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Could still be hive issues' date=' going to check into it now.

EDIT: Yeah, it's the hive causing it, I can't do much about it :(. Usually when you see red chains and massive time dilation like that, it's usually hive related. The server just "halts" waiting to talk which causes the time dilation and makes it appear to be disconnected. I did some traces and the hive is giving me some bad pings back + packet loss.

Our other servers are running fine as well (non-arma related ones, TF2, Minecraft, CS:GO), so definitely hive related.

EDIT 2: Server is unreachable due to hive packet loss, it's running on the server just fine, but it's completely halted due to the hive.


Ok thanks for having a look into this :). It stops being funny after running into the same building 4 times and being send back outside again. The fun part is being able to run right upto zombies and them not even knowing your there though :D.

The hive went down at a terrible time last night (around 1:30am cst). Assault on NE airfield with about nine and we were engaged and lost four. We finally took control of the ATC tower and to my disbelief...one of the dead enemy with a 249 and 2 belts. F. Yes. Another with AS50 and NVGs. In the gear menu to collect...No Message Received...Session Lost....damn you hackers and your DDoSing.

Edit: My favorite server' date=' been using it exclusively for 3-4 weeks.


The M249 and A50, night vision goggles are all the the game although quite rare. If some had a Kord or guided missile launcher then hmm :).

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I seems kicked+banned since I camped 5-10 minutes in the lobby to take a piss and grab a drink. Can you unban me please. Thanks.

EDIT: oups sorry I can connect again. :D



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My apologizes to Luke, Jazz and their friend. You just came at the wrong time guys. We were about to leave and heard you start shooting so we got nervous. We waited a few minutes and again, just as we were about to leave, you came around the corner. I hope there are no hard feelings, we just didn't want to risk you possibly being bandits and killing us.

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Yeah Nikiller, it is just a lobby idler thing BEC does. It will kick you out after a period of time of being idle to free up room. You weren't banned at all :)

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Last night I was playing with a group between 7 or 8pm CST and 1:30am. For about the last 45 minutes to an hour of playing the server was locked and one of our members couldn't get back into the server. The only other player in the server at the time was Weedmasta[LOL]. http://arma2.swec.se/game/data/5250665

The other strange thing, and it's likely this is just a coincidence, but when we all disconnected for the night there was one member of my group who was the last to disconnect...he never got the chance. He said he went prone and then died and only Weedmasta was in the server and it was still locked.

I have video and pictures to confirm the locked status of the server. Is this a routine thing that late at night? I was under the impression that none of the servers should be locked. Anyways...just an FYI.

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The server locks when there are X amount of people in the lobby. It is possible BEC glitched out and locked the server, but I've never seen it do that before. I do know that none of the server admins locked it.

As for going prone, you really have to be careful of your surroundings, I've seen people clip into things and die instantly (it's even happened to myself on occasion).

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I figured it was probably nothing sinister as I've only seen a hack on this server once and that was probably close to a month ago. I've also never seen any sort of admin funny business either.

Thanks for the response.

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For some reason I get 100% packet loss from your server when I use the "ping" command while using cmd.exe, I also tried this on a neighbor's internet. Either my town is black listed or my ISP is being a bunch of a**holes, could you maybe look into this? I can send you my ip if you'd like.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]

Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

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That's intentional. You can still see the ping if you view our DayZ server in the browser. Same deal with our other servers and the steam browser (TF2 & CS:GO) :)

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To the guys that killed me northwest of podolka dam.

The moment i saw you driving in the van i knew i was dead. you could have just robbed me and left me in the wilderness..but no! you had to shoot me.

Enjoy my Lee Einfeld. Thats all i got to say,

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To the guys that killed me northwest of podolka dam.

The moment i saw you driving in the van i knew i was dead. you could have just robbed me and left me in the wilderness..but no! you had to shoot me.

Enjoy my Lee Einfeld. Thats all i got to say' date='


We apologize, for killing you Mr. Plores, we have to protect our Mystery Van :)

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haha okei guys, but watch out. i'll find that van of yours and crash it in the fire station at NW. ;)

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Performed a little maintenance on the server so it was down for a few minutes longer than usual on this restart. It should be back up now. :)

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Are repairable helis in this server? I was told by a few different people that they are not...

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Semi large group of players that seemed to be hacking attacked our camp today.

Just wanted to say that when i logged on here where about 13 players. After dieing and being able to log back in there was about 28 which slowly went back down to 13.

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Was considering making this my home server. Logged in, and within the span of 20 minutes was attacked 3 times by a teleporting hacker. He failed to kill me first two times and I DCed out because I knew it was a hacker. I was camping barracks in a tree, I hear grass crumple behind me, start taking fire from M4 SD. No way anyone saw me from behind, and it wasnt a gradual grass sound, it was as if he plopped onto the grass from slightly above ground level a few meters behind me. I left the server, went to another server to heal up, came back and within 3 minutes same exact thing happened to me. Joined the walking clan teamspeak, and they were all complaining about hackers as well. Seems US 10 is a pretty big target for hackers. Basically, if you have a presence on the forums of any kind, you are a much bigger target for hackers. Kind of lame.

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We've had the same issue in the past while playing warfare. Hackers usually picked server with most ppl on it, looked if the round was running for several hours and started hacking=ruined the whole evening. The point is, ppl learned to simply ignore that, which means, no yelling, no typing, ( ok thats not possible in here), after 2 weeks they got bored and it did not happen again for a long time. But this kind of mod is really really good for hacking, cause you'll hurt the ppl that much. Sad but true..

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Was considering making this my home server. Logged in' date=' and within the span of 20 minutes was attacked 3 times by a teleporting hacker. He failed to kill me first two times and I DCed out because I knew it was a hacker. I was camping barracks in a tree, I hear grass crumple behind me, start taking fire from M4 SD. No way anyone saw me from behind, and it wasnt a gradual grass sound, it was as if he plopped onto the grass from slightly above ground level a few meters behind me. I left the server, went to another server to heal up, came back and within 3 minutes same exact thing happened to me. Joined the walking clan teamspeak, and they were all complaining about hackers as well. Seems US 10 is a pretty big target for hackers. Basically, if you have a presence on the forums of any kind, you are a much bigger target for hackers. Kind of lame.


This just isn't the case. Infact, we haven't had any real major issues until this weekend. Which I'm actively working on banning, I've already noted down possibles and am crosschecking before I make the bans. If you could provide me with the exact time this happened I can nab this guy as well and report him to the global ban list for DayZ. The newer hacks require a bit more log digging and referencing, but nothing I can't find.

We've had the same issue in the past while playing warfare. Hackers usually picked server with most ppl on it' date=' looked if the round was running for several hours and started hacking=ruined the whole evening. The point is, ppl learned to simply ignore that, which means, no yelling, no typing, ( ok thats not possible in here), after 2 weeks they got bored and it did not happen again for a long time. But this kind of mod is really really good for hacking, cause you'll hurt the ppl that much. Sad but true..


This is true, a lot of servers get hit by it. What separates servers are the ones that try to keep up on bans as best as possible.

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ever thought about putting pw on the server, so ppl have to join TS/mumble or any forum to get pw to play? Or isn't it allowed to put pw on dayz server? I mean if you have some kind of stock pool of frequent players, bout you know that they're not a bunch of dicks, you're safe..

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Was considering making this my home server. Logged in' date=' and within the span of 20 minutes was attacked 3 times by a teleporting hacker. He failed to kill me first two times and I DCed out because I knew it was a hacker. I was camping barracks in a tree, I hear grass crumple behind me, start taking fire from M4 SD. No way anyone saw me from behind, and it wasnt a gradual grass sound, it was as if he plopped onto the grass from slightly above ground level a few meters behind me.[/quote']

Are you sure someone didn't just legitimately creep up on you? It is possible to see players in trees and if he crawled with the shift button you may not have heard him till he left the prone position. It's the most likely explanation i'm afraid.

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ever thought about putting pw on the server' date=' so ppl have to join TS/mumble or any forum to get pw to play? Or isn't it allowed to put pw on dayz server? I mean if you have some kind of stock pool of frequent players, bout you know that they're not a bunch of dicks, you're safe..


Unfortunately, I don't believe you can have the server passworded even if you make the password public.

' pid='279858' dateline='1341840220']

Was considering making this my home server. Logged in' date=' and within the span of 20 minutes was attacked 3 times by a teleporting hacker. He failed to kill me first two times and I DCed out because I knew it was a hacker. I was camping barracks in a tree, I hear grass crumple behind me, start taking fire from M4 SD. No way anyone saw me from behind, and it wasnt a gradual grass sound, it was as if he plopped onto the grass from slightly above ground level a few meters behind me.[/quote']

Are you sure someone didn't just legitimately creep up on you? It is possible to see players in trees and if he crawled with the shift button you may not have heard him till he left the prone position. It's the most likely explanation i'm afraid.

This is also a possibility.

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ever thought about putting pw on the server' date=' so ppl have to join TS/mumble or any forum to get pw to play? Or isn't it allowed to put pw on dayz server? I mean if you have some kind of stock pool of frequent players, bout you know that they're not a bunch of dicks, you're safe..


Unfortunately, I don't believe you can have the server passworded even if you make the password public.

' pid='279858' dateline='1341840220']

Was considering making this my home server. Logged in' date=' and within the span of 20 minutes was attacked 3 times by a teleporting hacker. He failed to kill me first two times and I DCed out because I knew it was a hacker. I was camping barracks in a tree, I hear grass crumple behind me, start taking fire from M4 SD. No way anyone saw me from behind, and it wasnt a gradual grass sound, it was as if he plopped onto the grass from slightly above ground level a few meters behind me.[/quote']

Are you sure someone didn't just legitimately creep up on you? It is possible to see players in trees and if he crawled with the shift button you may not have heard him till he left the prone position. It's the most likely explanation i'm afraid.

This is also a possibility.

3 times in the span of 20 minutes, all with the exact same MO? Its not like he was hitting me from the flank or the front, it was from directly behind, close enough that I could hear the gun (silenced M4). Sorry, dont think so. I am a pretty careful player, longest life was over 2k zed kills and 3 weeks. You dont get that far without understanding that you dont move before you know whats going on. I had scouted the area for a good 5 minutes before proceeding. No zed spawns, no movement. If he was legit in the area, zeds would have been spawned. I know for a fact that he teleported behind me.

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