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Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

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I'm praying for a DB wipe - I've been invisible for 3 weeks and spawn in the same place every time i log back in.

The game is busted for me and many others seeing as the invisible people can only talk to each other. We can hunt players as they can't see/shoot/harm us very easily and ruin the game for many.

I don't want to do that - I just want to play the game and have fun in the zombie apocalypse.

Try walking over some stones or into a certain bush near the Black Lake which managed to kill me for doing so.

Don't you suffer bloodloss from hunger and thirst? maybe just standing idle for a while (or placing some weight on your w-key to speed up the process) might solve your problem?

or just esc -> respawn

I thought people knew the fix to this problem by now. Don't use Steam to launch DayZ. You must use Six Launcher or you will be invisible.

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This is usually plagued by what's not asked in the main post, but still.

Just confirming the FPS and lag (fix) improvements, I play with 140-190ms in USA servers with a decent PC (i3-540, HD 5850 1 GB, 4 GB DDR 1333, GA-h55-USB3 Mobo) and had problems finding servers that allowed me to run the game smoothly, when 15-20+ players were around it would always get choppy no matter the server. I just tried 3 different servers with 140, 156, and 187ms, with 10, 15 and, 25 players and I just experienced smoothness all over my delicious screen.

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I'm praying for a DB wipe - I've been invisible for 3 weeks and spawn in the same place every time i log back in.

The game is busted for me and many others seeing as the invisible people can only talk to each other. We can hunt players as they can't see/shoot/harm us very easily and ruin the game for many.

I don't want to do that - I just want to play the game and have fun in the zombie apocalypse.

Try walking over some stones or into a certain bush near the Black Lake which managed to kill me for doing so.

Don't you suffer bloodloss from hunger and thirst? maybe just standing idle for a while (or placing some weight on your w-key to speed up the process) might solve your problem?

or just esc -> respawn

I thought people knew the fix to this problem by now. Don't use Steam to launch DayZ. You must use Six Launcher or you will be invisible.

I'm invisible and used Six-Launcher with camo.


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I know that we should not post any bugs here.. but this is fenomenon!

Right after 1.7.2 update, i find myself in debug fields WITHOUT any equip: char dont even have any food/ or water.

* [FIXED] Corrupted update data causes people to spawn in debug forest (now will not save corrupted position data)

i think you guys' date=' should work about that some more, because before this patch i didnt have ANY issues with bad data and so on.

sry for posting it here, but players must know about that...

I wonder if i get back to i'll be returned back to my location with all my stuff?


nah, It didnt work... whole char data was erased by launching 1.7.2 1 time...

seems I'm heaving break from this game for some time... all that adventures and loot, simply gone to nothing

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I thought people knew the fix to this problem by now. Don't use Steam to launch DayZ. You must use Six Launcher or you will be invisible.

This is crazy talk. Don't listen to this guy. The bug is from not having your game installed correctly.

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Okay, first things first: I saw some zombies(and even one player) running or walking but not moving, i mean they had walking/running animation but they didn't move from where they were standing(i have to admit, it looked kinda funny :) )

Secondly: I killed a zombie and suddenly lost of zombies appeared around me and instantly died :huh:

Thirdly: then i was crawling through a hangar my character suddenly had broken legs, then his legs went through the floor...I pressed respawn('cause my character was already a dead man, he was bleeding and unconscious and had lost from 12k blood to about 3.5k blood in a second) and saw debug plains(or whatever they're called) then "You Are Dead" sign popped up and i got stuck in pause menu(esc) and had to press alt+f4 to close the game... :@

well, that's it!

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Will transport with all stuff inside will be wiped out after this update (like tents) ?

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what the fuck...i joined a server, and something (maybe this patch) made me spawn FIFTY FEET IN THE FUCKING AIR...so guess what? *descending whistling* splat. knocked out, bleeding. woke up, legs broken. 4k blood. BUT! i found a morphine in the building RIGHT next to me! YAY but still wtf

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I am dissapointed, not saying i have the right to demand something because this is a alpha mod, but i am really dissappointed.

After the fast Hotfixes after 1.7.1 its hard to believe we have a such a mess again ...

I know its still alpha but this dosn`t mean there are no players with character with playtime over 20 or much more hours... and if they vanish caused by a patch... you know, it sux.

I have a lot of respect for you Rocket and your Crew, but pls do not do this to us again...

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Hmm, I read that zombies can run inside buildings now, I have yet too see this.

Also I'm not normally one to complain about zombies but man they can see for miles, I started a fresh char as I always do with new update releases, I spawned stood up on a beach, there was a zombie maybe 100 meters away....... I hadn't even moved yet and he was already running over.

We should at least spawn prone.

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Probably a noob question, but is it possible for me to revert my game back to

After installing the latest update (via SixLauncher) the game is unplayable for me. Took me a good hour to finally connect to a server, and after I did, I found the game lagging horribly... literally was dealing with one frame per second.

Left the server and tried others, and then realized that the whole thing is broken for me... even in the games main menu, I'm dealing with about a frame per second. =(

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I like how some appear to be more impulsive about lost stuff.

The first rule of DayZ is: Don't get too attached to your gear. Each new try provides a new challenge, whether you like it or not so much.

And secondly, from a technical / dev point-of-view, it's an Alpha. It has to be expected to lose stuff due to new versions, bugs, wipes, etc.

Just saying, it should be obvious anyway. Of course you can be unhappy about it, but come one, could be worse, eh? Within one RL week you can get most stuff.

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I thought people knew the fix to this problem by now. Don't use Steam to launch DayZ. You must use Six Launcher or you will be invisible.

This is crazy talk. Don't listen to this guy. The bug is from not having your game installed correctly.

I've had several friends switch to the DayZ version launched via Steam to be invisible. I could even make a video showing how launching through Steam makes you invisible and how everything's fine when launched through Six Launcher.

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I thought people knew the fix to this problem by now. Don't use Steam to launch DayZ. You must use Six Launcher or you will be invisible.

This is crazy talk. Don't listen to this guy. The bug is from not having your game installed correctly.

I've had several friends switch to the DayZ version launched via Steam to be invisible. I could even make a video showing how launching through Steam makes you invisible and how everything's fine when launched through Six Launcher.

I have always launched through steam.

Never was invis.

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I thought people knew the fix to this problem by now. Don't use Steam to launch DayZ. You must use Six Launcher or you will be invisible.

This is crazy talk. Don't listen to this guy. The bug is from not having your game installed correctly.

I've had several friends switch to the DayZ version launched via Steam to be invisible. I could even make a video showing how launching through Steam makes you invisible and how everything's fine when launched through Six Launcher.

that probably means it has to do with people not using the beta exe

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I like how some appear to be more impulsive about lost stuff.

The first rule of DayZ is: Don't get too attached to your gear. Each new try provides a new challenge' date=' whether you like it or not so much.

And secondly, from a technical / dev point-of-view, it's an Alpha. It has to be expected to lose stuff due to new versions, bugs, wipes, etc.

Just saying, it should be obvious anyway. Of course you can be unhappy about it, but come one, could be worse, eh? Within one RL week you can get most stuff.


I'm not attached to my gear and I know it can all be easily replaced, but when an update/patch took this long to come out and they were doing closed testing of it, only for it to come out with MAJOR game breaking bugs right from spawning in, means that something somewhere went wrong. I mean I'm not slamming rocket or his crew as I program myself and know it can be a real PITA to get bugs fixed, but something like the spawning and dying right away bug? Either it wasn't there when they were testing it or some extra code got added in before the release and it wasn't tested.

So yeah, of course people will be upset at losing gear and stuff, especially after rocket halted releasing the update to fix bugs and all with it with a closed test with his crew, only for it to be released with some pretty major bugs right off the bat.

EDIT: Just signed back into my regular server which is 1.7.2/94444 and after "Setup complete.." screen logged in and BAM instant shock timer *sigh*.

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But at the end' date=' I think there will be a great game concept. And it take precisely this pain to get there. As I said there is a reason "standard" development hasn't produced this game.


I hear you Rocket,

As a longtime software tester, i have to disagree a little with you.

I dont know, but looking at the time of when you said it was sent to closed testing, and before it was released, i see it as unlikely you can test anything more than "it runs" and maybe some very breif "smoke testing".

Im not gona tell you how to be a programmer, or how to do stuff, but i guess more time could be spent on code reviewing and give the internal testers more time to test the more vital parts. There is no benefit in rushing testing.

I understand that its a alpha, but its a public alpha, thus before releasing it, require more testing than usual.

Atleast thats my thoughts. Keep up the good work, i think the game is awesome and i love to test it for u, as a alpha player. Even if i now cant get into the game ;)

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I am getting horrible Desync on every server i join. wasnt this bad before :\ just saying, could be a legit issue

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Ok I had a fun spawn, on top of one of the silos in Cherno with a broken leg and bleeding.

Not where I signed out at all.

The joys of alpha testing!

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Coem on guys, stop spaming, more important stuff to ask here:

Will transport with all stuff inside will be wiped out (like tents) after this update?

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After the fast Hotfixes after 1.7.1 its hard to believe we have a such a mess again ...

Yeah, as i said before something is smelly here. Actually i took it as a sign of improvement when the update was delayed, observing this thread though ... i am not sure if lessons have been learned. Again the update is quite big, which migh be part of the cause.

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Ok, just got to try 1.7.2, and I took a few notes while I was playing.

I used Six updater to update and everything went smoothly as usual.

I logged into Seattle 43, and it was 38/50 at that time. My ping was 13. (guess where I am!)

I felt that the load times were a little bit longer than before, but not really all that long. Just long enough for me to go "...is it working?"

All of my gear was present and accounted for with the exception of my camo suit. I am now wearing the civilian clothes. Oddly enough, I still have my old pair of civ clothes in my inventory.

I spawned in the correct location

I noticed a new field on the debug monitor that said "Visual: 4.5". It went down to 0 after the sun went down.

The framerates were great. The only time I noticed a drop was when using my binoculars.

As far as Zed behavior goes, I didn't particularly notice a difference. My visibility icon was at 0 the whole time though, because the sun was going down on the server. So, darkness is correctly affecting your characters visibility (was it before? I don't remember). I aggrod 1 zed and led him into a church. He stopped running at the doorway like usual, and I was able to dispatch him without alerting any more zeds with my 1911.

Then I sprinted full up through the town and aggrod about 7 zed. They chased me across the field, and I was able to juke them without trouble in a long barn, just like before. So, overall I notice no meaningful change, which is disappointing, as I currently find them absurdly easy to deal with...hopefully they will be tougher when it is brighter out.

Did I mention that I was getting excellent framerates? The game ran smooth as glass for me, and my rig is nowhere near top of the line.

Great patch! I know others are having trouble, but I can only speak for myself. Nice work.

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