going how you'd like them or you're incurring losses, I, and I'm sure MANY others, are absolutely ready to pony up some cash to help recoup funds. Especially because while you are calling it an "Apha Mod" I am calling it "still one of the best experiences I have had in gaming" I have literally been dreaming of a game like this since I was a little kid and with the articles all over the web and yours and others posts here it seems many feel the same. Hopefully this mod continues to call attention to the fact that allowing mods is good for gaming and that gamers aren't stupid, more companies can at least balance making "push button to win" games with more difficult experiences like Day Z.