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What do you want to see in 1.5.9 ?

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- Time spent alive on the HUD

- Zombies respecting the solidity of walls

- ladders being less deadly than bullets

- some servers having day / night cycles that are the opposite of where they are based (I can only play late at night, and it would be nice to not have to communicate with a server on the other side of the Atlantic)

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0. server name in Debug info! (and TZ in name? like [+2])

1. bit less zombie spawn (quantity)

2. way to make a hidden box for "extra items" you can place somewhere in the world (stash)

3. panic moved to effects of illness (i can realy well panic on my own) - today i was scared by running man in black cloth whom i saw with my peripheral sight. First what came to my mind was "OMG agro!", second "i need to play dayz less".

4. head light (if possible)

5. Good guy skin for 3k+ humanity (can be a militia or cop?)

6. if 2 is not possible more slots in ALICE

7. safe zone for trade and storing items maybe (roaming one will be fun?)

8. silensed PM (you probably will not add but i`ll ask anyway and bizon)

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Hopefully the dev team will look at this thread and take some of the ideas and make them happen !

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-A party system. It would be perfect to be able group and spawn with friends in the same location. Seeing as you don't spawn with both map and compass I'd actually call this essential.

-Zombie spawns in forest areas. Only a few but please lets have them spawn there too.

-Time survived counter in debug window.

-If it's possible improve the morality system so that when someone shoots you, you don't loose morality for defending yourself, or remove the system. I'm at -13,000 odd morality because someone has tried to take my purse more than once.

-A touch more visibility at night.

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1) Some sort of way to mark your traveling on the map (if you find one).

I would love to be to quickly see where I have been without having to resort to my memory.

I realize the constraints of the Arma2 framework and don't realize if this is possible.

2) A flare GUN would be nice.

3) Fewer empty cans.

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I would like there to be a leaderboard of some sort, with the score being some sort of combination of time spend alive and zombies killed, perhaps some other elements can be included. I would also like the "YOU ARE DEAD" screen to display stats about your playthrough.

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Being able to choose where you will spawn(in a large area randomly) You could pick east/west/south/north coastline, and you'd spawn randomly in the large designated area!

That would make my day (No more : 2 hours running to find my friend) it would still be 5-10 minutes.

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In the very next patch? Increased server stability and decreased zombie spawn rates (Not amounts).

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1. Central server speed/stability fixes -- For obvious reasons.

2. Zombies spawning in random places -- Only towns and buildings aren't safe. I want to feel unsafe in forests as well. But I do not want be overrun, just an occasional wandering zombie here and there.

3. Less ammo and gun spawning -- More realistic.

4. Removal of bunny zombies -- They're so weird, it ruins the immersiveness for me. Are these zombies based on/inspired by something?

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- Dog (Planned)

- Weather effects (Planned)

I haven't seen this items as planned. Can you link this?



Weather effects are what the Thermometer HUD item is for, search Rocket's posts... should be in there.

Dogs, they were announced with a screen on a PC Gamer article that came out either yesterday or the day before.


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1. Central server speed/stability fixes -- For obvious reasons.

2. Zombies spawning in random places -- Only towns and buildings aren't safe. I want to feel unsafe in forests as well. But I do not want be overrun' date=' just an occasional wandering zombie here and there.

3. Less ammo and gun spawning -- More realistic.

4. Removal of bunny zombies -- They're so weird, it ruins the immersiveness for me. Are these zombies based on/inspired by something?


yeah the forest part i know what you mean, i go into the forest to escape. if it was real you you would not want to go into it so zeds should spawn in there.

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Wow, thank you very much for sharing that link man, it was an AWESOME freaking SAUCENESS cool beanies read man. Really enjoyed it.

On topic;

Social improvements such as; Chat fixes, better reputation systems, more skins.

Also another very important thing; Keeping people from disconnecting when in danger or about to die.

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Grenades, frag grenades. If I was a survivor and there was a whole bunch of Zombies coming at me, I would "nade em"!

And DogZ...

And pygmy ponies.

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Euh guys, there are grenades already, I have 3 in my inventory right now.

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Please concentrate on server stability here.

The number of times I've had to leave a server because loot stops spawning, or zombies stop spawning is ridiculous. I've sat in smaller towns for 45 minutes at times with no action happening whilist there are still 700 zombies on the board elsewhere. Ironically Backpack still spawn in these situations.

A way to localize spawns would be nice for player groups trying to meet up.

Zombie count is fine, could use more zombies in big cities (elctro ect...) and a little less in smaller coast cities.

How long you have been alive in the HUD would be great.

Direct chat works fine for me but the option to turn off global would make the game more immersive.

More of a reason to go inland, its kind of lame how as a bandit i spend the majority of my time on the coast, but thats where all the action is, its unfortunate that i have to kill newbies to protect myself, but thats how it is.

Rework of banditry system.

first day, 3 survivors jump me, juked them and ended up killing them all, and i was a bandit for the rest of my gaming experience. (having to defend myself against survivors all the more often now)

Idea. Increase the maximum humanity possible. Have like -5k - 5k humanity be a neutral skin where no murders are gained. (People spawning in this humanity have nothing to lose anyway, no guns and cannot be trusted, the ammount of times survivors who just spawned go bandit on someone is ridiculous) have 5k+ have its own survivor skin, and -5k have the bandit skin. Allow other ways to gain humanity. Waiting out the humanity timer is horrendous especially when you are an immersive gamer stuck in the perpetual cycle of self defense. Blood transfusions don't give enough. Offer other methods, like giving supplies, or other ways to be recognized for perhaps helping new players (stuck in the -5k - +5k area of humanity)

Sideways zombie running blows. Specially when they run on you, and keep circling.

Make it so i can climb a ladder with a pistol.

Nightvision items in military spawns?

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Euh guys' date=' there are grenades already, I have 3 in my inventory right now.


I've seen grenades a couple of times on dead player bodies, I've never been able to pick them up, though.

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Euh guys' date=' there are grenades already, I have 3 in my inventory right now.


Pictures or it didn't happen.

Not a flame or a taunt but I have yet to see or find a frag grenade!

There is a weapons wlki page somewhere, ah linky...

Be my guest...

EDIT: here you go...


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My 1.5.8 Ideal Patch Notes:

-Modified spawning algorithms of zombies slightly, so they don't respawn as close to players.

-Number of zombies reduced. (More than 1.5.6 but less than 1.5.7)

-Crossbow hit registration problems fixed.

-Slightly re-balanced some weapons, along with spawning probabilities.

-Added batteries for flashlights that must be changed intermittently. Must be replaced after 2-3 hours of constant use.

-Added more spawn locations around shore area.

-Environmental effects on character beginning to be implemented:

a.) Added raincoats, ponchos.

b.) Added shoes, boots as gear that can be equipped (affects walking speed, sound, during different weather situations).

c.) Increased chance of being knocked down while ground is wet.

d.) Zombie spawns outside decreased during rain.

e.) Significantly reduced zombie vision capabilities during rain.

f.) Significantly reduced zombie hearing capacity during storms.

-Bugged ladders fixed.

-Fixed issues with backpacks causing items to disappear.

-Removed survivor "panic" sounds, subtracts from role-playing element and immersion.

-Reduced humanity lost per 'murder'. Self-defense shouldn't immediately turn a player into a bandit.

A man can dream...:)

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- The removal of the morality system' date=' and choice of skin for all players.



I strongly agree with this. Probably not for the next patch (I imagine rocket is working on server infrastructure, tweaking zombie spawns, etc. right now) but in the future I would love to see the complete removal of the humanity system. I don't need a good/bad meter or skin to tell me whether what I am doing is right or wrong -- I feel those emotions and thoughts already as a player, and I have been inspired by the discussion of these very interesting and compelling choices the game has presented us with. Linear morality systems like the humanity system is one-dimensional and arbitrary, and ultimately cheapens the intrigue of the moral questions the game presents.

The attachment of skins to "bad people" makes player interaction worse, too, since players can visibly tell on sight whether a person is more likely to kill you than team up. On the flip side, people who kill others in self-defense unfairly get marked as "bad" and are basically to work alone for the rest of that character's life, or until they can somehow "do enough good" to counteract the "badness" of killing someone. See how arbitrary it is?

Plus, skins would be a really cool thing to loot. Though I know such a system would be a lot of work.

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