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What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

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Fixed crashed heli spawns! I want to get NVG and they have the best drop rate compared to the 1 in 250 chance of the barracks up north.

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- New sound effect for the Winchester. As it is, it sounds... Not good.

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My 1.5.8 Ideal Patch Notes:

-Modified spawning algorithms of zombies slightly, so they don't respawn as close to players.

-Number of zombies kept exactly the same

-Crossbow hit registration problems fixed.

-Slightly re-balanced some weapons, along with spawning probabilities.

-Added batteries for flashlights that must be changed intermittently. Must be replaced after 2-3 hours of constant use.

-Added more spawn locations around shore area.

-Environmental effects on character beginning to be implemented:

a.) Added raincoats, ponchos.

b.) Added shoes, boots as gear that can be equipped (affects walking speed, sound, during different weather situations).

c.) Increased chance of being knocked down while ground is wet.

d.) Zombie spawns outside decreased during rain.

e.) Significantly reduced zombie vision capabilities during rain.

f.) Significantly reduced zombie hearing capacity during storms.

-Bugged ladders fixed.

-Fixed issues with backpacks causing items to disappear.

-Removed survivor "panic" sounds, subtracts from role-playing element and immersion.

-Reduced humanity lost per 'murder'. Self-defense shouldn't immediately turn a player into a bandit.

Fixed for you

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Oh my god just optimize the zombies so the desyncing isn't so horribly, That is all that needs to be fixed. However if zombies were not to spawn on top of me so frequently I'd be happy.

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yes, zeds can hit you from like 10 meters away. it is very annoying, i also hope this is fixed

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Reserved slots (up to a max of 50% of available slots)

The amount of servers would dramatically increase if this were implemented as it would provide a more of a incentive for the community to pay for hosting a server and with the 50% reserve slot limit it would support the mod as well.

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Increase zombie respawn time by A LOT and decrease zombie amounts to something between 1.5.6 and 1.5.7. So you dont have to log off from a server to get rid of an infinite zombie train:


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Zombies inside buildings(they are just walking outsida now)

Somthing i the woods.

Fix that zombies can't see/hit you through walls.

Abillity to se if the player died of a zombie(bite) or another player (gunshot)

and see if the body is warm or cold

Zombies running inside buildings!

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some kind of stat-loss for bandits to balance the game. less damage from their weapons, less blood regain, faster hunger meter.

there needs to be some kind of balance factor. All other full-loot mmorpg's have that like ultima online, Mortal Online and darkfall online to name a few.

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When having matches... beeing able to set fire to tents of others :P

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I'm hoping for more variety in zombies at least, and the default ones not being Olympic sprinters. Also, there should be more zombies around in general, especially out in the wilds.

While more far off, any melee system would be welcome. Although difficult to implement in an engine that does not by default support melee, it can be done as evidenced by other Arma 2 mods. This should lead to players not starting with a gun but rather with a CQC weapon, making guns rarer and more powerful objects.

Zombies should be less vulnerable to gunshot wounds.They should be only killable by headshots, thus making slower zombies more viable. They should also be able to be crippled. That is, shooting out a zeds legs should make it crawl towards you, or shooting out only one leg should make it hobble slowly. This would make the players play more carefully, as crawling zombies in grass may be difficult to see, and unloading a clip into a zombies body will not necessarily bring it down.

But these are just a few of my personal hopes. I'm sure most people wouldn't agree with them and love the Olympic-qualifying zombie sprinters.

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- Fix the bug which prevents server's time progressing and thus causes time not being synchronized between clients (joining client gets time from server)

- Keep the current 1.5.7 zombie numbers

- Double or triple the time it takes for zombies to respawn

- Ensure that zombies do not respawn too close (within 50m) of alive players

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some kind of stat-loss for bandits to balance the game. less damage from their weapons' date=' less blood regain, faster hunger meter.

there needs to be some kind of balance factor. All other full-loot mmorpg's have that like ultima online, Mortal Online and darkfall online to name a few.


Dayz is not a mmorpg, its not a fantasy game. Its a war/apocalypse simulator.

stat-loss for bandits? The only difference between bandits and survivors is the clothes..

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-Wild dogs/wandering zombies in woods.

-Flaregun/ some sort of flare that could be shot into the air for a duration on illumination for a town or small village.

-Radios for long distance comms rather than global chat.

-No change to night just options with lights, eg torch attached to tac vest.

-No change to Bandits, but maybe some new skins to mix it all up a bit , so i know my buddy is the bandit with the bandana and not on of the seven guys with headscarfs.

-Olympic sprinting zombies are fine if you have a way of losing them, stamina aint a bad idea but id rather see a Line of sight/smell distance kinda thing implemented (nothing hat shows up on UI or anything, just something you know is there..alot like crawling near zombos, you know the sight and hearing distance but you ACTUALLY know without testing.

Much love to the mod - Benjy

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Bikes in smaller towns or barns.Sure would be nice to find some bicycles ingame

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Just some changes to the Night time lighting condition. I don't mean making night a "dark blue" version of day, but toning down the absolute black. It's just not very fun.

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Less zeds until they can fix their pathing and make them less buggy in general. New weapons. New loot. Multiple character support.

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Find a clever way to fix Zed's murdering through walls. I just died on the NW Airfield not from players, but damn zombies getting me through a wall and about 10% of my bullets being able to hit them back.

Make ammo universal instead of for specific weaps, based on caliber instead of what it's model number is.

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More zombies, but a MUCH longer respawn time.

Find a clever way to fix Zed's murdering through walls. I just died on the NW Airfield not from players' date=' but damn zombies getting me through a wall and about 10% of my bullets being able to hit them back.

Make ammo universal instead of for specific weaps, based on caliber instead of what it's model number is.


The ammo comes in mags, so unless they make empty magazines an item that needs to be combined with bullets (which would be cool) it wouldn't really work.

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