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About Swi1ch

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    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Hi, when I launch DayZ Mod through Steam, whilst clicking the 'use beta patch' option, the game launches fine and reports that the Beta patch is active. However, clicking on the multiplayer tab causes the game to freeze at 'receiving data'. If I launch DayZ through Steam without the beta patch option, I can enter the multiplayer menu with no issues. I am using the most current Beta patch for OA. I have Arma2, Arma2 OA and DayZ all freshly installed and run at least once. My searches for this problem turn up a few results, but I can't find any that relate to using the Beta patch, and none of them have any solutions other than reinstall Windows.
  2. Swi1ch

    coop squads

    Fostering team building and making the game a nice friendly co-op game are two very different things.
  3. I think it's fine as it is at the moment, and the deadzone works great. If you are carrying a weapon and want to look over your shoulder and behind you, but want to keep your weapon trained on that point, just aim at it. If you want your aimpoint to traverse with your view, push the deadzone to maximum and that's relatively accurate depiction of where you can aim your weapon without actually turning.
  4. Swi1ch

    Spawn locations more varied?

    In the current state of the game, I think it's fine. It's hardly difficult to get off the beach and to relative safety, and you don't lose much if you do happen to get spawnkilled. It also gives just enough information to players to get their bearings without handing it to them on a plate.
  5. Swi1ch

    Increase Range of Direct Communication

    Pretty sure this wouldn't work for voip, but the different ranges for different types of text chat actually kinda makes sense. Even more so if there was a (very) brief indicator on the hud to show approximately which direction the talking came from.
  6. Swi1ch

    homemade silencer

    You would still need subsonic ammo to be completely silent, and i'm pretty sure anything above a .22 or maybe a low powered .38 would just cause the bottle to explode rather than achieve any sort of suppressing effect.
  7. It would make sense if it led to something deeper, but as the game is somewhat static in terms of where loot/zombies spawn, the only dynamic is the location of players, and I doubt players who have established camps want to broadcast them to just anybody. Good idea as part of a larger game mechanic, but with the state of the game right now, this is just a way for people to see even more penises than they usually do on the internet.
  8. Swi1ch

    Are we futuristic robot soldiers?

    Realism has to have boundaries, and whilst i'm all for realism, adding increased recovery time as a mechanic doesn't really add anything (In the current state of the game). The hunger/thirst/temperature mechanics add something to the game because they force the player to make important choices based on realism that have effect the player differently depending upon their choices. Increasing recovery time doesn't do much other than increase the time it takes to travel from A to B. The chase situation is the only thing I can really think of that would be affected by this, but it seems kinda minor to me. Either you lose sight of the guy you are chasing and thus he gets to hide and ambush you, or you don't lose sight of him and you should probably be able to just shoot him anyway. It's just not really a mechanic that fits well into DayZ, imo. Something along the lines of max top speed/max time sprinting based upon carry weight would be a better mechanic, as it forces the player to make choices about how prepared they want to be for every situation vs their ability to respond/remove themselves from situations. The choice of not running too far in case you get chased, but not shot, and can't get into a position to return fire seems kinda thin to me.
  9. Swi1ch

    Murder and NVG's

    Welcome to DayZ. IRL at night you would have an advantage with NVGs against someone without them.
  10. Swi1ch

    A new 'status' to encourage cooperation

    I'm opposed to this idea. In DayZ I love that you are not constrained by RPG stats, aside from things that would equally affect everyone; hunger, thirst and health. If you can aim better than another guy, it's because you can aim better than another guy, not because you have a better stat. This idea to me feels like a stat that controls the way you play the game, whereas real people's response to isolation would vary significantly between different people. Sure, hunger and thirst differs between people but not really to the extent that social interaction does. It's also something that people can adjust to; over time you can get used to less and less social interaction (I regularly happily go several weeks without any human interaction). I would be more be more in support of this idea if there was some sort of compromise for eschewing human contact (Perhaps increased sensitivity to human sounds, as they stand out to you more or something), otherwise a player is being needless forced into a certain play style that is not essential to surviving.
  11. Preface; this is less of a hard suggestion, more of light theorycrafting. Ways to add a flavour of direction to DayZ that complement its core values of harsh difficulties and paranoia. I should also point out I would never consider having something like this as a standard DayZ implementation; it would be for clans or groups to try out for a change of pace or general experimentation. The original idea was the thought of trying to escape Chernarus. You need to repair a boat, and in order to do so you would need to collect the needed parts and the 'winner' would get better spawn gear or something like that. Now, obviously that's a horrible idea with all sorts of potential problems. There would be no incentive to betray other players, unless the reward was split in which case people would only betray at the last minute. There would be issues with players deliberately acquiring the needed items and logging off etc etc, a terrible idea. The anti-thesis of what (I believe) DayZ is about. So a better idea (although, not perfect). There is a device in the world that repels zombies (ZRD). It emits sub-sonic pulses that stops zombies getting close to the player who carries it (Or whatever reason, bare with me). Upon server restart and game start, one player at random spawns with the device. Everyone else spawns with a locator; at a set interval, say 10 minutes, the ZRD emits a ping that sets a note on every players map at its location, with a time stamp (A reason to have a watch!). If the player dies or logs off the device is dropped to the floor and continues to tick over to its next ping, that will be marked on the map as 'dropped'. The player could also manually drop the device. So the purpose of this? It adds a light goal and scenario to the game. It encourages both co-operation and betrayal; The player in control of the ZRD can reap the benefits of looting unmolested, but he knows that players will be hunting him, and thus needs to decide whether the risk that a player might betray him is worth having the extra manpower around when the hunters arrive. For the hunters themselves, it will obviously be easier for them to overpower the device holder if they have a larger group, but they then have to worry about betrayal from each other too as the device is so valuable. As the device pings the map as just 'dropped' regardless of whether the holder died, logged off or manually dropped it means tension around rushing to pick up a dropped device as it might be a trap. It wouldn't undermine the core ideals of the game, as survival is still a challenging priority. There would still be no 'end' to the game, it would be pure sandbox and players could choose to ignore the device entirely without compromising on their regular gameplay. The biggest benefit is that this doesn't implement any sort of time limit, something that most goal oriented ideas have and suffer from. Anyone have any similar ideas? I feel DayZ is a breeding ground for cool scenarios that fit with the nature of the game. I know there's a tonne of flaws with this idea, and the 'realism' aspect sticks out a bit, but I'm more interested in promoting discussion.
  12. Swi1ch

    Dayz as an AntiGame (wall of text warning).

    Pretty much agree, see Fridge Logic in sig.